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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Sam didn't miss the gate in his final race at all, he actually made the gate and led into turn 1. He soon went to the back. I agree he was lucky in the re-run of the Nielsen race but often to win World Titles you needed luck. 1993 was a year when he was the best rider in the world by some distance, whereas normally that honour fell to Nielsen.
  2. That's a very honest assessment Rob, most Nielsen fans I know swear blind he shouldn't have been excluded.
  3. Unfortunately with the format the way it is now this isn't something that can be accurately predicted or judged in many cases.. a rider may improve his average, but it could mean nothing if they've spent most of the season at second string. It will all depend upon how many meets they ride in a particular position. Of those who will improve I would say Lindgren as he is starting at 2nd string and should also score better as a heat leader. Holder will have a better year I suspect especially with less top guys in the league. Hans Andersen also, for the same reasons as Lindgren. Bates, I can't see it, the reserves are higher standard this year. Thorssell? Can't see it, he has the worst average as a heat leader in the league, just over 3. Fricke I agree should improve, but again, depends how often he has to ride as a heat leader should he advance into that role.
  4. So the reality is Penhalls comments were actually quite tame seeing as he was talking about a murderer. Some of those sticking up for Carter, just because he happened to be good at riding a speedway bike really need to get a grip on what's important in life.
  5. I remember a similar debate regarding Howarth when we booked him to guest at Kings Lynn for us last season. Great booking screamed some crazy Wolves fans till I and SCB at the time kept pointing out his awful record there. Of course, nobody listened.. it was great.. He scored 0. He will have to adapt his riding style for Monmore big time, as SCB says he often misses the corner.. which is not a good thing at Monmore! If he can do that it could help him move to the next level, however, he isn't the sure fire cert to be a big hitting reserve as some think he is..
  6. Be interesting to see the actual quote, as I still can't think of any comments that would be printed in Backtrack that wouldn't be 'appropriate' when discussing a murderer.
  7. You're right, he's been quiet of late.. must be pre-occupied with something else
  8. How could that in any way be deemed 'out of order'! Seems quite restrained!
  9. What did he say? I find it very hard to believe any comments regarding Carter could be deemed 'out of order'.
  10. It's staggering just how people fail to understand the implications of the heat format and just why a list was even needed. They have done an awful job.. so bad there wasn't even much point them bothering to start with. That said, there isn't much damage done as most of them don't grasp how they can gain an advantage anyway.
  11. No it isn't classic KKS. Nothing like his posts at all, which are usually pretty literate. That said, it is obvs a trolling account, but it's not in the KKS style.
  12. Tbf, his proposal isn't doing anything for their benefit, nor is it bending over backwards, quite the opposite really.
  13. Yes, that is the whole point of having a list! You have riders on distorted averages due to the harder/easier rides they have at heat leader/second string. The 'list' was a good idea but has been poorly implemented by people who really don't seem to understand why they needed the list in the first place. HOWEVER... importantly they seem to have got lucky. Yes, Buzckowski (excuse spelling) isn't on the list as a heat leader, but Watt is when he shouldn't be.. so Poole have won one and lost one there so no qualms.
  14. Would it? He's better than at least 6 of our team and would ride as often as some of them will!
  15. How do you know this? They may have had it spot on, then CVS requested "Stick Bech on the list asap" to avoid me looking like a plonka.
  16. Just re-enforced how clueless they are!
  17. He's got to cover up signing Thorssell somehow!
  18. Finally Starman admits to his trolling his ways by clearly stating he has put up 'two decent posts'. It's been a long time coming, well done Starman for admitting that the majority of what you post is not 'decent'. Well done on those posts though, let's hope it's a sign of better things to come. With regards to Adam Ellis.. he confuses me.. at times he can look sensational but he has a tendency to fall off.. in fact almost every time I've seen him, he's flown out of the start, led for a couple of laps before falling. On the plus side, Tai Woffinden used to be prone to over riding and falls early in his career. If he can settle down and keep his bike under control he could make giant strides forward.
  19. It depends what you watch.. if you're just watching highlights vids/dvd's etc it will reinforce the misguided viewpoint the racing was so much better in the past.. However, if you watch lots of full meetings, you'll find just as many strung out races as there are today.. but we forget about those. The difference however was there were more people there, better atmosphere, so even a strung out race seemed more exciting. THAT is where the sport goes wrong in terms of its TV coverage. A race in front of a big noisy crowd looks a hell of a lot better than the same race in front of a small quiet crowd.
  20. On the contrary, you've stated OAP's should be paying less... one assumes you must have a reason behind that.. you were simply asked what that was!
  21. On the contrary, reminiscing is great, things always seem better in the past.. My head tells me that back in the early 90's speedway was millions of times better, the racing was out of this world etc. My DVD's I have tell me otherwise when I put them on... but I still enjoy them!
  22. A lot of the things mentioned on this thread that 'characters' used to do would be very cringeworthy in the modern era. Modern fans aren't taken in as easily I'm afraid and that is one of the problems the sport has..
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