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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Yes it is absolutely categorically without a doubt ridiculous to be riding in another country the night before a GP if your goal is to be World Champion. You've got to be very deluded to think otherwise!
  2. I doubt he'll be staging them the night before or afternoon after a GP, so highly doubtful.
  3. I asked you if you did and you failed to answer in a positive fashion... tends to mean only one thing. Changing your tune now I see to another irrelevant topic on this thread... Incidentally, I went to a Portugal football match at the local stadium here recently and I sang along to the Portuguese national anthem.. well, more la la'd along to it as don't know the words fully. Does it make me Portuguese? Nope. Tai grew up in Australia, that's the national anthem he is bound to know best and will have sung/heard it many times no doubt at school/speedway events. None of this matters of course, because you're just a very bitter, very jealous man. I do hope Tai wins the World Title again this year.. and again.. and again.. and again.. and again.. you'll implode!
  4. He's not in the British Final, perhaps if they had seeded him he would ride in it. As it is he's expected to either ride the night before a GP, which would be ridiculous.. Or get all his team from Poland over to GB on a Sunday afternoon to ride, when he is already contracted of course to race in the meeting at Warsaw to make up for last years farce. I guess he could let down 50,000 plus fans to keep 3 or 4,000 happy in England..
  5. So you didn't go? Thanks very much. So you are in no place to question who rides and who doesn't in this meeting that you cannot be bothered to attend.
  6. No Whoosh at all. The only whoosh is yourself who is still peddling the falacy there was lots more passing in the 'old days' when all the available evidence, i.e. recorded meetings on dvd/video/youtube show otherwise. You don't remember that well then I'm afraid.. and neither do I. I'm sure you think back, as I do, to the days of Sam Ermolenko and PK blasting round the green entertaining us and the thrilling racing we had. However, rewatching the meetings.. sure there are some brilliant races that stick in our minds.. but there are many, many (the majority) mundane races with riders spread out far more than they are now. Sam Ermolenko and David Haynes in the same race? Thrilling! We didn't care though, it was against Cradley, the place was packed, it was superb. Even though one rider was on the back straight when the other crossed the line. Some on here think that I don't think that speedway was better in years gone by.. far from it, I absolutely 100% think that and wish those days were still here. However... I also know that my perceptions of how great the 'racing' was are a long way off the mark.
  7. You introduced the 1946 season. George Dodds provided the reasons why those crowds were so high.
  8. I agree with all your post till your last sentence... That is not a problem with modern speedway. Indeed at Elite League level it has never featured more equal riders in races. There has ALWAYS been widely differing abilities in races. You introduced it.
  9. What doesn't make sense? That most speedway races are won from the start? It has ALWAYS been like that.
  10. No, that is an opinion on your part, an opinion that has merit, but can't be proved. Whereas what IS fact is Woffinden is British. As such the argument ends right there. Whether you like him or not is another matter.
  11. I think its only fair, he's younger than some draft riders, struggled last time in the EL and hasn't ridden here in over a year.
  12. Those are my thoughts.. and that is what will cause sheer panic with some promoters!
  13. I've never grasped the safety aspect.. surely the most dangerous part of a race is the 1st turn, if you are starting 15 metres back you're avoiding that potential carnage!
  14. Correct, if only the Belle Vue promotion had done just that.
  15. Certain riders refused to do it. Jason Crump was certainly one, refusing it when guesting for Wolves. Peter Karlsson, quite the opposite, can remember him doing it on numerous occasions! You're right though, was very entertaining.
  16. Sadly it doesn't stop you from polluting EL threads though. As others have pointed out, you might wish to re-read the post.
  17. How does digging it up and starting again 'expose' further defects. Surely the whole point of digging it up and starting again is getting rid of the defects entirely and starting from a clean slate?
  18. Get it into your head, Woffinden is where he is because he has immense talent, works damn hard and is relentless in the pursuit of his goals. Arriving upon these shores he was already head and shoulders above any other British rider of the same age. There was no 'red carpet' rolled out for his Team GB place, he was given a place in Team GB because he was better than the other so called 'genuine British riders'. Incidentally, one of those 'genuine' British riders, Scott Nicholls has refused to race for his country but is quite happy to take individual glory in British Finals. I don't see you slagging him off. Unfortunately some British youngsters are surrounded by bitter, jealous, xenophobic people. If they weren't surrounded by people who continually blame others for their lack of progress they may well have fared, or fare better.
  19. Not if you are starting again from scratch, there would be no defects left to be found. At least a sensible early decision has been taken. Just get it spot on and then it's all systems go. Still very much looking forward to visiting in the summer.
  20. Weren't we told that bends 3 and 4 were being completely dug up and started again from scratch? If that is the case, how can 'further defects' be exposed?
  21. They seem to make it up as they go along. They said it was all being dug up and starting again on bends 3 and 4... if you are 'starting again' how can you find 'further defects'.
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