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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Very amusing. Always the sign of having no argument, resorting to stupidness.
  2. I know what you said and it is an incorrect statement. Poole should not have had first pick of opponent, so it was not 'fair and square' regardless of how many times you say it. It's really very simple.
  3. You crack me up at times. So you now agree Kings Lynn finished top... but then claim Poole won 'fair and square'. Remind me, who gets first choice of opponent in the play-offs? And who actually had first choice. Those answers will show you that it wasn't 'fair and square' at all. Yes, it is very likely that Poole would still have won, but we don't know that.. hence an asterisk.
  4. Why would I expect that? If you read my post again it says Poole will remain champions. All I've stated is Kings Lynn finished top of the League. NOT that they are champions.
  5. It's not an argument. Kings Lynn finished top of the EL, that's all there is to it. No debate. Of course the play-offs won't be re-run and Poole will remain champions.. with an * next to them if its done correctly. Or perhaps your post is the pathetic argument you are talking about?
  6. Yeah, the Aussies always get the biggest crowd support at the British GP. If Ward was given the wildcard, I'd personally boycott the event in protest.
  7. You're on the ball today aren't you. Now you just have to figure out who Ward rode for during 17-27th August and you might be getting somewhere!
  8. Ah so Darcy isn't banned for riding for Poole then as he did something when not racing for them? Otherwise I'm afraid your post is irrelevant. What is there to stir anyway? Its a direct ruling from the FIM. Its in black and white.
  9. So? If Darcy hadn't got p****d none of this would have happened. That's the be all and end all and where any blame lies.
  10. He isn't posting 'crap'. He is posting fact. Its a reality. It has happened. A ruling has been passed. Are you too dense to actually understand that? Poole were fully aware of what had taken place with Darcy. They would also have been fully aware that there may be retrospective action taken in the future. Perhaps if they had shown some integrity at the time they would have suspended Ward... after all Ford had stated he was on his last chance prior hadn't he? Man Utd suspended Eric Cantona before he was actually banned by the FA. Hopefully speedway clubs will learn a lesson from this and start to treat these incidents seriously... but I won't hold my breath.
  11. And if you question that, you will be asked 'What speedway qualifications you hold' and informed that unless you are a fan of 50 years you can't possibly judge lol.
  12. Absolutely no chance. They are more deluded than ever. Some now think the 10 month ban 'proves' that the test was faulty and he wasn't guilty.. they believe that he would have been banned for 2 years otherwise and it's only 10 months or they have 'their arses sued off'.
  13. Except they haven't been reporting on 'only what the result is'. They've been giving tonnes of coverage to the lunatic bleatings of Middlo without even stopping to question whether its all fabricated. As others have said, there are some excellent articles in the Star, but in the Ward case, its been shocking.
  14. I must disagree. One glance at social media shows just how influential the misleading and quite frankly bordering on outright lies that the magazine has been printing has been. You say you shouldn't censor publically made comments? So you will just print anything? You don't bother to investigate if there is any credence behind it? If Middleditch tweeted tomorrow Greg Hancocks a cheat, he used illegal machinery last year, you'd just happily go with that and run the story? Oh wait.. You would! You've done it before! Our old friend Barry Briggs sat on his sofa at home was suddenly able to detect that riders were cheating with their dirt deflectors! Hey presto, big story in the Speedway Star with the accusations. Was there ever any follow up? Did the matter not concern the publication that riders were getting way with cheating? No.. of course not. It was simply left. As said before, are we now going to see a story that explains that the claims from the Ward camp turned out to be false? Why the hell should they? Perhaps to give the magazine some credibility, rather than reporting one sided twaddle/lies which is what they have done throughout this case.
  15. The Speedway Star should report both sides of the story It should make it clear that riders riding intoxicated should not in any way be tolerated. I trust now the ban has been laid down and Wards guilt has been confirmed we will see a story condemning Ward for his actions?
  16. Yes, clearly. And herein is a perfect example of just why this sport is in the mess it is. Folk just rolling over and accepting things, its little wonder Poole walk all over the league is it. I'm not arguing anything either. I've simply stated that Kings Lynn finished top of the Elite League in 2014. Poole's victory now comes with an * next to it, rather like Barry Bonds home run record in Baseball.
  17. I don't think you quite understand do you. A ruling has been made. It's not fantasy, its not fiction. The ruling from the governing body of the sport quite clearly states that any points scored by Ward during the period of 17th-27th August will be removed "WHATEVER THE RAMIFICATIONS". That's not anyone drawing people in... it's as official as it gets. Irrelevant, he did ride and the FIM have ruled that his pts are null and void.
  18. And the utter diatribe that has been published regarding the issue, instead of manning up and pointing out quite categorically that Ward was in the wrong and there shouldn't be a place in the sport for riders riding whilst under the influence of alcohol, REGARDLESS of the amount. Even now, it's still a case of trying to blame someone else.
  19. A Poole fan highlighting Ward's average should go up?
  20. Let's hope the BSPA correctly apply the rules and do this.
  21. How do you work that out? His average would go up surely?
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