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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. What part of £1.1 billion pound PROFIT don't you understand? Carry on making yourself look like a total fool if you wish, but the simple facts are Sky are a highly successful business.
  2. Looks like I've been put right by business guru's Sidney and ColinMills. I apologise. Sky are not a successful business. This article must be all lies! http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/jul/29/sky-profits-rise-customers-germany-Italy Only a £1.196 billion pound pre tax profit, an increase of 6% on last year. Seen their profits? If you're going to discuss something, do try and educate yourself.
  3. I'm just glad for Belle Vue's sake that Poole won the final. Had Belle Vue beat them, on Pooles own patch, Ford would have taken his bricks back and the new stadium would have fallen down
  4. Sky are a successful business. If your idea was so great, they would do it. They don't.. wonder why that is?
  5. If there were more promoters like Matt Ford there would be all out anarchy. Please concentrate on his achievements for Poole which are immense, it is a complete fallacy that he has been good for the sport as a whole, there is tonnes of evidence to say otherwise.
  6. I, and others stated Kennett was stronger than North. The figures you have quoted prove that case. North had been 'bang out of form'. Again his recent performances had shown that. You were wrong. Move on.
  7. Following yet another Elite League title for Poole where does this place Matt Ford in terms of the great promoters in speedway history? For the purposes of this thread I am referring to the good brought to the promoters club, not the sport as a whole as that is another conversation altogether. As much as I dislike some of the stunts that Ford has pulled over the years nobody can argue against his level of success. Indeed you could put forward the argument that he has simply taken advantage of the sports governing bodies to push/bend/manipulate rules to his advantage and that it is his job to eek out as big an advantage for his team as he can. When interviewed on TV he appears intelligent, well dressed and comes across as being ultra professional.. something which is not always the case with speedway promoters. The Poole club is extremely well run, there rarely appears to be issues with riders not wanting to race for them. There's never a peep about riders not being paid on time and the whole club has a passionate 'family' atmosphere. As much as he has been ridiculed Middlo is very much part of that too. Year after year he puts together a team that challenges right at the top of the table... and of course isn't frightened to make changes where necessary. The up and down nature of most other teams shows that this is no easy task. So where do folks rank him? I'd list him as the No 1 promoter FOR HIS CLUB since I started going to speedway in 1984.
  8. One thing confuses me, why would they be discussing it in the 'away pits'? Surely they'd be quiet about it and it's the other team that would be discussing/suggesting things?
  9. Tbf, its nothing that hasn't been heard before on numerous occasions!
  10. Excellent post Skidder, shame you had to spoil it by throwing some suggestive cheating accusations in!
  11. A Stevebrum classic.. doesn't even remember what he says in the same post. States that it seems fair as result was called on the night... then next minute he's surprised the 1st leg wasn't amended! As for North.. he scored 13pts in 9 rides.. Kennet scored 9 in 4.. so back to the drawing board with that claim too.
  12. You're happy with the sport being run in an unprofessional manner, happy with the ever declining crowds in the sport... I'm not. A simple thing like communication can solve many of the sports woes. The Grand Final showed just how great this sport can be, so why oh why do the powers that be go out of their way to try and ruin it?
  13. Yes really. Of course a few would have continued to moan and complain but the MAJORITY wouldn't. The issue would have been dealt with in a professional manner. This way, it hasn't been dealt with at all so damage has been done. It really is just basic PR. Communication is key!
  14. This may very well be the case. All that would have been required is a simple statement from the SCB stating this. It's basic PR. This issue isn't just a BSF thing, which you seem keen to isolate it too. All over social media fans were up in arms about it, much of it of course due to past history with Poole. The SCB and the BSPA would have been fully aware of this, but it seems they haven't learnt from past lessons. A statement would have put most of it to bed.
  15. Again, the attitude that has caused hundreds of fans to walk away from the sport. It isn't just the 'usual rantees'. That's what you and your cohorts have been telling yourself for the last 15 years or so as crowds continue to abandon the sport. The situation was very simple, the SCB or BSPA or whomever in authority simply announces that either they have reviewed it and no action is to be taken or that it is not something that is up for review. It would take about 2 mins of their time and the sports fans understand the situation. Is that so hard to understand? Communication, that is all that is required.. a basic requirement for any successful business! Little wonder that speedway is not on the whole successful!
  16. How wrong you are, yet again. There are many, many fans up and down the country who are mentioning it and are disgusted by it. Yet again, some folk fail to understand how the incompetence of these things does damage to the sport. All that was required was a statement from the SCB prior to the meeting. Even if they said the result from the 1st leg would not be changed, that would have been it. As it is, they chose to be incompetent and leave the door open for allegations once again. It's a complete shame as it was a fantastic final and displayed everything that is good about speedway. Congratulations to Poole on their success. I've really grown to like Magic Janowski and he stepped up to the plate again last night.. however without a doubt the big hero was Kacper Gomolski.. someone who a 'few' Poole fans wanted out some time ago.. 1pt from his first two rides, then came out and won his next two. Those were the rides that effectively won Poole the meeting. A typical uneducated blind response that so many who have been involved in the sport come out with. Total lack of understanding, total lack of respect for the speedway fan. THIS is the kind of attitude that has helped the decline of the sport in this country.
  17. I think he is referring to the eventuality had the rules been followed correctly in the first place. Of course everything else would have been different from that point on as well. The reality is the SCB have been utterly inept in this matter, were desperately hoping for a result that meant it was irrelevant and have now been left with egg on their face. Another farce for the sport.
  18. Which is considered the most prestigious? That is the key. The title of "British Champions" sounds like that's the one they want to win. In Rugby League you have a trophy for winning the league, but the reality is, the Grand Final (of the playoffs) is all that matters.
  19. They would, if Poole just turned up, raced and showed they were the best team... which they are. Sadly there always seems to be controversy surrounding them. In this case it wasn't their fault though, nobody is saying it is, but as per usual you don't seem to grasp that and have created a parallel universe in which to exist in where everyone is calling Poole cheats over the Newman/goggle incident. I will repeat for you one more time though.. now read it very slowly and try your best to comprehend it. Newman rode illegally in the race, it is NOT Poole's fault. The referee was to blame. All people want is the SCB to take the correct action. Indeed, some of your own supporters agree that should happen. However, be warned, should the SCB decide to do nothing, then the accusations will fly!
  20. You clearly haven't been anytime since 1984 then if you claim there wasn't booing during Wolves/Cradley meetings. As for 'not exactly Wembley' regarding last nights meeting.. of what relevance is that? There are many people who have spoken about the atmosphere last night.. there is only ONE person on the thread, YOU who claims otherwise.
  21. Also, please don't lie to try and prove a point, it only makes your post look more foolish. Cradley/Wolves meetings were FULL of booing the opposition. Last night was tame in comparison.
  22. Yes, seems the 'Years gone by' thread is by far the best placed for you. Every single other poster has commented how fantastic it was to see and hear such a great atmosphere at a speedway meeting. Cheering and booing is what it is all about. It's a play-off final, it's tense, you are desperate for your team to win. It does not make you a child, nor a thug, just a passionate fan.. something of which the sport desperately needs more of.
  23. So how many of the riders were in on this then? I'm assuming you are claiming the riders fixed the meeting to end as a draw? Absolutely ludicrous claim.
  24. Yes you do need to grow up. They don't risk their lives for our entertainment, they risk it for THEIR entertainment and to get paid. As for booing, it's called an atmosphere in a playoff final, sport needs more of it.
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