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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. So the Poole track has no bumps, is as smooth as a billiard table and the riders all praise it? Or does your number 1 says its "S**t". Rider Safety must come first! Until those bumps are removed, Poole should stage no further meetings. Or are you a hypocrite?
  2. Forget the 'bullrubish' bit, his main point is valid in this case. We won't be seeing any more meetings at Poole for some time then I take it. Rider safety after all.
  3. There you have it. Some of the old guard didn't like the green light starts, indeed they were almost fairer as the riders simply HAD to sit perfectly still. All this nonsense about the track, Batchelor and Holder... one who isn't fit and likely shouldn't even be racing in the meeting and the other is way out of confidence and struggling on all tracks. I'm not one to hark back to the 'good old days' but would we have seen riders such as PC, Carter, Briggs etc struggle to ride on such a track? I highly doubt it. Yes I know the bikes are partly to do with it, but Bomber showed the track could be ridden and indeed raced on perfectly well.
  4. Absolutely 100% spot on. The riders were as much to blame for this farce as the organisers. Calling a riders meeting just because they were going to run the meeting on a green light start? Pathetic. Phil Morris should have taken control at that point and put the 2 minute warning on. Once he allowed that to happen they knew they could walk over him. No surprise that the 2 riders leading the protests weren't having a particularly good night either. The track wasn't that bad, not by a long shot. Better than many Cardiff tracks. Obviously lots were to blame for tonights farce, but in order I would put 1: The Referee 2: Phil Morris 3: The Riders 4th and least of all: The Track
  5. And the riders. All the whinging over a green light start.. which is the rule. They should have got on with it then. Although, Morris allowed them to 'have a meeting'.
  6. And as said, the riders are as much to blame in my opinion. Their egos are contributing into destroying their own sport. Bomber should come out and show them how to ride it.
  7. And as said, the riders are as much to blame in my opinion. Their egos are contributing into destroying their own sport.
  8. The tapes weren't broken. Running out of patience with some of these riders again. They are to blame for much of this farce tonight as well. Although as SCB has just reminded me on Facebook, if we had a decent race director, we wouldn't be having this mess. The riders are running riot over Morris who is out of his depth.
  9. Race declared on lap 3.. Completely against the rules. Lawrence is a disgrace. I find that fact that the referee doesn't even know the rules far more concerning than a starting gate not working.
  10. It's got nothing to do with a 'temporary track'. The starting gate isn't working, there are rules in place for if and when that happens, they should simply be followed. It's not complicated. Sadly we have riders whinging and moaning and Morris not controlling them.... coupled with an incompetent referee.
  11. FFS. Morris is letting the riders walk all over him here. Unsatisfactory start, race should be on 2 mins. If Pedersen is moaning, tough crap.
  12. Is it a requirement to be completely incompetent to referee a GP?
  13. No it wouldn't as for once rules would have followed and the sport shows some credibility. If he rides on Sunday in Poland and doesn't wish to ride on Monday, then he is withholding his services and should be suspended accordingly. Lakeside can then use Doyle as a guest and nobody is upset, as you seem worried about. What SHOULDN'T be allowed to happen is him skip Monday and then simply walk back in on Friday. So, your fears are unjustified if the rules are followed.
  14. Come on now E I... you're digging a bit here aren't you? What next? Oh, we haven't got a very good team this year, its not fair on the track we're visiting, so we'll just track a couple of stronger riders instead.
  15. I have no qualms about him riding in the GP tbh, but if he rides in Poland then he is taking the p*** and no facility should be granted. Squads etc are irrelevant. As for 'Ryanair cattle truck', neglible difference between Ryanair planes and any other.. except of course a hell of a lot cheaper and on time far more often. If he wants extra leg room, pay £5 and he has it... so no excuse their either.
  16. So, in essence what you are saying is, I can't have an opinion whether something is good value, whether people can hold their own with starman or whether it matters whether you saw Ashby ride... only you can? Tad hypocritical there Sidders. As for your other rambling, we've never had a debate over an opinion. Every single time it's been a situation where you were factually WRONG. That's not opinion, it's not a debate. Just you being corrected and not mature enough to accept it. So yes, you are correct about one thing, I only tend to get very involved when I am right. Why would I want to get embroiled in something if I was wrong, that would make me look very foolish indeed... think about that for a moment. Back to Harris, I think much of the resentment towards Harris comes from the fact people know just how good he CAN be. On his day, particularly in league racing, he can be one of, if not the most exciting riders there is. He just seems to lack that touch of professionalism required to compete on a consistent basis at the highest level.
  17. Exactly, the opening post raised some very valid points worthy of discussion. As we can see, some people can't seem to read, process information and reply accordingly. They only see what they want to see.. I think such people are poor value, bring little to the forum, likely clean up in a debate with Starry or pugwash and most importantly they saw Ashby ride many times.
  18. I am reading reference to a Bomber on this thread and it appears some seem to be in support of this 'Bomber'. Surely such an individual should be locked up, we don't want terrorists in our sport. You can read more about Terrorism here:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism
  19. Very sad. Grew up listening to his commentary, cricket was never quite the same once he retired.
  20. You've learned a valuable lesson there.. Never trust the SCB
  21. And that's why the Premier League is packing out stadiums up and down the country........
  22. In principle that's great, but those aren't the rules and you certainly won't see other teams doing such things... well, not the successful ones anyway! I agree with the theory though.
  23. I think what this post has in common with Ward is 'making things up'.
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