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Everything posted by Aces51

  1. A sensible rule book, properly policed and fairly applied would be a start and would give the sport credibility. For those who don't remember it was one of Chapman's promises when he took office. Many might think it is an easily achievable objective that wouldn't cost very much, if anything. For reasons I can't fathom, we are still waiting.
  2. If you normally buy a programme the season ticket deal at Belle Vue saves you over £40 plus a small saving on the entrance fee. I worked it out when I bought my season ticket but have forgotten now just exactly what the savings were. If I remember correctly, it equates to being able to miss about 3 meetings without being out of pocket. Plus, you get an organised visit to the pits and an opportunity to watch racing from the centre green. I can't see that saving £6/£8 on the entrance fee is going to influence many additional fans to travel to away meetings. The biggest financial factor for those considering whether to go is the total cost including the travel cost and the saving on the entrance fee may only represent a fraction of that total cost. However, it may entice a few extra to go and therefore, any loss in revenue to the home club wood be minimal, so it it's worth a try. Belle Vue have tried reduced admission in the past and it resulted in a greater financial loss. However, the debate shouldn't end there. There is the argument that a tv audience, seeing a big crowd, are more likely to think that this might be a sport worth going to see live. I would like to believe that to be true but unfortunately, I have seen no evidence of that at theNSS. We had packed stadiums at the World Team Cup Final and at the SON meetings but I saw no increase in numbers attending subsequent meetings at Belle Vue. Fans come out in greater numbers at bank holidays and during the summer holidays when the schools have finished. I think that might just be telling us that, teams that can, should be running at times when families can attend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It would not only increase crowd numbers but provide the opportunity to attract the younger fans we so desperately need. One big league using only riders who will commit to racing in the UK.
  3. The KL current league position is completely misleading because of their lack of home meetings. If you look at the home points dropped versus away points gained they are presently +3 and only Ipswich are better at +4. The addition of Cook strengthens them significantly and if Riss returns they will be even stronger. I would make them favourites to top the league.
  4. That doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't now suffering the affects of that crash in Poland but he rode well on Monday so seems unlikely. Maybe he is just unwell. It happens.
  5. I think he rode for Lodz last weekend. If it's the meeting I'm thinking of all 4 riders, including Tungate, crashed and fell on the first bend of heat 1. He continued after that and completed the meeting but maybe he's suffering the after affects of that crash.
  6. The dog track certainly had its problems but it never produced the sort of racing we see at the NSS because of its size and shape. Long straights and tight bends. Even in the last few years, when Colin Meredith was the curator and the track was well prepared, the quality of racing improved but gating was still paramount and passing at a premium unless riders made mistakes. The difference is that unlike the dog track, Poole is a track proven capable of providing good racing and only now prevented from doing so by allowing the track to get into its current state.
  7. The article about the track doesn't sound to me like extensive remedial work is going to be done. More like another attempt at a quick fix. I also don't understand this rubbish about blaming the early start time. Yes, it is more difficult but Belle Vue started at the same time and had one of the most entertaining meetings of the season. It did get dusty towards the end but that didn't stop the brilliant racing and was down to not having watered as much before the meeting because of the forecast rain.
  8. I thought that work had been done at least twice in recent years to sort out the problems or have I imagined that.
  9. Cook is an excellent signing and will have no difficulty improving on what is a ridiculous average of 7.19. I am pleased that he has got a PL team. I said when he signed for Peterborough that I thought he was going to have a good year and his form for Glasgow supports that. Even if he has a standard Stars race suit nobody will know who, if anybody, has backed down or whether a compromise was reached without knowing the financial details of Cook's contract. Again the authorities failed to think through the affect of the new CL/PL conversion rate when applying it to riders with a 2018 PL average who didn't have a PL place.
  10. Very pleased to read how good the racing was last night. It proves that the track can still produce the quality racing we are used to at the EOS. It's just a matter of preparing it properly.
  11. I have been impressed with some of his photographs. I have no idea if you have to be 18 to get a pass but it would seem odd if that is true when you can race when as young as 15. Equally, I can understand older photographers feeling aggrieved if they feel that a competitor is getting an unfair advantage because of his connections. However, you don't deal with that by bullying the person concerned. You deal with it by taking the matter up with those you feel are allowing what you perceive to be unfair competition.
  12. We see the same riders at the NSS as at every other PL track and yet they give 100%, they try different lines and racing is often fast and close. The only conclusion I can draw from that is that the problem doesn't lie with the riders but with the tracks.
  13. Good to see that Zach and Dan Bewley were at the No Limits event at the NSS today receiving help and advice from Jason Crump. I'm sure that both will have benefitted.
  14. It seems strange if it is riders that are asking for the track to be graded differently. It is Fricke, Bewley and to a lesser extent Bjerre, who have made so many passes and gained so many points by using the wide line. At the moment we see Fricke and Bewley trying the wide line and losing ground until it comes into its own in the last third of the meeting.
  15. I recall that there were a fair few on here criticising the trips that Chris and David made as pointless jollies.
  16. To be fair Lambert's form hasn't been that great in Poland either but hopefully, after his good performance on Saturday, we shall now see an improvement everywhere.
  17. I know this is speedway and that working together is a foreign concept. However, you would think that those who have recently built a new track, those who have made alterations to try to improve their tracks and those who had good racing tracks and have managed to make them into one racing line tracks might all be knocking on Chris's door asking for advice. Maybe they have but they've kept it very quiet if they have.
  18. Should be an entertaining meeting with Doyle and Batchelor, who do well at the NSS, Ellis can score a few points and the two Poles should also find it to their liking. I Our reserves are stronger, and we will at least match the Robins at heat leader and second string level. I feel optimistic, 50-40.
  19. Plenty of exciting racing, a fair few surprises and well done to Robert Lambert on reaching the semi final stage. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
  20. The NSS has always produced much better racing when slick. The most obvious example was the World Team Cup race off and final. For the race off it was grippy, Iversen set the track record, racing was fast but processional. For the final on the following night it was slick, race times were slower but the quality of the racing was superb. As Acef said, it is best slick but with enough dirt on the outside to be useable.
  21. The fact is that the Stars were a two man team and no team can win league points away if only two riders are performing. The only heat winners for the Stars were Lambert, Palm-Toft and Proctor and they only managed 4 between them. Nonetheless, it was a very entertaining meeting with plenty of passing and close racing.
  22. I am sure that the council will have carried out their due diligence and perhaps they preferred to delve into the facts rather than rely on newspaper reports.
  23. Not sure it would be an upset. Most of the Stars team have done well at the NSS and Palm-Toft can be and has been, a match winner. He seems to excel on his visits to Belle Vue and can be used to great advantage at reserve. Having said all that I think we will win but it will be close. We need our heat leaders to take points off Lambert as well as the other two heat leaders and I think they will but Wells needs to score at least his average and Berge to ride as he did in the SON. 48-42.
  24. There may be others I haven't seen but I know that Craig Cook is being very supportive of Taylor on Twitter and Instagram. Good to see and typical of Craig. Those photographers involved in the disgusting behaviour should be ashamed of themselves. It says a lot about them and about the quality of Taylor's work if they're jealous of the competition.
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