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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. The anti Pedersen bias from the commentary team once again shone through... Tatum suggesting Nicki should have been excluded when Kildemand wiped him and Zagar out and then to top it all off Scott Nicholls piping up it was 'selfish' of Nicki to jump of the back of his bike when Killer wiped him out! Had Nicki not jumped off the back of that bike I highly doubt he would have got up and walked away, I thought it was a brilliant reaction to get out of a very dangerous situation.
  2. I've documented them many, many times. About 5 or 6 seasons ago I posted a very long detailed plan which received in excess of 50 likes, somewhat unheard of on the BSF. Within it I also stated that if the sport continued along its path of cost cutting and reducing the standard, only one thing would happen, more and more people would walk away. It has panned out exactly how I said.
  3. Would either of them have won over a 6 round series staged in different countries? That is the point. They were world champions however and that can never be taken away, their victory was as worthy as any other world champions.
  4. The post in question was SCB explaining how many riders race in both leagues. Nothing to do with opinion.
  5. The evidence shows that a lot more people had deserted the sport BEFORE any changes than after them but again, don't let the truth get in the way of the whinges. The sport lost the majority of its support between the early to mid 80's and the early 90's. At which point none of the things the old school complain about were around.
  6. No they weren't.. the crowds had long gone before any of the changes you're complaining about... but don't let facts get in the way again. Speedway is in the mess it is because it simple HASN'T changed and has for too long pandered to the old fans. Rugby League and Cricket are two perfect examples where the old fans bitched about the radical changes made to the sport. End result, some of them don't go anymore, but they've been replaced by thousands more. Speedway has never taken the big step to overhaul and modernise its product.
  7. FaR more tailing off in a world final! Your whole meeting can be done after 2 races.
  8. Which all shows that the old system was way, way more unfair than in its now. Basically, the usual suspects whinges have nothing to do with fairness, nothing to do with what's good and what isn't.. They just don't like change. Anything that changes from how it was they whinge about.
  9. Which is entirely my point! The reason so many are at the darts has little to do with how good the players are... everything to do with its a good night out. You go along to the darts and watch it on tv anyway, you're there for the atmosphere. Which is exactly what speedway has to try and generate through its TV meetings.
  10. Of course there is lots you can do. Darts has always been a game of throwing darts into a board... yet with the right marketing, promotion its now played in front of 5-10,000 spectators in the Premier League, instead of 5-600. As I have said ad infinitum, every effort has to be made to ensure big crowds are on hand for all tv meetings.
  11. It really does help when you have some consistency in your posts, or perhaps take the time to read threads before wading in. PNYC was advocating a bigger league... fine no problem, that's his opinion. However he was stating it would be a higher quality with less of a gap between riders in races.. THIS is what was explained to him was not going to happen.. You then wade in stating he was completely correct.. Yet know here we are barely a page later and you admit the league would be weaker.. thus agreeing with those (SCB in this case) who you were accusing of bullying.
  12. We've gathered that throughout the course of the thread.
  13. Regarding the cost, perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough on it. Cost can make a big difference in occasional meetings.. it wouldn't be sustained over a longer period however. It's also relevant to the existing supporter base.. but there aren't enough of those now anyway. My point regarding the cost is, it is irrelevant to non speedway fans in the main. If they think speedway is not the place to be, it doesn't matter if its £1 or £20 they won't come. If however they think its the 'in thing' and the place to be at, they'll pay a lot more than £20 for it. That is what the sport has to try and do. Reinvent itself on the marketing side, use the reduced ticket offers on EVERY SINGLE TV meeting.
  14. No he hasn't, SCB has given the facts. You're now moving the goalposts by suggesting the use of 'juniors'. You were complaining that we were suggesting that one big league wouldn't be of a higher quality with closer racing.. using juniors clearly isn't going to help that problem, in fact it will make it worse. Speedways problem is that it is too much like it was in 1965.
  15. He isn't correct. It's been explained numerous times. SCB has explained it above. Being correct doesn't make someone a bully. Talking nonsense and then saying you are 'dropping out' doesn't make you right.
  16. You want to kick out the higher quality riders, then have a 'bigger league'.. with 'higher quality riders'. How is that going to work? Remember many of the 'higher quality riders' in the Premier League are already in EL teams anyway. Kick out some of the EL heat leaders plus those gaps to fill from riders doubling up and fast tracking and they can only come from one place.. the National League. Thus giving you a far, far lower standard of league and races with Chris Harris against National League 2nd strings... Now THAT will be strung out racing. Oh dear. I really do despair at times!
  17. So your wifes view isn't really relevant. She ain't really that bothered. There in is the rub. My point about the admission price is whatever the cost, you will struggle to attract NEW fans unless the perception of the sport is changed. Should some marketing genius change the perception of the sport, people will pay.
  18. So again for 30+ years you lived with something that was far worse.. but you can't live with something that is fairer. Speedway is the closest it has been in 50 years to how you want it.
  19. Don't go 'anymore'. So, they disapprove that the current tactical system is the fairest it has been in almost the entire history of league speedway. Interesting. Anyway, nice new name KKS.
  20. No they don't no matter how many times you say it. Your plan is to get rid of the Elite League big hitters, merge the EL with the PL and somehow make the league stronger? Where are the riders going to come from for this?
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