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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. It has never been any different, you're kidding yourself if you think so. I'd strongly dispute the claim that 90% of fans couldn't care less either about what engine riders are on, as evidenced by the number of topics regarding such things on this forum. As for your claim he has looked 'uncompetitive' or even 'fairly' uncompetitve, that's simply not been the case. He's simply made the wrong decisions, or races haven't panned out his way on several occasions late on in the meeting. It's interesting to note that BEFORE last night's meeting, if you worked out a 4 ride average for the riders based on the GP's so far you had: Janowski 7.82 Woffinden 7.47 Doyle 7.06
  2. Class me clinically insane then, Holder is a shadow of his former self.
  3. Already answered I know, but knew this one immediately. Ronnie Correy stormed to a 15pt max in the first match, outside pass on Armando Castagna in his fourth ride I think. Here's the match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMa75U8CpsQ For what it's worth, I wish I was in England, personally I don't mind double headers, 30 heats of speedway, brilliant
  4. And again putting Aarnio back in off 15 metres. Absolutey clueless.
  5. Why are speedway team managers so thick? Absolute complete waste of time putting Jorgensen on 15 metres. Give a reserve a ride before Heat 2.
  6. Only speedway fans can come up with this sort of logic. For Holder to 'get another team' a rider would have to have been 'sacked' to make way for him. Likely a totally innocent rider, 'sacked' with next to no chance of 'getting another team' to make way for a rider serving a ban..
  7. The younger guys will show the way to the future, when they can knock Hancock out of the worlds top 8 (without him being injured).
  8. I am sorry, I take it back, me saying your opinion is childish, that's an insult to most children, none of whom could come up with such a ridiculous suggestion. "Beyond this seasons performance" you say. The performance that shows without a doubt he was at the very least a top 8 rider and having ironed out his mechanical problems was a good bet for at least a medal again? Age has nothing to do with it. When a rider becomes 'too old' his form will deteriorate to a point where he is no longer worthy of a wildcard. Hancock has nowhere near reached that point. So I repeat, your opinion isn't childish, it's simply garbage. I asked you a question on the other thread, you didn't or perhaps couldn't answer it.. Name me one rider who is better than Hancock and not currently in the GP?
  9. It wasn't debated at all. You didn't put forward one single reason why Hancock would not be worthy of a wildcard other than it was 'fact' that he wasn't going to be World Champion this year... which of course is not true and neither is it any reason for not giving a wildcard. Hancock is a four time World Champion, was in the top eight at the time of his injury, second in the Polish League averages and let us not forget the THIRD highest points scorer in the previous 2 GP's before his injury (25pts), only Doyle 28 and Dudek 27 had more. Janowski scored 23 in those meetings. Quite frankly if you are even suggesting that he is not worthy of a wildcard you may as well go and post in the Children's section as all your 'opinion' revolves around is riders you do or in this case don't like.
  10. Regardless of whether Monster have any input or not, should Hancock wish to race next season he has pretty much the most deserving case for a wild card in the history of the GP.
  11. I can call it drivel because it can't be proven and most certainly cannot be claimed as 'fact'. As said, a decent performance at Cardiff he would have been 4th. He is SECOND in the Polish League averages. Now, if you can name me ONE rider who is better and more deserving than Hancock of a wildcard (should Hancock want one) then maybe you have a case.
  12. Agree, think Ghostwalker has been watching another meeting!
  13. It's called keeping the fans informed, it's his job.
  14. Speedway fans.. Moan about riders rolling.. Moan about the delay to the start of races.. Moan about unsatisfactory starts.. Along comes a start marshall who is actually doing his job to help eliminate it... Moan again. As for the Smolinski/Pawlicki incident.. not entirely sure what Smolinski could do there, he was ahead all down the back straight, Pawlicki was way out by the fence before turning sharply to try and park it on the others.. Smolinski was already there and ahead.
  15. Aww diddums. How dare they have a 4 time and current World Champion offer his views. As it was he came across well. Unlike you.
  16. Was he? He was still in the top 8 and a decent performance at Cardiff, a track he has excelled on throughout his career, would have seen him as high as 4th going in to this meeting tonight. I'm far from a Hancock fan, but I don't let that bias make me talk utter drivel.
  17. ?? No idea why you are dragging me into this, but as you have.. Even for your levels this is a staggering post. A point for Wolves is fine given we are missing Masters and Riss. A win for Somerset is terrible for Poole so it's interesting you seem to be taking such joy from it.
  18. Flat on your back with the other guy on top of you isn't the best place to be.. that's where Greg ended up after his 'clothesline'.
  19. He didn't do anything to Pedersen, Hancock was about to get his arse handed to him when Pedersen was pulled off him.
  20. No ifs and buts, your opinion is irrelevant. Poole lost by 7. Gavan and indeed myself worked out Poole would likely lose by less than 10, most likely around 6 pts. That is what happened. Bet365 calculated something similar offering Poole +8. Ladbrokes and Coral were further out at +10 and I took advantage.
  21. Football is a 90 minute continuous (for the most part) event, not a 60 second, high adrenaline, on the edge sport. And when there is an amazing goal, or a long range shot that goes close the commentators DO raise their voices and get excited. Pearson and Tatum don't need to make it 'seem' more exciting, because very often they ARE excited. You should try it sometime. It wouldn't even need to be anywhere near the BT Level. The service launched for the Championship in football is a very basic operation. No commentary, 2 or 3 cameras tops, very few replays (just the goals). Even a one camera setup with some onscreen graphics would be perfectly fine. Promoters don't do it as they see it as a threat, rather than another income source.
  22. Not so easy to do that, your address/card has to be a foreign one too, so not just a case of using a VPN.
  23. Strange maths you have there. You would have lost by ten without the tactical. The chance of a tactical would be factored in when analysing a meeting.
  24. Yep, if you want to make it seem entirely boring. This is actually one of speedways biggest issues. Total lack of atmosphere, even when something exciting happens. The sport should be about "Whhoooaahhh" not a wave of the programme board.
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