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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Rubbish. Either his pts are removed or they are not. If his pts are removed which the FIM have ruled they should be, the result of the match changes, its very simple.
  2. It's written by someone who isn't grown up enough to apologise for calling someone a liar when it was revealed that person was finally right. Says all you need to know about him.
  3. I'm sure that's a completely unbiased viewpoint
  4. Now we're pretty much in agreement. Either no winner as per the record books, or at the very very least an * next to Poole with an explanation. For what it's worth I don't think this years team should be punished at all.
  5. So you admit Poole won the title unfairly last year?
  6. lol.. so you want to change results, but not change what those results mean! Brilliant logic! You agree that the only FAIR option is to re-run the playoffs. But you're happy for Poole to UNFAIRLY have the title. As for Armstrong, yes irrelevant, as was your argument about the fans, at least you agree on that point. So essentially what you're telling us you think its fine for a team to UNFAIRLY be league champions.
  7. You're the one who complained changing results isn't fair of fans, not me. Changing the Lance Armstrong results has a hell of a lot more impact than a minor comp such as the EL, so he was used to render YOUR point irrelevant. You can call people barmy, spout out your nonsense as much as you want. The FIM disagree.
  8. Which makes the booking of Lasse Bjerre utterly ridiculous. He'll be taking rides that FOUR better riders than him could take.
  9. Nutty? I'd say someone who is nutty who consistently posts on a discussion regarding an FIM statement, that it then transpires on numerous occasions they haven't even read. Ward wasn't actually 100% eligible to ride at the time, him riding came with a risk that if he was found guilty his pts could be deducted. His teams would have been aware of this but still proceeded to track him anyway. As for Armstrong, it has been claimed that it would be unfair on fans to change the results.. I used him as an example because it is a far bigger sport with far more fans and far more historical meaning.. but it didn't stop them changing the result. So, yes, it is a perfect rebuttal of the point raised.. not my problem if you are unable to understand that. So why are his pts being removed in Sweden?
  10. Ah yes, better not strip Lance Armstrong of his tour titles. Football had best not award games to the other team when the winning team has fielded an ineligible player. After all, it might upset someone. Most certainly Ben Johnson shouldn't be stripped of his Olympic Gold, those poor fans in the stadium! Shawn Moran, I was at Odsal in 1990 for the World Final, how ripped off I feel now because he's been stripped of his silver medal.. It's irrelevant what you think Poole would or wouldn't have done, the playoffs are void due to Poole having the first pick. You can't prove they would have won, another night another situation anything could have happened. Not forgetting of course, the classic speedway fan situation of bleating and moaning about something when rules haven't been broken, then when they are, or are ignored as in this case, declare its ridiculous to complain about it!
  11. How so? What some don't seem to understand is that it is perfectly possible to criticise, even strongly criticise a rider for their actions but still then support them. Once his ban is up he is free to ride and I would gladly see him ride for Wolves. Does it mean I condone his prior actions? No. Does it mean I won't criticise him if he transgressed again? No.
  12. The rules state if 12 heats are completed, the result stands. Whether that rule should be changed is another argument, but applying the rules of the sport isn't a farce... Ignoring them is!
  13. ?? It can be called a result after 12 heats as that is the rules. Just as a baseball game can be called after so many innings (6 I think).. or a cricket match can be called from a reduced number of overs, or indeed one team batting less overs than another.
  14. He's given plenty of ammunition to do just that with! I will say this though, I'd still have in my team if it was possible.
  15. Of course it matters who picks who. What we know is Poole had first pick when they weren't eligible to do so. That renders the playoffs void, or should in any professional set up.
  16. No the FIM just decided to deduct his pts for no reason.
  17. You have GOT to be kidding me!!!! Lasse Bjerre??? As a heat leader??????? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Darcy Ward was also riding for his club as an ineligible rider. It matters not whether Poole knew this or not at the time... HOWEVER, they would have been aware that if found guilty for the offence he would become ineligible and decided to proceed anyway. Wards pts should be removed, Kings Lynn finish top of the table. The playoffs are null and void as not contested correctly and as they can't now be re-run the only course of action is to award Kings Lynn the league title. That is what would happen in any professional sport...
  19. When Edward Kennett was banned, it didn't effect his club of course did it... oh wait.
  20. This is British Speedway, so of course they won't be. However, in any professionally run sport it would certainly be a possibility.
  21. You're just anti-Poole, go away from this thread, we darcy lovers don't want you here.
  22. What is your point? As it seems to change from post to post? You claimed it was 'old news'. I've shown you that it isn't. What other point have you got? There you go again, 'reading what they want to and not what is there'.... You keep throwing this accusation out. What part of the statement have I read that is not there? Just to help you, as I doubt you have even read it... here is the FIM Statement in full. " On 25 February 2015, the FIM International Disciplinary Court (CDI) found that Mr Ward, who tested positive for alcohol at the round of the 2014 FIM Speedway Grand Prix World Championship held in Daugavpils, Latvia, had committed an anti-doping rule violation under the FIM Anti-Doping Code. Mr Ward has been sanctioned with a period of ineligibility of ten (10) months commencing on the date of the decision (25 February 2015). Taking into account the period of provisional suspension already served by Mr Ward, which is credited against the period of the sanction, the period of ineligibility imposed on Mr Ward will end on 27 June 2015 at midnight. The results obtained by Mr Ward in all the Competitions in which he participated subsequent to the positive test, from 17 August 2014 until 27 August 2014, are cancelled, with all resulting consequences, including forfeiture of any points and prizes. The CDI notified its full reasoned decision to the parties on 7 April 2015. No appeal against the decision of the CDI was lodged by the parties before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne (Switzerland) within 21 days of the date of receipt of the full reasoned CDI decision pursuant to Article 13.6 of the 2014 FIM Anti-Doping Code. The decision is therefore final. " As you can quite clearly see it confirms my statement that the full reasoned decision was given on 7th April. Which confirms my statement that certain Poole fans were incorrect to still be attacking the FIM on 2nd May claiming Darcy hadn't received the decision. It confirms that no appeal has been lodged against the decision of the CDI within the 21 days and that the full decision is now FINAL. That is NEW news. Regardless of how you want to spin it. So again, what have I read that isn't there?
  23. What have I posted? Let's see. That Ward received the full reasoned decision on April 7th. FACT. That it was reported that Ward and his team in Sweden had challenged the removal of the pts as decreed in the initial verdict given in February. FACT. That certain Poole fans had continued, well after the date that Ward had received the full reasoned decision, to attack the FIM over the delay in him receiving it. FACT That the NEW news is that the FIM say the matter is now closed and confirmed the removal of Wards points. FACT. Those are all FACTS. You don't want to accept them and accuse people of being anti-Poole, anti-Ward for simply quoting FACTS. You are perfectly entitled to an opinion, but when you are arguing against FACTS and accusing me of reading into them what I want to see, then I will correct you. See above. Read it. Process it. Understand it. It's very simple.
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