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Everything posted by Aces51

  1. You edited it so you obviously put some thought into your comments. There is no way anybody could read it other than as deliberately intended to cause offence. Either be a grown up and apologise for your deliberate actions or don't apologise at all. A snivelling, begrudging appology just makes you look even worse.
  2. Of course he is but that's because Friday is the best night for the club to get the best crowd.It is no accident that 3 clubs have decided that Friday is the best night for them to race and that a fourth wanted to change to that night. It is a sound commercial decision. The problem is that some clubs are restricted by the nights available from their landlords and in some cases, I'm thinking of Poole, by perhaps not wanting to change from a traditional race night which is still bringing in decent crowds.
  3. In this week's SS Jon Cook is supporting Thursday and Friday. The argument in favour of avoiding clashes with the PL is very valid and would please many,including me but just how many extra fans would it attract? Undoubtedly, some but I don't see it as something that stops newcomers. They come for the first time, see the spectacle of four men on bikes racing, the presentation, the atmosphere, the facilities in the stadium, the cost and they either decide it's worth another visit or that it isn't for them. In any event the problem of doubling up riders can be solved by other means. Better fixture planning and squads are two ways apparently being tried this year. My opinion on bringing back the top riders is that the real problem is money. Monday and Wednesday racing will help for some but they still won't come if the money isn't right and the fact is that the sport in the UK can't afford them. Crowds were falling long before they left and will they even increase crowd numbers sufficient to cover their cost? Having seen the effect on crowds at Belle Vue when Crump and Zagar were and weren't riding, I doubt it. Monday and Wednesday also have the added problem of not being consecutive days, so potentially involving riders travelling from Poland to the UK to Sweden and back to the UK on consecutive days. That is not going to encourage them to come here. Conversely, having Friday and to a lesser extent Thursday as the fixed days is much more attractive to parents to bring along children and only involves one trip for riders from abroad. It is also the time of week when many think about spending whatever they have available for sport and entertainment and so far more likely to bring in the new fans and bring back some of those who have drifted away. Saturday is even better but we know there are just too many problems for the EL to use that night on a regular basis. Perhaps the most telling point is going to be that potentially 4 EL clubs, 50%, are likely to be in favour of Friday when it comes to the vote.
  4. Belle Vue have home matches against Coventry and Lakeside on Saturdays so, as King's Lynn haven't yet got a No. 1, that seems only to leave Swindon, Poole or Wolves as the possible teams with the reluctant two No.1's. Assuming of course that there is some truth in this rumourthat Saturday isn't an option for a couple of riders.
  5. Great news. It's going to be difficult to be ready for July but the main thing is that it gets built and I don't suppose most Swindon fans will be too bothered if it's not ready until 2017.
  6. It's not difficult is it. Now let's all remember, we've agreed these new squad rules, we don't want anyone jumping the gun and announcing anything, particularly without a full explanation, until we make the official announcement first thing tomorrow explaining exactly what we've agreed and why. We don't want to look as if we couldn't organise the proverbial trip to the brewery do we.
  7. Of course at the moment there is nothing to suggest that King's Lynn are going to do anything to break the rules or to engineer a change. However, I find it incredible that anyone would encourage and condone any twisting or bending of the rules on the basis that others have done it. That is a recipe to totally destroy any credibility the sport has and to make any success in the league meaningless. It is even worse that people would think it acceptable for the new Chairman of the BSPA, the man we are relying on to put the sport back on the road to recovery, should be the one to do it for the benefit of his own club. I have no objection and hope that other clubs want to help King's Lynn and Leicester providing that help does not contravene the rules or disadvantage the remaining clubs who got their teams organised. King's Lynn have had the same opportunities as everyone else to build their team and should bear the consequences if they are now in difficulties. I don't recall any help being given when David Gordon and Chris Morton took over the Aces and faced problems because most of the other teams had been sorted.
  8. A dyslexic war cry. That's a first. Our maybe not. Maybe I need to put my brain in gear but it is early in the morning.
  9. I'm not convinced that the standard of lower order riders is better today. It may appear so but I think that is because of the point I made previously, that throttle control is a lost art and even poor riders making the gate and keeping the throttle open often beat much better riders. In the 50's and 60's it was mainly skill that mattered. The famous five, Craven, Moore, Fundin, Briggs and Knutsson were a step above all others, not because of any fitness programme or ultra professionalism, they were just better riders. I take your point about memory and nostalgia and yet in relation to many other sports I think that the skill and product on offer today is superior to what we saw years ago. Speedway as a spectacle was better when equipment was more standardised and tracks were deeper.
  10. I disagree with virtually all of that. Riders have always moaned about track conditions, the weather and tracks they don't like, it is and always had been a part of human nature that every trade and profession has to have it's share of moaners and complainers. Sportsmen and women are no different. As for the standard of racing in the GP's and SWC, I think that is because when it comes to the top events riders are more prepared to put it on the line and race that bit harder. There is evidence on YouTube that the standard of racing is no better or worse now than it has every been and I accept that my opinions are probably influenced by spending many years watching speedway at Hyde Road,the best racing circuit in the UK and a touch of nostalgia. However, I still believe racing was better prior to the introduction of the lay down engines. In my opinion their introduction and the developments since have resulted in machines which favour slick tracks and have made throttle control an unnecessary skill. The result is that it is now more difficult to pass, even when lesser riders get out in front, because everyone is riding with the throttle wide open and slick tracks give fewer passing opportunities. I think back to the 1950's and unless he was racing someone like Fundin or Briggs, you knew with 90% certainty that the likes of Pete Craven would win a race no matter where he gated.Likewise, it seemed that most riders were rarely beaten by riders of significantly lesser ability, something that seems to happen now if a reserve or poor second string makes a good gate. I think it was because the 50's and to some extent up to the mid 70's were a time with deeper tracks and pretty standard bikes. Having said all of that, I still enjoy watching and attend regularly and I still see decent racing but the good races seem fewer than I remember in the heydays of the sport.
  11. I agree with everything said by Halifaxtiger. My point about the SCB is that I cannot see the BSPA agreeing to an independent individual or body to ensure compliance with the rules and to make binding rulings. I put forward the SCB as a realistic viable option which they may accept. It would be up to the SCB to ensure that those members dealing with breaches or interpretations of the rules did not have any conflict of interest, at the very least were not connected to any team involved and that the BSPA representatives were always in a minority.
  12. I really do hope so but they are going to find it difficult to finalise a deal for the land, draw up plans, submit them for planning permission, allow time for any hiccups and objections and then get the stadium built all within about 16 months.
  13. You could be right but then again. ... I prefer to be an optimist life is so much better that way and the shocks no greater if things go wrong.
  14. I don't think I said anything about winning titles and we all know that some teams perform above expectations and some below. It's too early to form an opinion about who will finish where in the league until all of the teams are known.
  15. On balance I think Belle Vue are as strong as last season. Boxall is a better rider than Nielsen and will score as many points more than Stefan as Richie may score less than Josh. Add to that the likely improvement from Cook and Fricke and they could even be stronger.
  16. Maybe because they are two different issues. The first is about the use of a word which I wouldn't use but which in common usage has different meanings dependent upon the context in which it is used. The second is about the wisdom of a Promoter insulting paying customers. There is nothing inconsistent about supporting the first and being critical of the second.
  17. My point, which I thought was clear, is that the original story was that North wasn't going to ride here in 2016 because he wanted to look after his Dad, it then transpired he was riding here and the story changed to he was only riding here because he had been offered contacts in a number of European leagues and the offers are too good to turn down. Today, you tell us that part of the reason he wasn't going to ride here was because Poole hadn't offered him a contract. All of these reasons could well be true. My point is that today is the first time we have heard about the role Poole played in his decision making. Hence my point about the spin put on the story, trying to make it look as if it was wholly to do with concern for his father or, the lure of lucrative contacts and nothing to do with Poole not wanting him. Coincidentally, putting the sole reason as caring for his father supported Poole's actions in the play offs and some may think that was the reason for the spin.
  18. It may or may not have been correct at the time but if we are to believe Skidder1's most recent version it was far from being the whole story. Apparently, a part of his reason was that he was not offered a place at Poole but the Poole spin machine forgot to mention that aspect of the story.
  19. Howarth usually did ok at Kirky Lane so he shouldn't have too much difficulty adapting to Monmore Green. However, he won't be the stand out tier 1 rider if he rides as he did after losing his place at Swindon.
  20. Did you forget to mention that when it was said he was staying home to look after his father?
  21. It wasn't cheating but it was against the rules. If the referee had noticed once the race started then Newman would have been disqualified and his points wouldn't have counted. It is exactly the same as when it is noticed during or, immediately after, a race that a rider has not got a dirt deflector fitted. A situation I have witnessed at least twice and on both occasions the rider was disqualified and those finishing behind him moved up a place. The reality is that the referee apparantly didn't notice, Poole gained the points and an overall victory by 2 points. End of story.
  22. I think you'll find it was David Gordon and Chris Morton who got us to the final by building the new stadium and getting the SWC final allocated to Manchester.
  23. Sorry to read that Gary's operation wasn't a success and that he had to go back because of the infections. Infections seems far too common in hospitals these days. Hopefully, he will have a speedy recovery and be home for Christmas.
  24. They can't all be academics like Roscoe. His understanding of the rule book, his mastery of tactics and his erudite comments and deep analysis of events are obvious for all to see. His motivational skills, particularly apparent during the play off semi finals last year, can only be admired.
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