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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Actually he didn't, the rider alongside him was far enough ahead to avoid the out of control Ward is the only difference. As for Fords comments.... a load of tripe.
  2. It is 'great news'... but its the same news as 6 months ago.. and 6 months before that.. and a year before that.. and 6 months before that.. and so on. Still no sign of any planning permission, which means nowhere closer to building work commencing. Now there is going to be a 'public consultation'.. what does that involve one wonders? I repeat, I don't think anyone wants to see this fail, it would and hopefully WILL be bloody fantastic for both the Aces and the sport in the UK. The problems have all risen from the unrealistic time scales given in the initial press releases.
  3. Still some posting they feel Smolinski should have checked on Darcy. HE DID. He then cleared the scene as he should do to allow the medics to do their work.
  4. So if you can see the point and would even be willing to endorse it, it's irrelevant the main reason 'why' they introduced it as you seem to think it may work. Therefore, nothing to complain about.
  5. However Bryn, nobody has made any comments regarding the list... so not quite right really. It was suggested that the list be made public for transparency purposes.. it now has been so all is well! I must be slipping if we're agreeing! For sure the PL should be using British riders at reserve. As it is, the EL has taken it on. I don't think having only one rider would work.. they'd be getting 3rd place at best in one heat. This way they can get the confidence of heat wins, and take that into their races against higher calibre riders.
  6. Not a daft name, as that is what it was.. a draft. Of course the scheme will help to reduce costs.. as costs needed reducing and more opportunities were needed for British riders its a good way of killing two birds with one stone. The key is that they stick with this now for at least 5 years and lets see what can be produced.
  7. Smolinski did. The commentator stated just after the crash, "Smolinski is up, and he is going over to see if Darcy is ok"
  8. As you point out greyhoundp, Monmore is a track that Lambert struggled on last year... which makes it all the more bizarre he chooses not to ride in this meeting as the extra track time on a track he struggled at would be invaluable. It really does seem like an ego driven decision in that he won't compete because he thinks he might get beat. Agree with everything else you say, the comparison between Bridger and Woffinden is a good one. It's certainly not impossible for Lambert to go on and forge a very very successful career, but those advising him are making it a hell of a lot more difficult for him to do so.
  9. It is true, no need to knock them. Although most research and past examples show the chances of the kid becoming disillusioned and burning out are far higher by pushing them so much at an early age. Not talking speedway here per se, but across all sports.
  10. Weren't Mark Loram and I think Joe Screen banned early this century for not riding in the British Final?
  11. So he didn't mention 500cc as you claimed? Good lad. Admits his error but still claims he is right.. Marvelous. Even if he had, how does it aid your argument that riders aged 14 should be allowed? Now again, despite you trying to rewrite history and squirm out of another of your 'errors'.. the conversation regarding Australia had nothing to do with you proposing competency tests.. it came about because YOU made a direct attack on the UK system of making them wait till they are 15.. as below:- As can clearly be seen, you have dismissed Woffinden because he is a product of the 'Aussie' system, attempting to use their 'system' as a way of saying that our system of making them wait till they are 15 doesn't work. Of course it totally escaped you that the Aussies make them wait till they are 16, which was completely counter productive to your own argument. A sensible discussion could certainly be had regarding the pipeline of British youngsters and the lack of real successful riders brought through, but the 'age' at which they are allowed to race professionally would have zero effect on that. In actual fact, most experts in this area across all sports would tell you, exposing 14 year olds to competitive professional action is not generally a good thing. The chances of them burning out are far far higher.
  12. Ty Proctor was announced as signing for Somerset also. Sam Masters was announced as riding for Wolves last year. Neither of them were in any declared team though were they. Nor was Darcy. It's simple, as Poole Quay agreed with... Poole have requested permission as a guest for Darcy, its been granted. I think it's a sensible decision but as said earlier I would be interested to know if there are any cases where teams have NOT been granted this dispensation.
  13. It's staggering how you resort to arguing over points that actually go totally against what you are arguing for. Case 1: You have a pop at me for bringing up Australia as having the same restrictions as the UK.. when in actual fact they are more severe. Case 2: You are having a pop about the law in the UK stating you have to be 21 to ride a 500cc motorbike. Both of these things go totally against your argument that a 14 year old should be allowed to race competitively on a 500 cc machine. You wouldn't be much use in a debate, here's a tip, you need to look for things to support your argument ... not fight for those that destroy it!
  14. No Grachan quoted a rule, but then quoted the BSF to justify it! Slight error there. As above, Poole will have requested permission for a guest and its been granted. They have been given special dispensation (makes sense). Denying that will just simply drag the thread on and on and on.
  15. Of course, so the sport can continue its slide into oblivion. Nice digging... but if you would care to point me in the direction of any rule/guideline suggesting that the BSF Completed Teams Thread has any official status I would be glad to read it. I think that is your most desperate post yet! So as said, stop acting like a child and grow up. For Poole to track a guest for Ward means special dispensation will have been given for it. Given the circumstances that makes a lot of sense.. are there any circumstances similar to this in the past where special dispensation has NOT been given?
  16. Keep digging, it's not helping you. A re-declared team does not become official until the team actually races, so once again you are wrong in your claims. Your posts are growing increasingly childlike, unable to argue the point coherently, you're again resorting to cheap pops at folk who are correct.. You were wrong. You are wrong again in your assertions over Ward. As for your final paragraph, I do tend to agree with much of it as it happens and that a facility should be allowed... the rules don't agree though, that is the point folk are making.
  17. I put 'was/is', so again, if you are going to chastise someone, actually read it. The 'was' signifies Holder was part of their declared team.. and was there in black and white. The 'is' refers to the, at that stage, possibility that Poole would have reverted back to their lineup containing Holder. Keep trying though.
  18. Trying to dig yourself out of a hole again are we? You made a fool of yourself by trying to claim that the list meant nothing. Clearly the BSPA didn't fall in line with your way of thinking, as funnily enough the list popped up once there was an outcry. Fair play to them for doing that, now is clear for everyone to see and there should be no issues moving forwards. My humblest apologies for not checking back in on the thread sooner. As for not 'acknowledging' they were in the process of doing it. Its about a 30 second job, if that to add a list, onto a website so hardly an excuse. The only person who needs to 'man up' on this thread is yourself by admitting that you were wrong and the list is important after all.. hence the BSPA publishing it.
  19. You are correct, it doesn't matter what you 'think'. That has already been established, as what you 'thought' was incorrect. i.e. you didn't know that Holder was in there declared 1-7. It helps to have some knowledge on a subject before chastising others who have taken the time to obtain that knowledge. The meeting you refer to was a challenge meeting. Tai Woffinden rode for Kings Lynn in a Challenge meeting, do you 'think' he was in there declared team too? As it turns out, once again Poole are being allowed to break the rules and once again we have ANOTHER corrupt season of Elite League Speedway and once again more fans will simply abandon the sport.
  20. It doesn't matter what you think or don't think! Pooles team is there for all to see in black and white. Chris Holder is/was there declared Number 1 rider. It's quite simple. If Holder is happy to ride then there shouldn't be a problem. If a guest is used then there is a problem.
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