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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Yes. Coventry he is 1.3pts higher than the nearest, which was Chris Harris.
  2. Unbelievable revelation! Drop a Cog has discovered that the best rider in the world, 2 x World Champion is better than any other British rider around Monmore! Of course he's better, nobody has denied that. What has been said is he is better everywhere, period, end of story.
  3. We're not talking about 'riders' as a whole. We are discussing specific riders, namely Tai Woffinden and the rivals of his for a British Title. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
  4. Aww diddums, your jealousy just keeps seeping out. Winners make sacrifices, commit to things that will help them to achieve their goals. Losers bleat about it being everybody elses fault. A lesson you still haven't learned
  5. Too young to have seen Olsen but heard the stories. Ward was exceptional as well, I wouldn't say he was any more dominant than some of the ones I mentioned were at their best, but was certainly up there. Sadly Ouch will continue to troll with his nonsense though.
  6. If you're talking facts, then you'd realise Monmore isn't his home track. Secondly, my opinion isn't biased. I would state that the best opportunity that riders such as Nicholls, Harris, Cook and even Garrity would have to beat Woffinden is on a small track like Monmore, one at which both Nicholls and Harris in particular excel at. At a big track like Belle Vue, if Woffinden brought his GP bikes, they wouldn't get anywhere close.
  7. You should go on tour. Anyone who has any knowledge of speedway or isn't a troll knows that of course. Any Wolves fan will also tell you, Woffinden was never brilliant at Monmore, ever. He could ride it of course, he's a world class rider, but he was no expert, especially at overtaking, as the likes of the Karlssons, Lindgren, Ermolenko etc were at their best. I would 100% give Chris Harris, Scott Nicholls and even Craig Cook a better chance of beating him at Monmore than at a bigger track.
  8. As I mentioned before you are right. Woffinden is unproven on bigger tracks. I'd love to see him try and win races away from Monmore too. Maybe in Poland, or how about Prague. What about Sweden. Ha! What a joke it would be. Away from Monmore Woffinden hasn't a clue.
  9. I would, but I don't want to burn myself out
  10. So it would therefore be silly for Woffinden to ride in the British Final. Glad we established that.
  11. Why don't you try going along and paying to get in instead of trying to leech a freebie?
  12. Are you saying it would be silly of them to do that? i.e. if they made no money from it?
  13. You had no idea but decided to introduce football into the argument. Doing well aren't you? What a clever use of abusive language as well, give yourself a pat on the back.
  14. Woffinden, Crump, Holder, Adams, Ward etc were all far better than the overwhelming majority of British riders before they even set foot on these shores so it's hardly the British system that has 'trained them'. You see some have the ability, the drive, the determination to succeed.. Others don't and have parents bitching and moaning and blaming everyone else for the rest of their lives. Not mentioning any names of course lol.. because he was 15 and wasn't allowed to ride in the Premier League. As soon as he was old enough he rode in the Premier League.
  15. Lol. Thought youd come up with that.. Totally irrelevant to speedway.. And not in the slightest applicable to woffinden.
  16. It never amazes me just how ridiculous some of the things you say are.... keep them coming! Quick question though, if the British system is so great.. where's the other British riders? Your son should be a top star by now! Or perhaps there are other reasons....
  17. Yes, when Rooney's contract is up he can walk away from Manchester United and go and play for Barcelona if he wishes. Why do you think he can't?
  18. Hilarious! Is this the system that other British riders are crying out has been awful. Is this the system that British fans have been slagging off for years. Is this the system that has produced countless World Class British riders? Oh wait... No, Woffinden is where he is because of Woffinden. What is this compensation clause you speak off, or have you simply made that up? (I know the answer, but just giving you a chance).
  19. New depths of idiocy? lmao. Pop along to your local cinema, and broadcast the film on periscope for us. I'm sure they'll happily let you do that.
  20. I wonder what would happen if Hancock told the Americans. Or Holder told the Australians. Or Nicki withdrew from the Danish Final.
  21. The only reason folk are bleating on here is because they want to be able to get something for free again... of course hiding behind the argument of it being better for the sport etc. A professional service, properly administered charging folk to watch meetings online would be great and I would happily pay for that. I have little doubt that many of those complaining on here would be then finding ways of obtaining same coverage for free.
  22. So the BSPA wants to stop their product being 'stolen'... and the speedway community is up in arms.
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