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Everything posted by Aces51

  1. As you say E I Addio, makes no sense to be testing set ups at Lakeside. Truth is that apart from a draw at Wolves and a couple of losses just over the 6 points to get anything out of it, we are poor away. My reading is that Cook and Worrall have not been at their best away from home all season. In fact Worrall is not doing that well at home either. Zagar also seems to be missing that edge he had last year. I don't think it's anything unusual, riders have these spells all the time. What is causing the damage is to have three riders not at their best at the same time. The problem is then made worse by having only one reliable reserve. Even he had an of night last night. The bright spots are Nicholls, Palm-Toft and Nielsen. Attwood can only do so much. He creates the right sort of atmosphere for a good team spirit and the riders relate to him. Belle Vue are not generally known for getting rid of riders and I wouldn't want to see Cook, Worrall or Zagar replaced. They have the ability and I prefer to show loyalty and hope they ride back to their best form.
  2. I can see that both the Aces potentially having a better season than recent years and the loss of the irreplaceable Leigh Adams could explain the crowd levels. However, that doesn't explain the dislike by many Swindon fans of the fast track system. Speaking to fans at Belle Vue what many like about the new system is seeing British NL riders given an opportunity to progress and the new format, which provides more races involving riders of similar ability. It will be interesting to see if that attitude changes following our poor away form and a number of matches where our reserves have been heavily outscored by their opposite numbers.
  3. Well done to Lakeside. A very poor performance from the Aces. The only saving grace is that once they got dialled in they actually outscored Lakeside over the last six heats 16-20. However, that is no consolation, they should have come to terms with the track much sooner.
  4. It's difficult to explain. Aces and Swindon are in a similar position with the fast track riders. Both have one good rider, Worrall and Nielsen and a second rider who has struggled. Most Aces supporters I have spoken to like the new format and crowds seem to be up whereas Swindon supporters on here seen against it and apparently crowds are down.
  5. In fact the MEN article from 2013 you copied refers to the construction company, ISG, anticipating the stadium would be ready in 2014. They are obviously experienced in these matters so it is hardly unreasonable that the Belle Vue promotion thought the same. What you seem to fail to grasp is that the development includes much more than the stadium and no matter what Belle Vue do they are also dependent on others, including the council, doing what they have to do. There was also the minor matter of the covenant that was only discovered during due diligence, that required a significant redrawing of the stadium plans. Perhaps, it might help determine the value of your contributions on this topic if you were to enlighten us as to your relevant experience and qualifications in dealing with such matters. You could also explain your justification for your comment that Gordon and Morton are clowns and apparently unfit to run the new stadium when it is built.
  6. So on the one hand, we have Arthur Cross. We have no idea if he has any experience whatsoever in these matters but he feels suitably qualified to call David Gordon and Chris Morton clowns, apparently based on some unspecified dealings he had with them. On the other hand we know that David Gordon is an extremely successful businessman who, with Chris Morton, had the vision and ability to persuade Manchester City Council to support and largely fund the new stadium. Not only that but also to gain the support and financial backing of a number of very high profile and respected business people who have known David Gordon for some time. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=74455&page=1 My experience is that such organisations and high profile businessmen are not known for supporting those they do not believe have the necessary ability to deliver. I know whose opinions I believe and it is not Arthur Cross.
  7. I don't know about keep going off to Torun. I didn't know they were regular visitors. The major influence on the track design is the Hyde Road track, regarded by many as the best track we've ever had in the UK. No need to go Peterborough.
  8. No wonder this forum is regarded so poorly with the cynicism and negativity that a seems to pervade most threads. I prefer to be an optimistic realist. Plainly, the planning application stage is now very close for the Sports Village, which is a major project for the city. That is new news and a major step forward. It's a catch 22. The promoters are criticised when there is no news and now, when they release details of another step on the way to achieving the new stadium.
  9. The positive news has to be that it is still moving forward, that the council are fully supportive, that it has now reached the stage of a series of information displays to the public and that the planning application is expected later this month. We would all prefer to see much quicker progress, including the Belle Vue promotion. However, that is not in their hands but slowly and surely things are progressing.
  10. Ask Troy Batchelor and Matej Zagar. 😁
  11. My recollection is that the original plan was that riders were to be allocated to teams geographically local to where they live. That changed for some reason.
  12. Good to see Stars fans enjoying their success,particularly those who have supported them during the leaner years. Well done tonight. Poole have weak links this year but still look likely to make the play offs.
  13. If vision was the problem how do you explain heat 11 and in fact, heat 12? Why do you think there has been such condemnation of the decision? However, I do always want to be fair. I was going to say that in over 30 years of management and having read many management manuals and attended numerous management courses I had never heard anyone recommend humiliating staff in public to gain their respect and improve their performance. However, I thought before commenting further I would do some final research and I have to admit that I did find someone who recommend doing exactly what Rosco did. In fact they are not that far from Swindon. Perhaps that was the course Rosco attended. For reference the details are; Mr D Brent School of Modern Management Reading. Apparently, one of his disciples has a very senior position at a call centre in Wales. 😁😁😁
  14. I have visited almost every PL track, seen some brilliant and some poor racing. Likewise in the EL. The difference still is that in the EL you see the better riders. If you prefer seeing the quality riders and appreciating their skills then in the UK that is the EL. Coupled with that I have enjoyed the fact that the race format this year means more races between riders of comparable ability. It's a matter of personal preference.
  15. It has little to do with the standards of the EL simply a distortion of the average brought about by the new format. Does anyone really think that Kerr and Blackbird are better at the moment than the like of Watt, Karlsson, Harris and many others.
  16. Darcy is potentially the best rider in the world and if he achieves his potential could be one of the greats. However, many riders have shown similar potential and never achieved what many thought they could. The Moran's and Henka Gustafsson spring to mind. PUK is presently achieving more than Darcy if you take account of all competitions in which they are involved. He is the better of the two at the moment. Time will tell whether Darcy will achieve his potential. He is the most gifted rider I have seen in recent years and it will be a terrible waste if he doesn't reach the very top. I think and hope he will.
  17. OK, hands up, perhaps I thought Rosco is cleverer than he is. I mentioned his comments about the rain getting heavier during his interview after heat 10 because I thought he was being tactically clever and laying the ground to give a reason to call it off after heat 12. His comments followed a discussion off air with Charlie when he had made the same point which she challenged but still he felt the need to make it on air. Obviously, you don't think he is that bright. 😀 The real weather and visibility position was there for all to see in heat 11. A bit pathetic, childish and irrelevant to raise the water bowser and Poole match last year. BV were not allowed to call off the Poole match and did not want it to go ahead.
  18. No manager should criticise staff in front of others and certainly not in public because the risk is that it is humiliating and likely to destroy confidence and respect for the manager. It's a bit early after two good matches to claim anything has worked but regardless it is something you don't do if you have any respect for people. A good manager will get the results without resorting to such tactics. Of course it was Allen who made the decision. Rosco, to get the points was oblivious to or, unconcerned about short changing those there and those watching on TV when he put forward the argument that the match should be abandoned. This despite everyone being able to see that the track was raceable. Perhaps you don't think it was. In that case what happened after heat 12 to change things? Tatum didn't see that anything had changed Attwood wanted the match to continue. Are you seriously telling us that Allen would have abandoned it if Rosco had said the same. In which case Rosco has to bear some responsibility for the decision. You can't feed the bullets and then hope to escape all responsibility.
  19. You would have more credibility if you stopped making things up. When did I ever say he would fall to bits. What I said is that a public dressing down is the wrong way to go about things. He might have improved his performance but who knows what he now thinks about Rosco. One thing that is true is that whenever there is criticism of Rosco up you pop to defend him. Sometimes I agree with you but it is silly to defend him when he is clearly in the wrong. Just read this thread and see what the vast majority of people saw, heard and the conclusion they have reached.
  20. Wasn't it you who said it. You claimed 5 Belle Vue riders didn't want to continue, who told you that? Nicholls said on fb that it should have continued, Cook wanted to carry on, can't imagine Palm- Toft wanted it off after his heat 11 ride, Zagar said he had ridden in worse conditions so that leaves Worrall an ex moto cross rider and the two draft riders and only one of them had another ride to come. I understand your loyalty to Rosco and that you feel the need to try to defend him but sometimes you have to see the bigger picture.
  21. I don't think that makes any difference. The visibility was good enough for the riders to race hard in heats 11 and 12. Despite Rosco's best efforts to persuade her otherwise, Charlie told us the rain had slackened off after heat 10 and Tatum said during heat 12 that there was no reason not to continue. Rosco regarded the 3 points as more important than denying the fans there and those watching on TV the opportunity to get what they had paid to see. I very much doubt it would have been called off if both teams had wanted to continue.
  22. During heat 12 Tatum's comments were that the track was no worse than it has been earlier. Evenif we forget what people were saying the evidence was there for all to see, the track was raceable and the match should not have been postponed. Swindon supporters have been critical of Eastbourne for racing under strength teams. At least supporters knew what they were getting and could decide whether to attend. In this instance, whether it was their decision to make or not, Swindon did all they could to influence the decision that was made and deny those at the track and the viewing audience, the most important 20% of the meeting. I hope the 3 points prove to be worth it. It damages Swindon and the sport.
  23. They obviously did enough to frighten Rosco and Bachelor into thinking they might. As others have said, whether Belle Vue might have got something out of the match is not the concern. It is that again we see a match abandoned when conditions were no worse than they were in heat 11 and that race proved that not only was the track rideable but raceable. It was obvious Rosco would try to get it called off when he was trying to tell Charlie the rain was heavier and she said it wasn't.
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