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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. One gives you the best rider in the world or at the very least very, very close to it every single time. The other allows a random winner who is nowhere near the best rider in the world to win.. as has happened numerous times. It's a no brainer.
  2. Tai Woffinden, Three Time World Champion Britains Finest The ultra professional and a shining example to the youth of today that if you have a dream and work hard enough to achieve it you can do just that.
  3. In the old system a rider can be outscored in all rounds heavily, yet still end up World Champion. Two riders starting out in Commonwealth final. Rider A scores 15 Rider B 6 (you could get through that with 6pts many times) Next round, Overseas Rider A scores 15 Rider B 8 Next round, InterContinental Rider A scores 15 Rider B scores 6 (again you could get through with such a low score often) Final Rider A scores 14 (puncture of final bend for example) Rider B 15. Rider A scored 59pts Rider B 35pts.. yet Rider B is World Champion.. So by your own logic, it's not a point against the GP at all... it's massively points against the old system. There is simply no comparison, the GP is a far better system and is far more reliant on the skill and ability of a rider than luck. The old final had the drama of it being on one night... that's it.
  4. It's always good to see someone totally contradict themselves. You whinge a rider can become World Champion without winning a GP.. even though they've scored the most points over a season. Now you're whinging when a rider wins a GP and hasn't scored the most points. Woffinden won the World Title and he won the GP in the process.
  5. Of course.. but people don't see them racing journeymen in 80% of their races and hardly ever losing so don't think there are as many 'stars'.
  6. Tough night for a few xenophobes on here Plenty more tough nights to come
  7. Bloody awesome. Once again when the pressure was really on he stepped up to the plate. 3 x World Champion. Brilliant! WOFFY WOFFY WOFFY!
  8. This title could end up being decided by that disgraceful decision to exclude Woffinden for delaying the start a couple of GP's ago.
  9. Wow. Fair play to Chris Harris, that was absolute magic. Much as I didn't want Poole to win, can only applaud that.
  10. Brilliant start from Klindt. And given a warning? Ref should have realised was wrong.
  11. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Doyle was clearly not injured in any way.
  12. Not classy, truthful. I have said nothing against actual victims, just those celebrities who seek to usurp them with their own 'look at me' story.
  13. And is a sexual assault survivor... i.e. a male touched her on the shoulder once in 1987.
  14. Often the best racing occurs when tracks are actually enjoying a less than successful season.. closer home matches, decent racing.. crowds plummet. Wheareas a team winning easily every week with less good racing enjoys higher crowds. The fact that your 'better example' is another team with awful gates says it all. Doesn't exactly help your argument.
  15. Really.. So you're telling me across the world of football the big teams who get the best players don't win. Nonsense. US Sports don't really do it either, it's something of a myth. They still have the big teams with the money and those without.
  16. Agreed, but the simple premise of cutting the product and keeping the price the same for any business is doomed to failure.
  17. So, that happens in all sports and they continue just fine. Speedway continues down a path of trying to do it differently.. and it keeps failing.
  18. The quality of racing has been discussed numerous times, it's no different. If Belle Vue was packed out every week that argument could be used... it isn't though.. and neither are any other tracks that are meant to have the best racing.
  19. Utter nonsense. For years and years the big teams have pandered to the small teams.. That is what hasn't worked. Constantly dumbing down to the lowest level in the league, losing both sets of clubs fans. The 'smaller' teams used to get bumper crowds when the likes of Holder/Ward visited with Poole.. The league has been steadily weakened year after year... and crowds have fallen. As some riders are forced out, the next level of riders name their price and so you end up still paying out but for a lesser calibre of rider.
  20. That problem lasts for precisely one season. Then hey presto, everyone has a fresh new average applicable to the league size. All you have to do is get the initial team building average correct.
  21. No it isn't. I've seen junior riders such as David Haynes, Matt Cartmell, Ade Hoole riding in the top flight in years when the league was way stronger. They simply got promoted to No 7 when required.
  22. Not so much, the problem with the team this year was he had riders such as Thorssell and Howarth who were never going to maintain their averages. In the side above, every single one of those riders can increase, especially Thorssell, Morris and Howarth, especially as Howarth would be starting at reserve! We would also have a very strong reserve throughout the entire season. Indeed, given a similar structure I would have that team down as favorites without even seeing the opposition it would be that strong. I highly doubt it will be the same setup though.
  23. Sidney, when you don't understand something and make no effort to understand it, it's best if you simply say nothing. I don't have to make anything up, I don't have an 'argument'. What I have said is bona fide fact and no matter how much you bleat and whinge it won't change it.
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