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Everything posted by garf

  1. Thanks Doug! I believe it was Steffen A who as well behaved badly during the exit from the track after the A-final. He might have to work a little with his temper as it does not suit him well.
  2. So was it again Patrick Tarp and his team/family who was in the "red mist" ? They really do have a history . . . .
  3. Thanks TMW. It was just meant as a little "teaser" to Peter.
  4. What about the bonus-points then, Peter. I believe this piece of information could be very interesting as well.
  5. Nice win for Slangerup, who undoubtfull will get 2 very difficulty meetings in the finals as Slangerup probably will not be able to put in the strongest team due to commitments in UK. Holsted, on the other hand, should be able to compete with their best team.
  6. Excuse my lack of knowledge, but what does this exactly mean ?
  7. Hya ! Is it possible to have a section for games alone ? The reason why I'm asking is that I'm a bit tired of going into the "International World of Speedway" only to find out that it is another posting in a game. Please.
  8. Only then you can say the winner of the GP seria is World Champion.
  9. The Danish 80 Ccm championship decided today at Holsted Speedwaycenter. Scoresheet can be downloaded from Lasse Bjerre's homepage : Lasse Bjerre Here are the results : A-final : 1. Simon Nielsen 2. Rene Bach 3. Nicklas Porsing 4. Steffen Andersen B-final : 5. Mikkel B. Jensen 6. Mikkel Michelsen 7. Patrick Tarp 8. Michael Palm Toft (80 ccm World Champ 2006) C-final : 9. Lasse Bjerre 10. Simon Fischer 11. Marc Randrup 12. Michael "Li'glad" Jensen (80 ccm European and Nordic Champ 2006) Out of the finals : 13. Daniel Sjøgren 14. Michael Melchiorsen 15. Anders Nielsen 16. Thomas Jørgensen (injured in his second heat and replaced by "Li'glad") 17. Philip Tirsdal. The competition was sadly enough spoiled a little as the no. 4 in the A-final lost his temper and knocked one of his fellow-competitors from the final when leaving the track. It is OK to be disappointed and having a "downer" for not winning, but it is not, and will never be, OK to knock or fight each other with fists because of that. . . .!
  10. Hans Andersen did set a new Track-record at 57.2. The old one was from 1997 set by Brian Andersen.
  11. I was there wednesday. When we arrived in the pit, we were standing around KB's bikes and talking to Ivan, KB and the rest of the family around KB. I guess we left the pit a little early, as my son at 6 were tired. KB was pleased with result as he the did reach one of the goals for this season. cya around then.
  12. Hya Doug! I did not see you last night. But then again I was stuck in the crowd just besides the "control-tower" with a dog and my son. I did not wear my yellow T-shirt. Maybe we will have a chat on Sunday then ?
  13. It was announced that 6650 people had went through the turnstiles. Great weather and happy people made this evening a great success for Holsted Speedway. DK4 was on the track, but I don't know how much they filmed. I will guess they took the Final, which really sums everything up. Anyway they did some interviewing in the pits after the final, so . . . .
  14. Scoresheet will be out in about 30 minutes on KB's homepage. 1 NP 2 HA 3 KB 4 BP 5 PUK 6 Henrik Møller 7 Charlie Gjedde 8 Mads Korneliussen 9 Patrick Hougaard 10 Nikolaj Klindt 11 Lars Hansen 12 Ulrich Østergaard 13 Jonas Raun 14 Leon Madsen 15 Steven Andersen 16 Anders Anders (injured in his first heat tonight)
  15. They had a wrong set-up on the bike from the start, as they were not aware of that the track was so deep. I think Outrup prepared that way just up to "tapes-up". He could not attack the bends the right way, and then seemed to "throttle back" (my point of view). I asked him afterwards and he assumed it was better to get safe through the heat and then be back again with the right set-up. You are right, he is firing at the moment, so we are all looking forward for tomorrow's race at Holsted.
  16. Score-sheet on KB's homepage, in the news section.
  17. Seems strange that the other Nicholls thread is logged of so early. It is maybe because he is a Brit and is not supposed to be slagged of like other riders when riding hard/dirty (depends of the eyes that is watching). The Hans thread was going on for several days ! ! ! ! And the NP threads last year went on for weeks.
  18. 1 Tomasz GOLLOB (7) 2 Greg HANCOCK (5) 3 Antonio LINDBACK (10) 4 Lee RICHARDSON (12) 5 Bjarne PEDERSEN (6) 6 Matej ZAGAR (13) 7 Mattia CARPANESE (16) 8 Leigh ADAMS (3) 9 Scott NICHOLLS (9) 10 Jason CRUMP (2) 11 Niels Kristian IVERSEN (15) 12 Jaroslaw HAMPEL (11) 13 Hans ANDERSEN (19) 14 Andreas JONSSON (8) 15 Piotr PROTASIEWICZ (14) 16 Nicki PEDERSEN (4) TRACK RESERVES 17 Daniele TESSARI (17) 18 Simone TERENZANI (18)
  19. I read somewhere that he went straight home and not to a hospital, so he will probably be riding in Italy.
  20. Iris will probably have a few names to be followed in the future. He is almost an expert in the 80ccm area after being at the YGT this summer. Wait for his remarks with patience.
  21. It would be a lot cheaper to take a little vacation and stay in the area for the 3 matches within 5 days
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