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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. How can they be theories when there are many, many people who have given those exact reasons. Are they all liars? Of course not everybody who has stopped going to speedway is because of Matt Ford and the stunts he has pulled. There are no doubt other factors involved also with many of those who cite Ford/Poole as their reason for not going anymore but there is absolutely no doubt that he has damaged the sport nationally.. especially with the petty, childish actions in the winter of 2010 and the outright corruptness of the Kildemand saga. When it comes to building teams, he is the best promoter there is. When it comes to promoting his club, he is the best promoter there is. There simply hasn't been need for some off the stunts he has pulled, that's what makes it all the more disappointing.
  2. Except it doesn't. The case for the damage that Ford has done to the sport is well documented and grows longer and longer with each passing season. There is nothing 'incoherent' about 10 years plus of history that has led us to this point. I'll leave the weak arguments to yourself as quite frankly, you haven't even presented one. Not that is possible for any sane person with a degree of common sense to deny what history has already written.
  3. If Coventry are not successful in finding a new stadium it's not even a stretch to suggest that Ford is responsible for their demise.
  4. Which brings us back to the age old myth of how great riders were back in the day.. They weren't and posts like this just further enforce that fact. It's why juniors could come into teams and be competitive. The gap is massive now.
  5. So you prefer to see a rider tailed off way at the back with zero chance of scoring a pt. Marvelous! That will pack the fans in.
  6. Absolute fact. It's not all Ford's fault, but he has played a massive part in it. Feel free to show me that attendances are higher, folk who used to complain haven't deserted the sport and that Poole weren't at the heart of many of the controversies that have driven people away. Succeed in that and you can then claim my post was 'absolute drivel'.
  7. It's a ridiculous thing to be 'irked about'. You'd prefer a guest from another team took the place then, which is far more 'irksome' surely? Or you'd prefer a junior rider stepped in who'd be out of his depth and lessen the spectacle as a whole? Guests I can understand peoples frustration about. R/R for an injury not.. Where the problem comes in is when it is used too often for riders racing for another team in the same country.
  8. Isn't it strange that this has been going on for nigh on 10 years now. Isn't it strange that many, many posters who used to post and 'bitch' as you say about Poole and Matt Ford now don't.. because they've given up on the sport completely. Isn't it strange how the more Poole have their way in the running of the sport, the emptier the terraces become. Matt Ford = Great for Poole.. Cancerous to the sport as a whole.
  9. Lots of sports do, even football. I don't get the issue with R/R, you are still seeing 4 riders in a race and at least the replacement rides are taken by members of their own team. Far better than a guest. You don't see Ice Hockey fans with a team short of a defenceman complaining because other players have to take extra shifts on his line to cover for him. NBA teams have had reduced rosters, other players play extra mins to cover. No different to riders taking extra races to cover a missing team mate in reality.
  10. You do realise this makes it even worse? So it wasn't an oversight but an absolute blatant flat out brazen display of cheating!
  11. So why was the fixture even scheduled for that date in the first place? There are no excuses for the ineptness of how the sport is run.
  12. It has nothing to do with a top 5 rider 'under performing'.
  13. What an absolute joke! This wasn't noticed when the fixtures were arranged? As both Lawson and Kennet are sharing the spot, means you've got one rider missing... Wolves would be missing Clegg. So let's cancel the fixture! It gets worse and worse...
  14. It beggars belief if that is the case.. why arrange it for that date in the first place?
  15. So Belle Vue had every intention to race on a track that has problems and needs relaying in several places? That just about sums up everything that is wrong with the promotion! Thank goodness 'other parties', whomever they are, are stepping in to sort the shambles out.
  16. Of course they did. Meanwhile, keep selling tickets for a match you know won't take place.
  17. Except they do. The Bet365 coverage was one camera, no commentary poor picture... yet people stayed home to watch it. Yet we're expected to believe the free loaders that this crappy coverage will somehow entice new fans.
  18. You really think some amateurish video is going to encourage 'stay at homers' to start attending? "I'm not bothered about going to the speedway much these days, too much effort.. oh look, I can watch it for free now on internet! I think I'll start going to the effort of going again!" When are folk going to grasp, it won't stop at a 'couple of heats'. If not nipped in the bud some folk will be streaming full meetings and revelling in the 'attention' and 'praise' they get. Being pedantic, Bet365 wasn't last season.
  19. You do realise sparkafag was in agreement with your views on Newman right? He was defending Newman against posts from those attacking him?
  20. If you really think that someone will stop at just a few race you're deluded. It will be a few races.. then a few more.. then folk will be streaming the whole meetings, building up a nice little following and enjoying the attention. Then the freeloaders will start to think, I'll stay home tonight and watch it for free.. It may not detract you from going along, if I was still in the UK and indeed when I am in the UK it wouldn't stop me from going along.. but it will others. I'm saying this from a point of view where it would be great for me personally based where I am! As I've said before, an official streaming service of a decent quality is a different kettle of fish and something they ARE in the backwaters about.
  21. Even then I would disagree. Slowing dramatically is dangerous riding. Dangerous riding is an offence you are excluded for.
  22. The BSPA, for once, are 100% correct in their decision to ban the leachers and parasites from wanting to watch speedway for free. However, they should be actively pursuing setting up an official online service of their own. It could be done in conjunction with Sky surely to get around any contract issues?
  23. Your argument is totally flawed. If a rider falls off, left to his own devices, he can get back up and carry on.. but if he falls off and someone else runs into his bike or him, the rider who fell is excluded. If a rider locks up mid bend, left to his own devices, he can carry on. But if by locking up he causes someone else to hit him, he is excluded. If a rider lifts out of control, left to his own devices, he can get it back under control and carry on, but if he impedes someone by doing so he is excluded. The exact same situation applies here.. Dudek has slowed dramatically right on the racing line.. riders have had to take avoiding action, he has impeded people BEFORE Kildemand hits him . If they had all managed to miss him, then he could have continued. They didn't. Dudek was not at race speed, thereby impeding his opponents and was the cause of the crash. Its very, very simple.
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