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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Of course, like a footballer he plays for the contact. This isn't a new thing for Harris, he has done it many times before.
  2. You see that Harris you cheating &££&&.. Garrity could have done a Harris and bailed out on two different occasions then
  3. Get Harris out . Diving again Disgraceful decision. Nicholls has edged ahead, enters the turn tight on the inside. Harris once again bails out.
  4. Ah yes, Zagar is badly injured isn't he. Forgive me, but if someone approaches me, walking, and strikes me, I assume they're not particularly hurt at that point.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDhVCWiWCvs This idiot should be banned from speedway, what a dirty reckless move this was. Could have killed someone.
  6. Interestingly when my wife first visited Wolverhampton, I was at work and she spent the afternoon in Wolverhampton city centre.. later when I looked at the photos she had taken I would never have thought it was Wolverhampton. Photos of beautiful old buildings, statues, churches etc... looked like she'd been in Prague. Sometimes we just don't notice things unless we're told to look at them.
  7. Zagar wasn't worth Nicki's time. Hardly a hard kick, more a "Go away you girl" I've got better things to do.
  8. How many Wolves fans were actually calling for his head? Only ones I've seen are one who doesn't go anymore and another who wants 2 or 3 riders sacked before the season has even started every year. Skornicki last year for example. Then there is Gater1 who isn't a Wolves fan. I'd say some Wolves fans have been concerned over his form, as indeed Woffinden is himself. I have no doubt he will turn it round and if he does it should propel Wolves into the playoffs.
  9. Conveniently missing out the fact that Zagar was the one who initiated the 'violence'. I think its safe to say that Zagar is 'ok' when he's trying to slap you. As for the crash, they were level down the straight, Nicki enters the turn with his front wheel over the white line, he couldn't go anywhere else. Zagar could. Zagar chose to try and block him.
  10. Ah yes, those antics where he's in his own pit stall. Zagar is the one who struck out first, with a pathetic little slap. Then again in the pits another pathetic little slap. Pretty clear Zagar didn't really want any part of Pedersen. It was a racing incident, not a dirty move, Zagar couldn't handle it, he's the one who wasn't professional. Anyway it adds to the entertainment..
  11. I don't see where he was being slandered as a cheat? He said Ivan Mauger loved the old way... he did. He said that's how he won most of his races.. it was. Where's the problem?
  12. Why do you keep spouting this nonsense. Lindgren wouldn't fit in for Woffinden so its a no go from the off. Here's some advice.. you've claimed it won't be long before Cook has a higher average than Woffinden. How about, when he does, you come back and tell us you were right. Till then, give it a rest.
  13. Brilliant. You've come out with some ridiculous statements in the past, but this is up there with the best of them. As for you dismissing the cricket example.. let us remember it is YOU that decided to compare to other sports. I've said they are not comparable in the slightest. You will not find anything in other sports that is comparable to the old tac sub system either. It is NOT the same as a substitution in football. It is giving a better rider an extra ride at the expense of a much weaker rider and is something that only the team losing can do. That's not how a substitution works in other sports is it, where the facility is available to both teams. Both concepts can be deemed ridiculous, both concepts are unfair. I readily admit the double points system is the more ridiculous looking idea, sadly you appear to be too pig headed to admit that the old system was the more unfair of the two. As for the starting, again, I agree with you. Just let them go unless they touch the tapes.
  14. We've been through this many times. No objections to the idea of double points being used as a bit 'silly' shall we say... but folk I am referring to are ones who complain the current system isn't fair and want the old one back.. in the interest of 'fairness'. The old system was more unfair, there is no way of disputing that. Your analogy with other sports doesn't really pan out either.. it would be like a cricket team, 8 wickets down replacing the 10th batter in the order with the guy who batted no 3 and is already out. As regards the starting system used now, I'd be inclined to agree with you. If someone takes a flyer and doesn't touch the tapes, good for them, its a great start.. let it go.
  15. Yes, it is a privilege to get an autograph/photo from a rider, not a right. You are quite correct, 99% of the times riders are great in this regard, however there will be times when asking them for an autograph or a photo is not ideal, unfortunately some fans simply don't realise or accept this. I used to get autographs every week when I was younger, particularly from riders like Sam Ermolenko, Ronnie Correy etc. I never had a problem with them at anytime BUT even as a kid I wouldn't intrude upon them. If they were involved in a conversation at the time I wouldn't jam a photo in front of them or ask for a photo which I see some fans do. There's a discussion in a facebook group at the moment where someone has whinged that Darcy Ward didn't give their kid the attention he wanted stating although he signed their photo he carried on talking to other people.. case in point. If he's talking to other people, what are you doing interrupting asking for an autograph. These things work both ways. Have some respect and some manners. Speedway riders get taken for granted. The fact that 99% of the time they stop and sign things means on the rare occasion they don't folk get the hump about it. Now with regards to Woffinden, it seems he went straight to sit in his chair in the pits, this suggests he's already changed and ready to race? In which case I wouldn't be asking for his autograph at that point, He's having a rough patch in England and likely wanted to get focused on the job ahead. It's all well and good saying it only takes 2 mins, 30 seconds, but you stop to sign one at that point, there will be another and another and another.. It's mentioned above he was seen signing a lot of autographs last night so the key here is, choose the right time.
  16. No it isn't. I doubt there are more than 1 or 2 races in an entire season of EL, PL and NL races that start 5 mins after the 2 mins is applied... if any at all.
  17. I have already directed you to another thread where it is quite adequately explained. The main complaints we are seeing is the 'time it takes' to start the race, the gardening and messing around etc and the odd time where a race is pulled back when someone gets a flyer, but was actually just a good start... yet you are harking back to a system where races took a lot longer to start, riders messed around a hell of a lot more, the starts were frequently ragged and it basically was a mess. Once again, people are making a complaint and then harking back to a system where the very things they are complaining about were far worse... exactly the same as when complaints are made about the fairness of the TR. Incidentally, have you managed to learn your left from your right yet?
  18. Good post. With regards to autographs too many fans seem to think its their right to get them. Autographs should be a privilege, not a right. In the majority of these stories we only hear one side of the event, generally embellished and things left out to suit. It's interesting that most of the attacks are coming from people who weren't at the meeting, just as they were in the Coventry meeting which I attended and in which he wasn't as bad as his score suggested. Things aren't clicking as he would like or expect in England right now, I don't put that down to not having best equipment or indeed lack of effort, perhaps moreso a slight lack of confidence which is all it takes in this format for scores to drop. Factor in, as often happens in such cases, a run of bad luck where you feel things are just going against you. He'll turn it round I'm sure. It's frustrating for wolves fans but from what I've seen in person and via various broadcasts it's not through lack of effort.
  19. Thanks for the latest update, I see it hasn't changed from the earlier ones. I was replying to Voice of Reason, but its nice you could be bothered to tell us you're not bothered.. again. A little tip, it might help, if you really aren't bothered about something, don't read the thread, let alone post!
  20. Read the starting Shenanigans thread in the General Discussions section. Once again this is a case of folk bleating about it being 'better' in the old days when the thing they are bleating about "Time to start a race" is actually better now than it was then.
  21. Oi. Stop it. I remember that meeting well, great days. Scary crash for Wayne in that one though as I remember.
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