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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Again the decline had set in a long time before the GP's started.
  2. Agree 100%. What the sport has failed to do unfortunately is to attract the attention of enough younger fans in order for them to create a fresh set of 'memories'.
  3. Quite correct. Any basic online system that takes sales can also refund... its a 10 second process...
  4. Here we go again. A sensible discussion begins but is soon hijacked by old timers who cannot grasp that their 'pet dislikes' are not the primary reasons for the sports struggles and quite simply refuse to accept that it isn't the case despite the fact all the evidence says so. White Knight, the sport was declining a long time before the advent of lay down engines. That is fact. I haven't got personal. Gresham is clogging up forum space trying to engage in a conversation that he can only see half of, all because he doesn't like it when it's pointed out to him what he is saying isn't correct.
  5. The issue has been explained on the thread already... as it has been several times previously. However, because it doesn't fit in your with constant rants you choose to 'ignore' quite literally.
  6. So a long time after the decline had begun and of little relevance.
  7. Exactly. My Grandad would tell me it wasn't as good as when he went in the 50's. My Dad would say the same about the 70's. I now say it's not as good as in the 90's.. and so it goes on. It's one of the 'myths' that some keep peddling, even though it's easily disproved. The other 'myth' that seems to be creeping in now is this notion that the majority of fans 'suddenly' only care if their team is winning. That isn't a modern phenomenon, it's always been the case that a team attracts higher crowds when they are winning than if they are losing.
  8. It began in the mid 80's when the sport lost a number of it's stars... but I believe the biggest event was the expose on race fixing in the sport. From that time onwards, media coverage was either reduced or non existent. The sport drifted away from the publics attention.. with no media coverage, nobody outside the sport knew who the star riders were anymore or even that the sport was still going in many cases. As the sport lost fans (as all sports do) due to natural causes, such as fans losing interest in the sport, death etc they weren't replaced at the same rate by new fans coming in. As the crowds began to slowly fall, so did the atmosphere at meetings. As the atmosphere at meetings begins to fall.. brilliant races become good races... good races become average races.. average races become poor races. Although it's the same race on the track, it doesn't feel as good as there aren't as many folk around you. Of course this has an effect of making the sport seem more boring, so yet more fans decide not to go anymore and the vicious cycle continues until you are left with a hardcore of support... much of which is aging and will naturally continue to decline.
  9. Spot on post. The same situation applied to Wolves with Masters, where if anything they were weaker with him at reserve and Howarth as a heat leader. The fact Lindgren had gone back to second string and Bech to heat leader made them weaker still.
  10. Joe Screen for me. I was there for his debut and still haven't seen anyone as good at his age. Obviously his gating held him back but he was still making progress when he suffered his big injury whilst riding for Bradford? Never quite the same after that.
  11. "Glad you are giving it a miss". Can't be that much of a fan then can you. I'm sure lessons will be learned with regards to the ticket process and improved for the next meeting. The important thing is the stadium/track is up and running and all speedway fans can look forward to their visits there. I know I will certainly be visiting when over in the UK in the summer.
  12. Indeed. a very good meeting with some superb riding from both teams. Anyone seen markyb? He was telling us how rubbish it was earlier
  13. He is correct. Masters is quite capable of picking up pts in the team.. Howarth at heat leader isn't. Howarth would still likely have won heats 2 and 12, then taken that confidence into his other rides. Likewise, Lindgren would still score well as a heat leader whereas Bech doesn't.. but would have scored ok as second string. Overall, weaker.
  14. Well past his sell by date? 95% of speedway riders may as well hang it up now then.
  15. Don't be daft. Ref didn't fall for the nice controlled slide off from Harris. He turned his front wheel a tad to ensure he touched the dirt deflector, then gently laid it down. Tough call, but correct one.
  16. Howarth had to have the heat 14 ride as he was replaced earlier when he touched the tapes. Great stuff from Lindgren in Heat 14. Very good meeting overall.
  17. Typical speedway fans rant. Meanwhile, back in reality, pretty good meeting, some good racing, passing moves being made and close on the scorecharts.
  18. I must admit to feeling a little sad that I am unable to attend this meeting tonight. As others have said earlier, but it only really dawned on me earlier, this is very likely the last league meeting Wolverhampton will race at Brandon Stadium. Like others the place has many, many memories over the years...
  19. What is false? Are you no longer getting into the meeting for £10? Yes or no? Mick Horton is running a business, he tried a promotion to ensure a bigger crowd was on hand on Monday night, for the good of the WHOLE sport. It didn't work, Coventry fans weren't interested in watching their junior side. As such, he has had to try something else.
  20. The existing offer still stands, you are still getting £10 entrance. Are you seriously suggesting that you went to a speedway meeting, against your will, paying £12.. to save £7? Seriously? What is clear from this thread is that there are some who have 1: No care for the sport of speedway 2: No care for Coventry speedway.
  21. Excellent post. It's time some folks realised the sport is struggling. TV meetings in front of a sparse crowd only add to its woes. Horton is doing everything he can to ensure a decent crowd. He offered a promotion, the overwhelming majority weren't interested so he's offered another one. Speedway fans are the sports own worst enemies at times.
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