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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Once again this thread sums up just why speedway fans are some of the biggest moaners on the planet. Horton puts an offer up.. fans moan because it's only for those who attend the Storm meetings. Horton extends the offer so all can get a discount... fans continue to moan! FFS! You are getting off £7 entry to the meeting. There is nothing 'despicable', there is no 'miss selling'. Offers can be extended. New offers/promotions can be made. Clearly there wasn't much of an uptake on the Storm offer so Horton has extended it to try and ensure there is a decent sized crowd for the tv cameras and he is 100% correct in doing that. What a muppet. So you pay money to attend a meeting you say you didn't want to go too, to get a discount to a meeting you are now no longer going to go to.
  2. Excellent to read that the meeting was a success. Onwards and upwards!
  3. Good to hear the first meeting went well, let's hope the problems are now a thing of the past.
  4. Seeing as he (speedibee) has replied to posts of mine on many occasions since '2010' his entire attention seeking, insult laden post can safely be ignored.
  5. What a ridiculous comment. It is harder to score pts as an Elite League heat leader than as a Premier League. It doesn't matter what Oliver Allen or Simon Stead have to say about it. Both of them found it far, far easier to score pts in the Premier League than the Elite League. The only caveat to that would be riding as a second string in the current Elite League format... but that doesn't last for long if you score well.
  6. We don't need to listen to what they say... Did Simon Stead and Olly Allen score more pts in the EL or PL?
  7. I'm afraid this, again, sums you up Gresham. When you don't even remember what you have posted about, what you have giving countless posters big long sermons about, it really is pointless. The 'Boring' was in reference to you. YOU are the one who on post after post has told us how 'Boring' the sport is. I don't put people on ignore and if I did I wouldn't 'announce' it, that's simply a childish attention seeking act. This whole situation arose because you began preaching the false conception that 'racing' was so much better in the past. Numerous posters, not just myself pointed out to you the errors in your argument. You were referred to countless hours of footage which PROVES the racing wasn't as great as you say it was, yet your response was to become abusive and you've continued that posture from there onwards. Your use of the ignore feature says only one thing, you want to surround yourself in a little bubble where only sycophants who blindly agree with you are viewed. In reality, it's the action of someone who knows they are wrong but isn't adult enough to admit it.
  8. It's washed over his head... he's actually 'liked' your post!
  9. Ignoring the fantasy that you created in the rest of your post (don't make me prove that, because I can.. unlike you I only argue a point when I know I have the evidence to back me up).. this has to be up there with one of THE most hilarious posts I have ever seen on this forum. Please read the post from E I Addio above you. Read it carefully and consider whether you really have been posting in an 'adult fashion'.
  10. Yes it is. Riders are already missing fixtures as it is due to away clashes, which is BAD. Therefore they don't want to ADD to that problem by allowing clubs to sign riders with the same home race night. Again, I am not saying I totally agree with this decision, but I can understand why it has been made.
  11. Please give names of this little 'clique'. There is a clique on the forum, yourself, SteveRoberts, Sidney and a couple of others who regardless of the topic will stick together, complain about people throwing insults against you (which are usually non existent) but not say a dickie bird to each other about the abusive posts you make against anyone who disagrees with you. I challenge you to name me one poster on this forum who is in a 'clique' with me. The issue with yourself has arose because you made a few statements that I pointed out were incorrect. I even, as you suggest, provided specific reasons as to why they were incorrect and even where you could view the evidence for yourself. You took it upon yourself to launch into a tirade that someone had dared question you and continue to do that.
  12. No, but it is part of it. As the statement says, doubling up is a necessary evil and comes with problems.. that being riders will miss matches when there are fixture clashes. Fans are crying out all over the forum about that happening. It is common sense that you can't sign a double up rider with the same home race night on both teams as that will just make the issue fans hate, even worse.
  13. Actually they don't end up that way in most cases with sensible posters who can debate things without throwing a tantrum if someone disagrees and if corrected on something can take it on board. It's only a select few who crop up time and again hurling abuse (not just at me) as soon as their views are challenged, or inaccuracies pointed out. If you're mentioning 'insults' I suggest you read the thread again. I made a post referring to the old cliched 'friends scoffing/mocking' which is a line oft trotted out by those desperate to prove a point. I made no insult. The response to that was a vitriolic post from Gresham full of abuse. It's not the first time he has done it and it won't be the last. That was followed up by the 'thick tw*t' contribution of speedibee. The only insult I made was to speedibee which I 100% stand by as I cannot abide racists. You should also draw attention to the fact that after Gresham 'clarified' what he meant by his 'friends' comment I accepted his explanation and apologised for the confusion. Again, as an adult would do.
  14. Is there a precedent, has a double upper ever been signed before with the same home race night? Yes, so the situation is problematic to begin with.. without throwing in the same home race night as well.
  15. Any additional away meetings? What about rain-offs that could cause additional clashes? Not saying I agree with BSPA decision, although there is a semblance of logic to it. Edited as you'd just replied.. So he would now be missing 8 meetings in total. Hmm... quite a bit of logic to it then.
  16. Case proved. Unable to engage in any form of adult discussion.
  17. Incorrect, there is no 'Pot Kettle, Black'. Whether or not someone has agreed or disagreed with me on previous topics has no bearing on any other posts. There are many posters on this forum whom I have been in full agreement with on one topic and at loggerheads with over another. Orion is a perfect example of that, You've just proved my entire point. You agree with the falacies Gresham spouts about the old days and as such any abuse he gives out you think is perfectly fine. Somebody questions those falacies, provides evidence to back it up and you're up in arms about opinions being questioned. Pretty much renders your views irrelevant I'm afraid in an adult world.
  18. Of course you do. You're fine with abusive posts as long as the poster has the same opinions as you OR more pertinently the same incorrect views. Non-abusive posts with a different opinion or correcting the inaccuracies you get up in arms about. That's hypocritical.
  19. Hard done by? That's your card, every time you are challenged on a point. I'm an adult that can engage in debate, that's what a forum is for. There are many excellent posters on this forum whom you can do just that with. On some topics we will agree, on others we will disagree and debate the reasons why. Such posters if and when they are corrected on something accept that, they are happy to learn something new, as am I. If I'm wrong, I will hold my hands up and admit it. With regards to the post about your 'friends', now you have explained it further it makes more sense. If you were aware of the history of the fictitious friends on this forum you would understand my post. As such I apologise for getting the wrong end of the stick. I hope you enjoy the 'boring' speedway tonight.
  20. Same old, Same old. Typical of certain posters on the BSF. Called out for once again making up utter baloney and resorts to a big long post riddled with abuse... So, you're now claiming that these 'friends' are also speedway fans. So your 'friends' who are 'speedway fans too' are ridiculing you for liking something they also like? Try being an adult Gresham and make your point without concocting fantasies to support it. Bless. More abuse from a racist xenophobe (which isn't abuse, just the truth and can easily be proved from your posts on here). Also more lies as you've replied to my posts many, many times.. which you wouldn't be able to do if you had me on 'ignore'.
  21. You don't need to tell them, they already know! It's commonly brought up when non speedway followers want a good laugh.. a great icebreaker at parties!
  22. Ah the old 'friends of mine' scoffing, laughing line. It's amazing how much these people who don't follow speedway know about the sport. They're always brought into arguments, laughing and scoffing... Yet there was I under this misconception that anyone outside the sport wouldn't have the slightest clue who riders were or who they rode for.
  23. The only apology should be from yourself. You made no reference to the 'mobile phone world' on your original post, as quoted above, that was rightfully questioned. You simply said, Nokia had failed to adapt and now faced extinction. Others correctly pointed out to you that was incorrect and Nokia do not face extinction. You have since attempted to clarify your original point, which is fine, but your insinuations that others were wrong to question you is off the mark.
  24. Really? The discussion is about Tai Woffinden. He has one set of parents, so everytime you state that no 'decent parents' would be proud of a son who looks like Tai you are directly insinuating he does/did not have 'decent' parents. Do you now retract your statement and admit you were wrong? Or do you stand by your suggestion that Rob and Sue Woffinden are/were not decent parents.
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