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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. I'm not sure what thread you are reading, but it isn't this one.
  2. Of course a major flaw in your argument is, you knew who Tai Woffinden is. So it's actually one out of 61 in the group you mention.
  3. It doesn't wind me up. I simply find it amusing that people have such a lack of intelligence they can't put forward any form of sensible argument. This latest one of yours is ever more desperate. I'd suggest you quit embarassing yourself now and move on. SPOTY served up what I suggested year after year for decades. The fact you now have to resort to making up 'sports' that don't exist, let alone that we have World Champions in really does show that you have no argument at all. You can try and portray speedway as a sport akin to some of these made up ones you are listing as much as you like, the facts remain, Woffinden is World Champion of a truly international sport, performs in front of 40,000 fans at Cardiff, 50,000 fans in Wroclaw as well as five figure crowds at other GP's across Europe, something which the rest of your minority and made up sports don't.
  4. And again more nonsense quoting the same ridiculous statement. Most sports are irrelevant to the wider world if you aren't a fan including those that you have listed. Just as with Woffinden, any World Champions in those sports deserved a mention. A simple 2 min segment akin to the 'those that passed away' would have sufficed and appeased fans of all of those sports. In its heyday the show did just that, it received far less criticism and sports fans enjoyed learning of our other World Champions. The only blind people who cannot see are those who keep repeating speedway is a minority sport as if it is something we're not aware of.
  5. No nerve touched, you're just embarrassing yourself by talking about the state of the sport.... again. The state of the sport is not what is being discussed. Nobody disputes that the sport at LEAGUE level in the UK is in a poor state. However, that is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand which is recognising British World Champions across all sports. As for your last out of touch statement, you'll find that fans of the sports/competitors you list are also disappointed at the lack of mention of their performers. Total them all up and you have quite a significant % of people. One of the reasons for the declining popularity of the show.
  6. No it doesn't, it's completely irrelevant again, it's simply a representation of which sports get given press attention and which don't. If you were to follow that line of thinking people like Lizzy Yarnold would never get a mention in events such as this. There is also no component in 'personality' of being recognised by the public at large.. you've concocted that from somewhere! Not that the 'personality' part is in any way a 'key' word even when it is applied correctly as their 'personality' has zero influence.. indeed with many sports stars we have little idea of their actual personality. I am assuming that you have made this post as a reason why it is justified not mentioning Woffinden.. yet it actually is the argument why he should be mentioned. Quite simply, British World Champions, in whatever sport it is should be mentioned and given credit for their achievements.
  7. No there isn't, there is zero comparison.
  8. Likely not that many, even so, it would be a 2-3 minute round up at most.. even less. "In a great year for British Sport, here's a list of our other World Champions" would even have sufficed.
  9. Another pathetic out of touch irrelevant post that has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion. Are people actually incapable of reading? Nobody has said 'speedway' deserves a mention. However, British World Champions in ANY sport deserve a mention, however brief that may be. It's interesting to see the folks who constantly 'like' this type of post. Moxey, SteveRoberts, Gustix.
  10. You might have a point, they'll certainly not have anything to do with anything linked to what you call 'gyppos'. Especially when they don't cover the sport/event. Shame for Tyson Fury. Oh wait....
  11. Jacob Thorssell it is then, with presumably Ashley Morris to follow at 7. More than happy with that side, Nick Morris and Luke Becker replacing Cameron Heeps and Nathan Greaves effectively. I think a good season ahead.
  12. Yeah, first thing you notice in a 5 second clip of him crossing the finishing line winning the World Title would be 'tattoos'. You're right though. You don't see any sports where competitors have tattoos getting any sort of mention.....
  13. Another irrelevant, out of touch post from a cretin who doesn't watch the sport. Are you that lonely, sad, devoid of any other interest that you have to spend your days frequenting the forum of something you don't watch? You've concocted this fictional world where commenting that Tai Woffinden wasn't mentioned means that folk were watching the show solely to see if he was. Utter nonsense. Most, if not all, would be watching because they are interested in other sports too. It's not surprising you've come up with that theory though, it does tend to fit your modus operandi. Your ramblings about league speedway, which you have posted the same thing quite literally hundreds of times now, are also completely irrelevant in the context of this discussion. It was wrong of the BBC not to mention Woffinden as it was wrong for them not to mention all Britains other World Champions in the world of sport for 2018... in my opinion.
  14. Armchair critic if something he admits to not watching. You really have to have a screw loose to do that. Anyway, not seen an episode of East Enders in 20 years but am off to a forum to slag it off.
  15. Can't be as strange as someone who doesn't go, doesn't watch, but spends an inordinate amount of his time on a forum telling people this and having a go at the sport he doesn't go to or watch.
  16. As have I. The difference is if signed for this coming season, he isn't leading the team. He was an awful signing last season on the inflated average he was carrying and coming back from injury. Signing him meant the season was as good as over before a wheel was turned. That said, he's a rider that the club has been loyal too (and the rider to them) and have seen him improve year on year so in one respect it was understandable. What would be absolutely criminal, having thrown him in at the deep end at No 1, a position he wasn't yet ready for, is to not take advantage of him having a lower average and another years experience under his belt. He is still improving as a rider and has the potential to move forwards and next time he moves to 1 or 5 he will be in a much better position to perform. I agree, if Pawlicki were to sign it would be a superb signing and at this point I could accept him over Thorssell. What I would not be able to accept is Schlein/Masters being signed at the expense of him. That is sheer lunacy. The only excuse would be if Thorssell flat out stated he didn't want to ride in the UK this year... but then you would have thought he would come out and say something along those lines.
  17. Personally I have no qualms over the 'sport' not being mentioned. However, a British World Champion SHOULD be mentioned in a round up of 'other British World Champions' which is something they always used to do.
  18. No he wasn't. Not in the year Stevebrum was quoting.
  19. Think you misread that, wasn't 6th in the Wolves team, but 6th highest away average overall in 2017.
  20. He was but everything was inflated that season due to riding at 4 all year. That said, like you, I wouldn't say he 'traditionally struggles' on the road.
  21. Edited, as I totally misread it! Agreed, it would be a very strong side.
  22. When exactly was this Sidney? I can only assume 84 as that was his debut season (aside from 4 meets in 83) and he averaged 6.71 in the top flight.. before being in a run off for World Title the following season? I'm sure there are better examples..
  23. Your reply showed, not many. Unable to handle that, you've stormed off in a hissy fit.
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