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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Here we go again. WE KNOW IT WORKS WELL STARMAN. That is the point we are making. However what you seem to fail to grasp is that the RIDERS didn't agree. They held up the meeting to have a meeting about it.
  2. I've read your post and as usual it makes no sense. You agree its quite easy to run a meeting on a green light start.. indeed we saw that.. but you disagree that it had any impact upon the riders?? The riders kicked off about it, tried to stop the meeting at the point the green light start was being used.. from there, they were just waiting for an excuse. Fortunately, the unfit Batchelor, who shouldn't have been allowed on track in the first place provided it for them.
  3. batch has stated he was unfit and couldn't hold onto the bike properly.. so his opinion is redundant. He should not have been on the track and was endangering the lives of others by doing so.
  4. Ah and there it is.. Point two reveals your true colors, irrelevant to this conversation, but now we know. Your opinions are pretty much rendered redundant. Incidentally, can anyone else remember a meeting abandoned due to 'dangerous' track conditions, where no rider has mentioned said 'dangerous' conditions in any interviews during the meeting? Highly unusual.
  5. So why dear old Starman did the riders delay the meeting because of being asked to start with a green light?
  6. Batchelor?? lmao! Give me a break. The guy who has a wrist injury and shouldn't be riding anyway? The guy who came off because he rode into the back of someone? This whinger is one of the biggest problems. You're not fit. DON'T endanger others and ride.
  7. Still waiting for someone, anyone to highlight where these so called problems with the track were and explain just why, if it was so dangerous, were riders racing at full speed, in total control and engaging in some good racing. Dangerous tracks, as we know from witnessing it in the past sees riders two wheeling into corners, strung out racing and lack of effort. NONE of which was on display last night.. That will all depend on who is paying them and how much
  8. It's interesting some are up in arms about it being 'dangerous'. I'll tell you what IS dangerous. Riders riding who are injured. Perhaps they've hurt their wrist and can barely even hold onto the bike.. what might happen? Ah yes, they keep sliding off.. (not looking at you Mr Batchelor). Perhaps they are so low in confidence they're tootling into corners, which is always asking for trouble.. (not looking at you Mr Holder). Anyone else fall off? Anyone? No? The next time a rider shows up to ride injured, maybe they have a broken collarbone, maybe they've got a knee injury they should told be told.. "Sorry lads, too dangerous".
  9. lol.. No it wasn't fact.. The meeting wasn't delayed, there was no riders meeting and guess what.. It wasn't postponed. FFS
  10. It's not an opinion, it's what happened. The riders caused an unnecessary delay to the meeting because they (or it should be said a few of them) were whinging over a green light start? The riders got the meeting called off as a few of them were moaning.. i.e. weren't doing very well. What was a disgrace was they were allowed to get away with delaying the meeting in the first place (over the green light) and also the fact that the tapes weren't working and nobody seemed to have any idea of how to solve it was not professional either (organisers fault).
  11. There was no lynch mob. What it did highlight once again is the stupidity of speedway promotions. "We've booked a guest for our No1 on Monday, who might be racing Saturday". Regardless of his injury situation, that is foolish. Just a simple rewording too.. "We have preliminarily booked Jason Doyle, if AJ fails to come through the weekends racing"... or better still, just book JD,and not announce it till after the GP. That's too sensible though More importantly, hopefully the weather is good, the track will provide good racing and the riders won't walk out if there is a bump in it.
  12. Then you weren't watching the same meeting. As has already been explained Heats 9-12 were excellent. I repeat Heat 9: Bomber chases and passes Hancock. Heat 11: Jonasson and Gollob in a great battle, Jonasson passes Gollob, Mr G comes back and repasses him, Jonasson gets him back, Mr G tries a trademark last bend cutback, jonasson holds him off. Cracking race, both going full at it. Heat 12: Janowski and Zagar in a super battle for the minor places, neither of them showing any signs of worrying about a 'dangerous track'.
  13. The entertainment in Heats 9 to 12 was excellent, with passing and repassing in the races. Not quite sure how that happens on a 'disgrace of a track'.. All going nicely to plan
  14. The track was raceable, or did you not see Bomber chase down and pass Hancock in Heat 9, or Jonasson and Gollob passing and repassing in Heat 11, or Janowksi and Zagar passing and repassing in Heat 12? 3 excellent races out of 4... then its abandoned.
  15. Correct. And it's something that quite a few on here appear to have forgotten. I highly doubt anyone at the end of heat 12 would have predicted the meeting would be abandoned at that point. Whereas with a truly dangerous track, its pretty obvious.
  16. Now that is the pertinent question. Politics has already entered the sport at the top level and I am convinced it played a big part in the events of Saturday night. yes the organisers have to take some of the blame, but it's clear the riders (or a section of them.. the majority are passive and just go with the flow.. ) were looking for any reason to play up. Who stands to gain from a showpiece event like this going t'ts up?
  17. The riders didn't deliver on that. In the past, when meetings have been called off due to the track being 'dangerous', it's in most cases been pretty obvious. Riders have been struggling to ride, let alone race. It seems to be escaping peoples attention, that wasn't the case here. There had been some good racing. The two heats prior to the track suddenly being too 'dangerous' to ride had produced good racing with riders going hard at it.
  18. Yeah, your right. More people would rather be at a packed out Deepdale than a packed out Wembley.
  19. Some people really don't understand. We keep getting quotes along the lines of "We want the best race tracks..", "People don't want to see temporary tracks" NO THEY DON'T. That's why Cardiff gets 40,000+, why Warsaw was 50,000 + and why Bydgoszcz was about 3,000. What did ruts have to do with the green light? Nothing at all. Yet the riders 'took control' then over something they should have been getting on with causing an unnecessary delay to the paying spectators. Why was the track safe for Heat 12, then suddenly not safe the race after? Quite simple, riders greed. We've done enough now, we haven't got to bother coming back tomorrow. Sod the public. Again, you keep referring to a track 'full of ruts'.... why, if that was the case, was there some good racing in Heats 11 & 12, NOT caused by 'ruts'. There was some decent racing earlier in the meeting too. Bomber passing the World Champ for one... oh wait? Who was leading the protests? Can't be having that can we! There was little wrong with that track. The riders didn't want to know (or a couple of the old guard who run the show didn't anyway) once it went to a green light start.
  20. Just imagine if there was another body, promising them more money.. if only they could find a way of getting control....
  21. Spot on. I normally plan one of my trips to England to tie in with Cardiff. It is all now booked, and Cardiff is not on the agenda. It has nothing to do with track preparation, we ALL know the temporary tracks will get the odd rut here and there and that is all this particular track had (in fact I have still only seen 1 mentioned and Batchelor was nowhere near it when he came off the 2nd time, 1st time he rode into back of rider in front). No, I am not going because I am disgusted at the actions of the riders. They were a disgrace and had little intention of completing the meeting the moment it went to a green light. In fact part of me is beginning to wonder if there isn't more to this than meets the eye...
  22. How do we know? Because we just watched the overwhelming majority racing around it without any problems. It's not rocket science. As was said earlier in the thread, had the starting gate not failed the meeting would have proceeded without any mention of the track from the riders. As it was, the old guard didn't like it and they absolutely made sure it wouldn't go on any further... fortunately for them an unfit Batchelor crashing helped them out... incidentally when he was nowhere near the supposed problem rut on the inside of turn 1.
  23. They already do that with league meetings... But riders safety is paramount! So if Pooles not perfect, they shouldn't be staging meetings. Or is riders safety only paramount on non Poole tracks?
  24. A hell of a lot more people than take Speedway seriously. A lot more intelligent ones too.
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