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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Incorrect as always. The thread wouldn't be continuing if it weren't for the sad and childish attitude emenating from the south coast AGAIN. There is no made up scenario, Bates has decided to sign with another club AFTER he had agreed to sign with Swindon in full knowledge there would be a clash of dates. He has therefore broken the terms of the draft riders agreement and should be removed from having that opportunity. Poole have only come into it because they have made noises about replacing Smart, fuelled by certain Poole fans hinting at it. The team doesn't matter, whether its Poole, Wolverhampton, Lakeside.. the principle remains, Bates shouldn't be allowed to sign for them and IF they made the stupid decision that he could, he must be offered to the other clubs above them in the draft first. Simples. Of course they are. They're always happy for rules to be twisted, bent and indeed broken as its 'in the interest of the sport'. The 'interest of the sport' causes one thing only, more resentment and disillusionment for fans who simply want a sport where the rules are applied equally across the board.
  2. Wrong, he was taken earlier in the draft. The 'rankings' are only a guide. The draft order is the important factor.
  3. I hope he is getting plenty of rest after it. Also hope it didn't cost him too much in fuel, moneys tight.
  4. Then don't sign for a 2nd Thursday track then. By doing so, Bates has reneged on his agreement as a draft rider and accordingly should be given another opportunity this season. Edited as that should say.. "Should NOT" be given another opportunity!
  5. Easier said than done.. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" springs to mind.
  6. Now compare BSI's attitude to Sayfutdinov and One Sports to Woffinden. BSI don't slag Emil off.. even though he had signed an agreement with them. Woffinden signed no contract with SEC and decided not to compete, yet as can be seen above they once again are mouthing of in the press about their displeasure. They weren't so quick to run to the media last year when Woffinden had informed them he wouldn't be competing in the final round of the SEC. Just another example of lack of professionalism of the One Sport group. This isn't to say BSI are great, but in comparison they come across a lot more professional.
  7. I doubt if its 'advice' to be honest. More like 'You will do this'.
  8. Tough then. No doubt the manipulation will soon begin though.
  9. I wasn't aware of this 'bleating' from One Sport over Tai. How exactly do they claim he has let them down? You are right, the way they acted last season regarding Tai was unprofessional in the extreme.
  10. Yes WE DO. As they have told us in various interviews and books. History has also told us. Riders have NEVER earned much money from World Championship rounds, so don't try and rewrite history and suggest that they did. There is one GP outside Europe. All riders expenses are covered for it. And the GP's aren't in their own backyard? There is one round outside Europe, riders expenses are covered. This has all got absolutely nothing to do with finances, injuries or anything else. It's quite simply Emil's employers, the utterly corrupt owners of Torun and backers of One Sport, hellbent on running the sport their way using Emil as a pawn. The poor lad's World Championship ambitions being sacrificed. Wise words from Cegielski.
  11. Even more strangely Sidney, myself and Oldace are in agreement!!
  12. Yes we do, as they WERE faced with huge costs and minimal rewards. The rewards came from being World Champion and the ensuing sponsorship afterwards. Seems we're being led to believe some of these top guys are paupers..
  13. Riders have never ever had rich financial pickings from prize money when winning World Titles, even back in the day of the big one off Finals. However, you would never ever have seen Mauger, Briggs, Fundin, Olsen, Nielsen, Gundersen and the other greats of the sport forsake the World Championship for what is essentially nothing more than a highly paid individual meeting. Sayfutdinov and Gollob have no excuses as they can ride in both. No it doesn't prove anything and your comments show nothing but utter contempt for the sport of speedway and its history. The promoters of Torun are nothing short of a disgrace and should have been banned from their sport for their actions last year. Refusing to race in a play.off final is quite simply indefensible. Now you are telling us that the owners of Torun do not wish their riders to compete in World Championships? As I said, disgrace to the sport.
  14. There's no way Emil can ride in this surely? He's not fit enough to contest with the worlds best!
  15. It's entirely political, Emil is being used as a pawn by One sport and their backers, he will be financially compensated of that you can be sure. Don't forget Gollob has also declined a wild card earlier (after originally accepting it and stating he was keen to carry on for couple more years yet).
  16. Nope, disagree. Emil hasn't the bottle to enter, so he isn't World Champion worthy. Simples. Besides, most champions over the last 25 years have had the question hanging over their head of "If Buzz Burrows had been in the World Championships, would they have won"
  17. Far more 'clean' sponsorship yes. I have no doubt Emil is a pawn who is being told exactly what he must do... or...
  18. Good god open your eyes man. This is not IMG's problem, they have done nothing wrong. There is no reason for Emil Sayfutdinov not to be competing in the GP's this season. He is not prevented from doing so and can ride in the SEC as well. The simple fact is, One Sports bluff was called. Permission was granted for riders to take part in both, but that doesn't fit their political agenda so pressure has been applied on Emil to make him withdraw in attempts to devalue/destabilise the official World Championships. At least BSI have informed the paying public of the situation, One Sport would (as they did with Woffinden last season) have continued to advertise him right up until the day of the event.
  19. Caused by the ever increasing Mafioso One Sport. Exactly as predicted. Yet some will continue to blame BSI... who are far from perfect, but are nowhere near the gutter level that One Sport and their backers operate at.
  20. Yes they will be. To be a World Champion you have to be bothered to compete. Emil isn't, he is irrelevant. All we hear from you is how rosy things are in Poland.. yet what is this? Sayfutdinov can't afford to compete because his Polish club haven't paid him? Once again this is another attempt by the Mafioso One Sport to take over the sport. The day they take over the World Championships is the day I stop watching. What's going to happen? Meetings postponed if their favourite Pole is injured as was tried in the Polish Play-offs final? This whole sage pretty much confirms what I was told by another Russian rider some years ago, they do as they are told essentially.. or there are consequences.
  21. As usual, when challenged, The Pedaler is nowhere to be seen. He'll be on yet another thread trotting out the same diatribe.
  22. Make that 154 posts. Do me a favour, go through the World Champions over the last 20 years or so, let me know how many of them rode in Britain and most importantly really progressed and matured into top class riders by doing so. Then let me know how many haven't.
  23. The ONLY reason this keeps being brought up over and over is because Sidney and a few Poole fans keep getting up in arms because some people don't like Ward. That's their opinion. He's done what he has done, no amount of posts from his fan club are going to change that. All it does is stirs up further resentment from those who dislike him. Instead his supporters should focus on the fact that every single poster on this thread, even those who have stated they dislike him has said he is a world class talent on a bike. I do agree, as I think Shovlar and Skidder pointed out, after his crash last season Ward seemed a hell of a lot more mature and giving him the responsibility of being captain will have helped him in that process.. as would working closely with Hancock no doubt. That is the first step he has taken. It is up to him now whether he commits to dedicated training programmes like a number of his rivals are and will be doing or if he chooses to simply rely on his natural talent. It may be enough as has been said, but IF it isn't, he may have to review the situation. He is still very young and has many many years ahead of him in the sport so who knows, if after a few years he doesn't reach the pinnacle, he may dedicate himself further to do that. Time will tell.
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