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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Except Pedersen didn't 'get anything coming'. Net result of Hancocks efforts was Hancock lying on his back about to get a beating until others dragged Nicki off him.
  2. Nothing blinkered. The Monster Boys don't push Greg in GP's. Truth hurts, but that's the reality.
  3. I don't mind Hancock. He's just another rider to me. I am pointing out, and I know others agree as they have mentioned it themselves. Riders do not push Hancock. He is always given much more racing room, he rarely has hard moves pulled on him and is rarely given elbows. All things that the other riders do to each other in each and every GP. That makes things a hell of a lot easier. Of course he has to have the talent and ability as well.
  4. Still missing the point. It's explained.... and if you opened your eyes you would see it.
  5. You don't see Greg's buddies racing him hard. They'll race each other hard, give each other the elbows, but never or at best very very rarely will they do it to Greg. He's the old man, must give him room. You give a rider of Greg's ability such an easy run, he's going to beat you. Speedway World Cup was classic example. Greg gets ahead of Tai who as per norm follows him round. Greg gets ahead of young guns Lambert and Morris who aren't his busom buddies and they soon move him out of the way. Think you've missed the point.
  6. It is fact. Greg was not fenced. That is there for the whole world to see. Nobody touched the fence. Fact. Who cares what Gregs busom buddies say on Twitter.. they're the fools who have let him win 2 World Titles.
  7. You've hit the nail on the head. Again Greg has flown out of the start, again he's slow, making mistakes and is reeled in.
  8. Facts are Nicki didn't cause serious injury or worse. Facts are there was barely any contact. Facts are there was still room for Greg. Facts are Greg jumped of the bike, releasing it, hence it continuing on its way down the track and not going into the fence. ergo sum, Greg wasn't fenced. Facts are Greg drifted wide, locked up twice, Nicki rode a perfect corner. Facts are it was a speedway racing incident that is seen hundreds of times a season. Decision to exclude Nicki, 50/50 but no qualms with that call being made.
  9. All these gullible fools (riders) that fawn over Hancock Hancock has them right where he wants them. They don't push him on track, must give the nice old guy all the room in the world. Net result? Greg wins World Title/s. Rickardsson, Crump etc wouldn't give him so much respect. It was interesting that in the World Cup some of the younger kids didn't pay him so much heed.. and breezed past him.
  10. I have the utmost respect for every rider and understand itis a tough sport. You only care if they've ridden for poole. I have never ever wished a rider to be hurt, no matter how much I dislike them so don't ever say I have no respect for riders. YOU have declared a wish for a rider to break his neck. I have no wish to discuss this further with you.
  11. Lol, nah a cage fighter wouldn't end up flat on his back when he was the aggressor.
  12. Take your exaggerated utter bull elsewhere along with your wishes that a rider breaks his neck.
  13. Best you leave it there I think. Anyone who wishes injury on a rider has no place on this forum.
  14. Another thread you're going to troll on talking nonsense again. Greg was in full control of his slide off, hence jumping straight to his feet. When you're wiped out, you have no control. As for taking someone down in glorious style, it's not glorious when YOU end up flat on your back with the other guy on top of you. Very amusing yes, but that was all. Nothing at all like Boyce's punch on Gollob. Finally, wishing a rider to break their neck is nothing short of despicable. You are no speedway fan.
  15. Greg should be thankful there were folk there quickly to pull nicki off him. What most have missed is his flying clothesline ended up with him on his back prone and nicki on top of him where he could have let loose. Fortunately tough guy Greg was saved by people dragging nicki off him. As for the incident, the more I see it, the more I think Greg laid it down. Certainly not a blatant wipeout. Kind of incident seen many times before. You're right, they aren't reversed. Nicki has taken as much as he has given over the years and not resorted to that. Hancock is an amusing thug.
  16. It has been in Sweden. There is no interpretation. It's a very clear ruling for anyone who can read and understand the English language. Now you either don't understand the English language very well or are merely trolling.
  17. I've run it through Google Translate and it came up as "Post Deleted"
  18. This will teach me to pay attention and not multi task! When Denmark went 4 pts up, I thought for some reason there was on heat left... glanced up to see Bjerre not move.. thought nothing of it as they'd won (or so I thought).. Came back to screen to see lining up for heat 20 and realised my error! Silly silly from NKI then, all he had to do was beat AJ! I'm afraid that was an amateurish mistake.
  19. Shame, would have been a much more exciting finish had Iversen been rightly excluded earlier in the meet. As I thought at the time, that was pivotal.
  20. Magic could have stayed on, but once again, you shouldn't have to fall off to get a decision. Kildemand caused it, out of control, hitting the fence.
  21. Shame that such an awful decision could have such a big bearing on the meeting.
  22. That was an awful decision from the referee. Iversen should have gone then, not even a hard decision.
  23. Has there ever been a closer final than this, with all 4 teams right in the mix?
  24. I didn't see you saying the same thing about Nicki.. there was no difference... although I do agree that in both cases, Pawlicki in part played for it.
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