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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Spot on. And no point listening to those that still turn up each week bleating this isn't possible, that isn't possible. Listen to those that have STOPPED going and find out why. Every year we have this debate. Every year the same old naysayers bleat it's not possible for 1 night a week racing and too expensive for top riders. Every year costs are cut. Every year more fans are lost. Every year the clubs lose even more money. This year we've had fast track reserves paid very little, a massive saving for clubs yet STILL they're losing money hand over fist.. why? Because once again the standard has been lowered and more fans have walked away. Many other sports have had to radically revamp themselves and change from what has always been the 'way its done'.
  2. Correct, they are also masked somewhat when you are on a 'high' as I said and the adrenalin is racing through your body. Coming down from such a high only worsens the problem. Yes and imagine the crowds, or lack thereof, when the reserve team is racing.
  3. In his last year at Wolves Ermolenko averaged just under 8 and was a heat leader. Wasn't so good in his final year at Peterborough though. I was told by someone over the weekend (Lakeside fan) that PK hasn't been getting on with Jon Cook. No idea if there is any truth to that though. Edited to add, after reading 'financial reasons' posts perhaps there is some substance too it. Lakeside claim their crowds are up every year.
  4. He's already stated, resting until the World Cup. Wolverhampton will be fully aware of his situation, if they choose to make changes that is up to them.
  5. He has to stop at some point. If he'd not rode in Sweden they'd be unhappy he could ride in Britain the night before. He honored his commitment to his 3 teams, which is something he deserves credit for, not slagging. So despite disagreeing you basically confirm what was said. Last season proctor performed at a level he never has before and has not done so since... Thus was punching above his weight..
  6. Really? Thought it was excellent. And the 12 year old kid who I took along and has shown absolutely zero interest in speedway previously despite my best efforts was hooked from the moment the introductions started.
  7. What do mean by 'all this exhaustion/sickness'? He hasn't had 'exhaustion/sickness' at any point during the season till now. None of his struggles earlier in the year in the UK were blamed on 'exhaustion'. So no, therein does not lie the problem at all. Since when has that ever been any different? Riders have always and will always ride in World Championship meetings when they don't in league matches. Ah yes, Freddie.. the guy a certain section of the Wolves fans were slagging off last year.
  8. Well I'm a Wolves fan and I know of many others who aren't as scathing as you seem to be.
  9. He rode, he got through it, declined his final race and is now taking a break. Had things gone his way Monday he would have scored more, I've documented as such on the match thread. I can't see how he scored points with a broken collarbone, but he did it. Doesn't mean he should do that every night.
  10. No we wouldn't. We'd be off for the week. Woffinden kept his commitments to his 3 teams and fulfilled his next fixture for each of them. Sweden would have been annoyed had he rode Sunday/Monday and not Tuesday. As it was he did the one meeting for each team. Perfectly fair. How are they linked? Early in the year the issues were mechanical in this country. I was quite vocal in saying that the situation wasn't acceptable. He appeared to have for the most part got that sorted, a little too late perhaps for our liking. This situation is completely different. I saw him on Monday night, he looked terrible. A complete break for the week is the right thing instead of continuing to push it and making the matter worse. Where things go from here is open to conjecture. It should be remembered that he didn't ride in Sweden last year, I always thought he'd find it tougher when adding that to his schedule.
  11. He isn't 'tired'. If any one of us was in the condition he was in on Monday night we wouldn't be at work. Simples. That's a completely different argument to the current situation.
  12. He isn't a 'little tired'. The fact you are claiming this pretty much renders the rest of your comments redundant. We have got a facility so therefore he has got the necessary doctors note/sign off.
  13. Ridiculous suggestion. What Tai should have done was not ride on Monday night when anyone who saw him would see what condition he was in. Quite frankly he was ill and you, I or anybody else would not be working in the same circumstances. Now he is getting slagged off for essentially not wanting to let either of his teams down.
  14. Proctor rode the inside, the fastest line is the inside, he covered it perfectly. Perry didn't just ride wide as per his normal line, he was almost in the fence allowing Palm Toft to come through the middle. Had Proctor rode wider he would have left the much quicker inside line open. The only 'mistake' Proctor made in that race was trying to get Perry round, which was never going to happen. He could have just cleared off and won the race at a canter.
  15. The initial issues at the start of the year weren't anything to do with his schedule, they were mechanical/backroom team issues. I didn't have a great deal of sympathy with those as I'm sure you know. Last night was something completely different and one where on this occasion I am willing to cut him some slack.
  16. Some very harsh comments about Woffinden on here. I will admit, earlier in the year I wasn't happy at some of his performances, most of the problems being mechanical, however they have picked up somewhat in recent weeks until last night. Did any of you actually see him last night? He looked physically drained and it's no surprise he didn't score many. In addition it doesn't take much in this format for things to go wrong. Heat 1 had gate 3 against Zagar off 4, likely would have won from there, Worrall goes through tapes, Zagar moves inside, they gated even but Tai is moved way out and that's that in Heat 1. His third ride he and Proctor led into turn 3, Proctor went way out wide blocking Tai off and they emerged 3rd and 4th. Got by Proctor and was back to within a couple of metres of Cook when Proctor came off/laid it down towards end of lap 2. Ref stopped it and awarded the race. He may have got up to 2nd (may). Final race both Wolves riders missed start, Pawlicki had the position out of 2 and took up the chase. Some of you have mentioned about other World Champions, I don't think any of them have took on the schedule and commitments (both on and off track) that Tai has taken on this year and that came to a head last night. Whilst totally agreeing about the frustration of Proctor, can't agree with you on this one. Proctor looked and waited for Perry in Heat 7 and rode a tight inside line, it was Perry who went way out wide allowing Palm Toft to come between the middle. By slowing to help Proctor cost himself a race win, he shouldn't be blamed for that. As for Tai missing the parade, absolutely the right thing to do. Get changed, get gone early and get some extra rest, that's clearly what he needs.
  17. Racing doesn't pull in the fans. And why should he? Or are you claiming the Pairs was a better all round 'show' than Cardiff? Attended for the first time in a number of years tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. How great to be able to cheer on a British World Champion.
  18. You've posted some ill-educated nonsense in the past, but that one must be up there with the best (or indeed worst) of them.
  19. http://www.wolverhamptonwolves.co/news.php?extend.2056 As mtommo says, no Pawlicki for Wolves. Big advantage for Coventry.
  20. Cheating you say, so Eastbourne were riding a different track to Kings Lynn were they?
  21. Wolves deserve nothing while they continue with Proctor in the team. Surely enough is enough now.
  22. How can you do such a thing! You'll miss Fred and Edna's 50th wedding anniversary dedication and Peter York give them a wave in the restaurant. It will be gripping stuff that will have those in attendance hooked. Also Marjorie has knitted a Tai Woffinden sweater and the rumour is after heat 9 it will be announced she's going to wear it on the coach to Cardiff!!
  23. Once again, if you are in any doubt as to why speedway in this country simply will never grow, you only have to listen to the presentation at Wolverhampton tonight. It's the build up to the start of an 'extreme' sport and you've just got a doddering old announcer giving out 'dedications'. Followed by the 'Whose cheering for Tai Woffinden".. "Oh no you can do better than that... Whose cheering for Tai Woffinden"... cue muted cheer of same level as before "Ah that's better". Utterly cringeworthy and dated. As it was 20 years ago.
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