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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. You were asked to quote earlier, you've still failed to do so. Back up your statement, or as it stands, you're making it up.. Again. Meanwhile, following Phil Risings posts, it's looking more and more clear the ground is being prepared for Darcy to be cleared.
  2. Glad to see you being so positive fish keeper and expecting us to make the playoffs. Wouldn't want a short season ending at start of September for sure
  3. Finally common sense prevails. Welcome home PK. Now talk Mads K into signing please
  4. Please quote me someone who has said he was very drunk when tested. Otherwise, once again, you're making things up to enflame.
  5. That isn't the question. You said there was no chance of PK increasing his average by a pt, but I've shown you, he could actually get WORSE as a rider and still increase his average. The main issue with PK was struggling to find a setup that worked for him with the new silencers. Now they are able to use silencers akin the ones from the year before, that problem is resolved. Bjarne may average more than PK.. but it's my belief that a PK/Mads Korneliussen combo for instance would be stronger than a Bjarne Pedersen/Lasse Bjerre one.
  6. Likely he agreed to sign for us and was promised a title chasing team... he's just gone online to see who we've signed
  7. Why would he? That is more likely to drop than increase. At Eastbourne he was their top guy, so was always better than 1 opponent in every race. That will change when he is racing with Lindgren. At Eastbourne he had a big home track advantage, that will change riding at Wolves. haha, if only
  8. Way above 7? You might want to check your facts. 7.11 is not 'way above 7'. As for Karlsson, silly to think his average might go up. After all, racing fast track riders and second strings in 50% of his races instead of racing riders such as Iversen, Ward, Zagar etc will make things much tougher for him... he'll never pick up an extra pt a meeting! To put it simply, using Kings Lynn as an example you are saying a rider racing against the following opposition Iversen/Porsing Schlein/Lambert Iversen/Schlein Iversen/K.Bjerre would not see a 1 pt increase in his average if his opponents were changed to:- Iversen/Porsing Lambert/Lewis Rose (this will actually be a weaker rider next year for Kings Lynn) Iversen/Schlein Porsing/Kerr I'll have some of what you are smoking please.
  9. That's my birthday so afraid they will have to reschedule.
  10. Absolutely spot on. Bjarne has been picked off at Monmore on so many occasions over the years. Even Magnus Karlsson was able to pass him and that was when Bjarne was a 9pt rider. Eastbourne is a big home track advantage, make the start, very hard to pass. Sure, he will adapt to Monmore if he signed but he won't have anywhere near the same level of advantage. As these figures show.. he's an awful signing.
  11. FACT Peter Karlsson is,was and always will be a better rider than Bjarne Pedersen at Monmore Green. The reasons for PK's ONE season of under performance last year are well documented.. and with the silencer change are resolved. So, with that issue now gone we're effectively where we were at start of last season.. with the exception too that PK is now fully fit and not returning from a serious injury. Start of last season if offered Peter Karlsson or Bjarne Pedersen I doubt any sane Wolves fan would choose Bjarne Pedersen. So what if PK goes back up to heat leader? He's still better than Bjarne Pedersen.
  12. No WK. There is no agreeing to differ. You need understand there is a difference between opinion and fact. You are effectively making something up.. creating a fantasy. It is stone cold fact that the attendances at speedway in the UK dropped massively from 1980 to 1994. Way before a GP was introduced, way before playoffs, way before any of the changes you wish to accredit to being the decline of. speedway. Speaking of Stone Cold.. I'll throw in.. And that's the bottom line because.....
  13. That you are wrong Wrong again. The crowds dropped massively BEFORE the GP's. BEFORE any top riders left. The top riders have left because Britiain still operates using an antiquated schedule and has failed to move with the times.
  14. Given a full season of riding at Monmore, given the change in the silencer rules this year, I would still back Peter Karlsson to average higher than Bjarne Pedersen without a doubt. Throw in the loyalty PK has shown to Wolves, his inspirational skills, the fact that Lindgren loves riding alongside him, the fact he can continue to help bring Thorssell along.... A signing such as this could easily end up like Steve Johnston whom took the place of Sam Ermolenko.. we know how that turned out.
  15. Agreed.. he just strikes me as one of those who performs better at a lower level. Time will tell, he's still young, it's not an awful signing. Bjarne Pedersen however...
  16. Constant reference to Lasse Bjerre being 'better than his average' etc. He will be racing against far better reserves this season, the no 6's are all strong riders, with even the no 7's being of a higher standard. In addition the second strings are of a higher standard this season. Of all the teams signings so far, he is arguably the weakest second string of all.
  17. Nope, the BSPA's continuing reluctance to move with the times sped things up.
  18. Depends how you view it.. Definition of crime being:- an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. The law in this case being the rules and regulations of the FIM.
  19. You are rewriting history again WK. The rot had started a LONG time before the GP's started.
  20. In answer to your earlier question... He has opted out and doesn't have the desire to be World Champion. Thus he is a non-entity at this point.
  21. A flawed answer. Ask yourself how many fans the sport had lost BEFORE any changes were made. The reality with speedway is, in the UK especially, it hasn't changed enough.
  22. Quite simly Emil doesn't deserve to be World Champion and is a non-entity when it comes to it.
  23. I don't think any sane person could call him a 'fool', even his harshest critics.
  24. Matt Ford is no fool, hence his signing of Watt on a lower than normal average.
  25. Ah the thread was progressing nicely with sensible comments.... but looks like the asylum is open again.
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