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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Sigh. The elite league name is 100% correct. Unless you can name a higher standard league in Britain?
  2. It really is amusing how people throw out the same old arguments 'money, money, money'. Some of these GP riders race in the Danish League, the Czech league. They are most certainly not being paid mega bucks for those meetings. It is 95% to do with convenience. If racing were on one night a week in the UK, most of the top riders would be here. Speedway consistently hides behind pathetic excuses in the UK.. 'I only want to race on this night'. While the tail wags the dog, the sport will continue to flounder. At top level it should a long time ago have been one night a week racing. Until it does that, the sport will NEVER recover.
  3. If someone is extremely biased towards Woffinden and their opinion is only based on their love for him, then yes, it can be disregarded. The simple case here is, Robert72 is claiming one thing and doing another. He has stated he would call out any rider who looked 'fast'. He has only called out Woffinden, despite later admitting that Kildemand is faster. When somebody has to 'lie' to try and backup their opinion, whether it is for something or against something, the opinion has no relevance at all. In this particular case, had Robert72 been questioning the 'unnatural speed' of Woffinden, Hancock and Kildemand he perhaps would have had a point.. he hasn't. Just a vendetta against one rider. Correct, but as I said, that just makes it worse as he hasn't used his knowledge to form an opinion.. he has tried to hide behind it for his Woffy bashing. Shot himself in the foot basically.
  4. He can't turn it around. Sadly, the more evidence he gives of his history, the more his ill-educated posts come back to haunt him. His only defence to his posts was an ignorant lack of knowledge of speedway setups. As it transpires, it appears he is actually knowledgeable in this area, so he knows he is talking out of his rear and is simply trolling over his dislike/jealousy of Woffinden. He has claimed on the thread he would make accusations about anyone who looked fast.. then later in the thread accepted that Kildemand was faster than Woffinden... I am yet to see any accusation from him over Kildemand. In essence, he is a Woffy hater. We all know that and everything he says regarding Woffinden can quite simply be disregarded.
  5. Almost. What your post showed me is you are simply a Woffinden hater, as if you have the knowledge you would have known that a: It's not all about power, far from it. b: Woffy wasn't even the fastest rider So despite knowing this, you still can't help having a pop at Woffinden... it's actually worse than not having any knowledge to be honest.
  6. No you wouldn't. You'd be doing everything you could to wrest the power of running the sports World Championship away from another body... And making it financially viable to a certain rider to help you in that quest.
  7. According to the article GW posted earlier in the thread its R/R for Ljung, which means all bar Emil and Zmarzlik can take rides. Indianerna same 7 I would assume. The odds offered by Bet365 concur with that, Woffinden Over 13 for example compared to Emil Over 11.
  8. Any team news yet for tonights meeting? Edited. Seen Ghostwalkers earlier post now, thanks GW!
  9. I wasn't serious Screamer It was a bit of sarchasm at those who tell us how the racing is just as good at NL level etc.. Nothing can bit the very best riders going at it like that. Now onto Emil again.. whilst everyone is salivating over his brilliant ride, which it was from lap 2 onwards... they are totally forgetting its a TEAM event... Emil wiped out his partner in that race, turning what was at worst a 3-3, more likely a 4-2 to Vetlanda as Emil would have passed Lindback ok.. into a 3-3. Hence, costing his team 2 pts... will those 2pts be vital when its all said and done?
  10. Poor meeting, Top riders doesn't make good racing. Rather watch juniors.
  11. The Brits have just as many chances as the foreigners, just they prefer to have everything put in their laps, the foreign riders will go to race in other countries as much as possible... not just talking about top guys here!
  12. No, a very good one actually. I see you are unable to respond with anything intelligent though, which, to be fair, would be pretty difficult to do given the futility of your argument. I guess they needed a better backup team/mechanic then!
  13. It's funny, over the years I've noticed the best riders in a given year tend to have fast engines. I take it the two World Champions you worked for were riding snail like engines then?
  14. You see, I just wanted to clarify you had some, at least, basic knowledge of setups, which you do... so therefore we can cross of 'lack of knowledge' for your questions regarding the 'power' in Tai's engines, and only Tai's.... which leaves us with only one other solution... you don't like Tai. Couple that with all the other evidence we have from your past comments and its pretty clear cut. One other question, why the immense dislike for Tai? You must have reasons.
  15. Been there done it, but doesn't appear to understand setups and thinks its all about 'power'. Of course you don't need to give a surname, but you can share some of your knowledge... give some examples of changes riders can make to their setups.. for example, a rider is spinning up from the starts.. what might they do?
  16. You're right, Kildemand had more speed when he got in front. All those claiming it was a 'fix' in the final... Was Nicki in on it too? After all he was miles behind.. so if Tai was taking it easy to let Greg win, Nicki would have been up close to him...
  17. Except you aren't. Or you would be questioning Kildemand and Hancock as well.
  18. Surely a 'mechanic' for 2 world champions would realise that 'power' is not the be all and end all and that in fact, the overall setup of the bike is FAR more important. After all, if you had paid attention, you would have noticed that Tai wasn't all that fast in his first couple of rides and stated his setup wasn't right yet.
  19. If we followed your opinion, sport would be pointless. Just give the trophies/championships to those who you think are the best and done with it.
  20. Spot on! Folk once again moaning about things that haven't changed for years. He won by big margins many times. As did Nielsen, as did Rickardsson. As did Ermolenko at his best and all other top riders over the years. Here lies the key! Tai didn't look very quick in his first couple of rides, Kildemand looked by far the quickest. Some tweeks to the setup were made to get it dialled in.
  21. Should be the very first name on the team sheet for Wolves.. so on that basis, he probably won't be back
  22. So Horton wants you to believe. Fred will do just fine, but I highly doubt he will be bringing his 'best engine' from Sweden with a Swedish playoff final the following night. Just a bit of propaganda in the press release is all. He's a professional rider who will ensure he is competitive.
  23. Why will it? Freddie may ride well, he may not. Either way, he won't be bringing over his best Swedish engine when he has a Swedish play off final the following night.
  24. He's just an example, he isn't a Leicester asset so he would be available to speak too. It's a Coventry press release... think about that for a moment. Then consider it is the first leg of the Swedish Playoffs on Tuesday night.... Still believe it?
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