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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. We're not discussing opinions, we're discussing facts. On which she is incorrect. Very simple.
  2. Once again you haven't read. When you have a valid point to make, that isn't biased Poole diatribe, it might be relevant. As I have quite clearly explained to you, the removal of Wards points was CHALLENGED. We now know that the challenge has failed, so that is not 'old news' as you claim it is. Nothing to do with being 'anti-Poole'. I haven't made the decision. Meanwhile......... this is .......... a........ speedway..........discussion.........forum...... so I will continue............to post........... on threads ..............that interest me...........
  3. Not at all, in fact it was quite mild. Not even Ward would come out with such utter garbage.
  4. Keep trying to drag Nicki Pedersen into it all you wish, you're just making yourself look a bigger fool each and every time.
  5. Incorrect again. He was over the drink drive limit upon his first test. If you think Ward had the brains to figure out that by the time the meeting started he would be under the drink drive limit then you're more deluded than I first though. To have been over the drink drive limit, at that stage in the afternoon he must have had a skinful the night before, not a few drinks.. You then have the audacity to bring Nicki Pedersen into the equation, someone who refrains from drinking alcohol during the speedway season. Someone who when tested records 0.00. We then get subjected to lies and deceit from the scoundrel (Ward). Backed up by further lies and deceit from your very own promotion, pulling the wool over your eyes, claiming they don't know what's going on. And this comment just about sums you up. Despicable. Fortunately the FIM disagree.
  6. Perhaps if you knew what you were commenting on you might get somewhere. The claim is that it is 'old news' that Ward was in possession of the full reasoned decisions on April 7th. Please point to me in the initial summary in February where it said Ward had received the full reasoned decisions on April 7th. Did they have a time machine? Of course not, it wasn't there so all of your waffle is redundant. Secondly, with regards to the deduction of Ward's points, this had been challenged by Darcy himself as confirmed by his team in Sweden. The results of said challenge had not been documented anywhere so again, most definitely were not 'old news'. However, the statement on the FIM website now clearly states that the matter is closed hence any appeal has failed. So again, not old news.
  7. What are you talking about? The statement on the FIM website states that the relevant parties were given the full reasoned decision on the 7th April. Now, when I read 7th April, I take it to mean 7th April. Perhaps I am twisting things and it's wrong to think 7th April means 7th April.. I'd be interested to hear what your unbiased (cough) opinion of the meaning of 7th April is?
  8. Over on the Poole 2015 thread, Skidder and some other gullible lackeys claim it's "Old News" that Ward was given the full reasoned decision on 7th April... Yet here was Skidder on 2nd May still taking pot shots at the FIM in defence of his beloved Darcy claiming he hadn't yet received it. So Skidder was either lying in his above post, or it isn't 'Old News' after all... and he was just another gullible Darcy lover.
  9. There's nothing that needs twisting or turning. The FIM has very clearly spelt it out. Ward received the full reasoned decision on the 7th April. His lackeys were bleating about the FIM on the 2nd May asking where it was. So either they were lying, or it wasn't old news? Which one do you prefer?
  10. Old news says the guy who has been bleating about Ward not receiving the reasoned decisions. As evidenced above. Bleating about it almost a month after Ward has received it. So no, NOT old news. Just yet more lies from the Ward camp that you are either a party too or gullible enough to fall for. As for your 'clarification', that's just you making things up again.
  11. It was also confirmed today that the full reasons were given to Wards camp back on April 7th. So all the moaning and whinging regarding the long wait are once again shown to be lies. As regards the deducting of his pts, of course this means Kings Lynn were the rightful table toppers and as it's not possible now to rerun the playoffs should be awarded the league title as the playoffs to all intents and purposes were null and void. Of course, this is speedway so I have no doubt the SCB/BSPA will bury their heads and ignore an official ruling.
  12. Also of note is that the CDI notified its full reasoned decision to the parties on 7 April 2015. Yet we've been told that poor Darcy has been waiting for it by the Poole lackeys! Which begs the question of course.. where's the statement he promised? He's had the reasoned decision for 6 weeks.
  13. Not so. Anyone with knowledge would know we were built as a side strong at home, particularly strong in the early stages of the season with PK at second string. We picked up an at the time surprise win away at Lakeside, who some thought were going to be ultra strong at home. That win has since been dampened by other teams also going there and winning. Last nights home defeat now means we won't be getting close to the playoffs without at least another away win (assuming remain unbeaten from now at home). I can't see where that win would come from. The injury situation has now made the situation worse. It's going to be a long season from here on in.
  14. Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me one iota if you actually believed it too....
  15. So basically Tom Stokes is replacing NKI.
  16. Whereas as you listen to what a drunk liar tells you and takes it as gospel, throw abuse at people who dare to question the drunk liar and when the drunk liar is proven to be just that, a drunk liar, refuse to act like a civil human being and admit you were wrong.
  17. Pathetic attempt once again Skidder to cover up your biased drivel. Unlike you, I show no bias when it comes to my own club and dishing out criticism where it is valid.
  18. Wolves losing at home.. so lets give our weaker fast track rider all his rides again.
  19. Spot on. Second time this has happened, its not exactly rocket science is it. But still the lackeys defend them.
  20. Have you grown up and apologised to SCB yet Starman?
  21. Absolutely hilarious from Muddlo! Wait for the report we've been told for so long! Darcy will be preparing a statement once we have the report! There's thing you don't know, wait for the report! Well now we have it and Muddlo's realised he's been treated like a plonka! Move on, nothing to see here!!
  22. And RR is better than King.. "Sorry Danny, change of plans" lol
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