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Everything posted by Aces51

  1. hyderd,that link doesn't work for me but thanks for posting it. This is the same address but hopefully, this one will work. https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.800845563322698.1073741831.129552893785305&type=1
  2. Looks as if Max Fricke is back in the UK together with Justin Sedgmen and Sam Masters https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1054898081190754&set=gm.375368195976716&type=1&theater&refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bellevuearmy.co.uk%2Fshowthread.php&refid=9&_rdr#_=_
  3. It has to be the "Wizard of Balance" the "Mighty Atom" Peter Craven. He was still in his prime when he died and could easily have achieved more than his two world titles. His style of riding was not the stand up broadsiding style of his contemporaries but the modern sit down style using his body weight and movement to control the bike and get grip. He was a good gater but also able to come from the back and to team ride. How good it would be to see him, not just for the sheer thrill of being able again to see his superb racing skills but also for him to have the opportunity to have a full career and then enjoy the rest of his life. Edited to add the link to this photograph which epitomises Peter's style, captures the excitement he so often generated and his brilliant ability to come from the back. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204999015708178&id=1025513025&set=gm.658478544275288&source=48
  4. It is certainly no tin shed and although it may be a minor stadium compared to those built for major sports it is still going to be the best speedway stadium in this country. I find it amazing that people can still be going on about the SWC, which is a very minor issue in comparison to the achievement of actually getting a purpose built speedway stadium built in a major city, close to the city centre with all the necessary transport links and facilities to attract major events.
  5. Two systems are already approved. The Poole Mark 1, which cuts off the water supply to the showers but can only be used in play off finals and then only if Poole lose and the Poole Mark 2, which floods only a short section of the inside line and is approved for use anytime Poole wish to call off a match. To be fair I should also mention that the Belle Vue Mark 1 system, which floods the whole track and makes racing dangerous failed to get approval when it was realised that the Poole we need the points to get to the Play offs and Belle Vue have a weakened team card overruled everything else.
  6. The land adjoins the existing stadium so it was not the same as applying for planning at a site with no history of motor sport and stock cars will be continuing at the old stadium. Also, it is a council project. There is a going to be a sound barrier between the track and the houses closest to the track so the noise level should be less than they suffer at the moment.
  7. Good to see that the work is progressing. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.800845563322698.1073741831.129552893785305&type=1
  8. Belle Vue's own Private Frazer. We're doomed, we're doomed. I prefer Monty Python's Always Look On The Bright Side. I'm bound to be right sometime.
  9. Maybe that explains the Coventry statement on the visa issue or am I just being cynical.😂 Whatever the reasons I think what Mick Horton has said is right.
  10. Admirable sentiments from Gordon Pairman. However, they might be seen as hypocritical considering the clubs history including the infamous farce at Belle Vue, the cancellation of the Lakeside match and the numerous occasions when there has been no mention of cancelling matches where the visiting team was understrength. The test isn't just whether it cheats the Poole public but whether it cheats the fans of any club or the speedway fraternity at large.
  11. Cook and Worrall didn't do as well as expected but the main problem was that our ftd reserves were often massively outscored by their opposite numbers. Hopefully, this year they will at least hold their own. Our top five is a match for any other team competed so far.
  12. Adults: £232.00 Concessions: £175.00 (OAP and students 17-18) Children 12-16: £82.00 (under 12 free entry with an adult) Prices are for 14 home league meetings and include a £3.00 programme.
  13. I've always liked Robbo. Good to watch and gives 100%. Having said that he does seem to be far too eager these days to try to get a flyer.
  14. Interesting comments from Jason Crump to Max Fricke on his signing for the Aces. Nice to see the regard Jason has for the club. http://instagram.com/p/wn_mGdIqA1/
  15. One of the best gaters ever and no slouch when in front. A top rider in his day, not one of the top five but the next tier down.
  16. Let's hope that doesn't happen and that he does get a place but if it does I am sure he will get a place when the unfortunately,inevitable happens and someone gets injured. So far as Craig Cook is concerned why do those criticising him think he asked Edinburgh for time before he signed for them. Obviously, he was trying to get a team place abroad. It is said that it is more difficult for him because rather than looking at his rapid progress in the time he has been riding foreign promoters look at his age and prefer to sign youngsters who look to be exciting prospects. Whether that is true I don't know but I think his doubling up again is more down to financial necessity rather than any lack of ambition.
  17. Just to complicate matters further, isn't he now a BSPA asset following the demise of the Phillips era?
  18. In just hoping that Richie gets fixed up with an EL place elsewhere. He didn't have as good a season as was expected last year but I think he will kick on again this year. There are fast track riders who have more experience than Richie and of course Steve is in the draft. It could be argued that he is unfortunate not to have been included.
  19. Maybe but as the saying goes, you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink! Might still be good for him though to get him away from the ruts and pot holes of life that seem to attract him!
  20. Of course it is the same logic. Heat leaders had a harder job last year and second strings had an easier job so if heat leaders coming in on a pre 2014 average should have that average reduced then similarly, second strings coming in on a pre 2014 average should have it increased.
  21. Applying that logic then second strings coming in who didn't ride here last year should have their average, real or assessed, increased.
  22. It's just part of the usual hyperbole when announcing a signing. A bit like riders always having wanted to ride for whichever club they sign for.
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