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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. So if they had more time to recover, they weren't over the limit were they?
  2. It is reported on the Pirates 2014 thread that Ward feels he is not deserving of a ban. If this is true, he has once again learned nothing. Throw the book at him if those are his thoughts.
  3. I agree with much of what you say, however, it is very likely he has little choice in the matter and publicly at least cannot say anything other than he has or will be found accountable 'back home' where polish riders must do as they are told, no excuses. So I do feel some sympathy for Pawlicki as an individual, but as you say, Wolves must protect their own interests.
  4. They key here is it is now alleged that Ward feels he does not deserve a ban. He quite clearly has learned nothing.
  5. Any tingling senation of sympathy I felt for Ward (there was little) has just well and truly gone if he believes he is not deservant of suspension or financial penalty. Quite clearly he hasn't learnt a thing from this and still believes he shouldn't be punished. Throw the book at him if that's his attitude.
  6. There is nothing positive to say regarding the current situation. Defend the indefensible all you like, but don't bleat, like you have been, about the thread dragging on.
  7. Not going to get many decent races when some of the riders are putting in little to no effort.
  8. Track isn't great, but neither is it awful. All depends upon riders attitudes. I'm not one to hark back to the 'old days' as we all look at them with tinted spectacles but the riders of 20-25 years ago would have had no issues on tonights track. Case in point.
  9. A track that requires skill and bravery, not just fastest engine.
  10. I'd pay to watch Heat 11. I wouldn't see a race like that at Leicester if I went to see every meeting a season for 5 years.
  11. What was Gustafsson doing? Looking like the fastest rider on the track riding out wide in the dirt.. decides to tootle round the inside??
  12. Well I've turned it on now to view what this farce is all about... Now, was Steve Worrall not under power then? He'd slid off and at the time Garrity went down he appeared to still have his hands on the handlebars so assume the cut off hadn't come out?
  13. To be fair, Starman is being sensible on this occasion by not commenting. The other so called Ward fans would be better served by following his example.
  14. Not watching this as simply can't be bothered.. But I do find it amusing, seen so many people on here and on Facebook whinging and moaning about riders digging at the start etc with the cry being 'just exclude them'.. many times I commented what a farce that would be to be greeted with derision.. Now low and behold it appears a referee is doing just that and guess what.. it's a farce.
  15. With poles we don't know anything about the situation. They are at the beck and call of their teams in Poland. If they are told, no more racing in England for you.. that's the lot, they won't be riding in England. The lad has given nothing but 100% riding for the club which is not usual when these stunts are being pulled. I'm not defending the situation, just pointing out he may have little choice in the matter.... May being the operative word there. From a Wolves point of view it makes little difference as its no good for the club, but to say 'utterly detest' him is going too far in my opinion, he's the bright spark (or was) in a dismal season!
  16. Thankyou for confirming what I said.. even though you attempt to dismiss it with 'that's a laugh'.. Read what you have said.. "If there hadn't been reaction to it". So if you hadn't of posted, there would have been no reaction would there? But by posting, and continuing to post you are ensuring it will drag on and on and on.. which you 'claim' you don't want to happen.
  17. NAME the several Cardiff riders who were CLEARLY imbibing during the day of the GP and were meant to be riding later that day. So what? That's completely his choice and should have no relevance at all to the decision making process. Gary Havelock was banned for 12 months. He came back and became World Champion.
  18. The point is, they would have shut up if folk like you didn't keep dragging it out. Not much of a fan if you like to perpetuate the bad talk about him.
  19. Pathetic post, you're an embarrassment to Poole Speedway and their decent fans.
  20. Perhaps his marketing exploits take up all his time? You remember his exploits in that field I'm sure...
  21. The appropriate action taken as per the rules and regulations of the FIM. A precedent was set with Stefan Danno.
  22. If you're a fan of Ward, your best course of action is to shut up and let it blow over. By constantly trying to defend him you simply cause him more damage. Perhaps you're not a fan after all and just simply want to continue to pour fuel on the fire...
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