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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. There's footage of two races I've seen from this meeting. The first is Heat 5, which is available on the Wolves website... Max Clegg overtaking both Belle Vue riders on successive laps... around the outside. I've then also seen footage of Heat 15 where Matej Zagar chases down Sam Masters and passes him on the final corner with a big blast... around the outside.. You think the ref swung it, but from your second post it appears you weren't even there... hmmm..
  2. Indeed, you've also told us he's a multi millionaire. Awful advice he's been getting.
  3. Because lot's of people were asking why wasn't a wildcard offered perhaps and Tai simply stated he wouldn't take a wildcard as it wouldn't be fair?
  4. Were the semi-finals the night before and day after a GP last year?
  5. Portugal playing at 5 so will be finished by then.. however, the other games start at 8 so unlikely speedway will be on anyway as you say!
  6. Most sports actually. The difference is, speedway isn't like most sports. You can't just bring in someone (a reserve/squad member) of a fairly equal calibre like you can in other sports.
  7. It's blue skies, bright sunshine and around 32 degrees here. But I'd rather be at an overcast, dreary Monmore Should be a cracking meeting this, very difficult to call. Right through the teams there are riders all capable of beating each other. How will Steve Worrall cope at no 3.. who will get the better in the reserves, Howarth or Richie Worrall... will PK's experience cope with the ever improving Fricke.. which Zagar will show up and in which races?
  8. If its on I would make the Aces favourites. Big big match for Wolves.
  9. It's interesting how Robert72 has been telling us at regular intervals Tai has been badly advised... how he could have been earning money in England etc... Now he tells us Tai is a multi millionaire! Something doesn't quite tally....
  10. He started the season well, as did Wolves as a whole... but as his form has dropped, so has that of Wolves too. If he continues to struggle, Wolves won't make the play-offs in my opinion. This is why I believe Wolves were so fortunate that the opening home and away clashes with Belle Vue were postponed. A home defeat to open up with would have started the season on a downer and been difficult to recover form.. as it was some momentum was gained.. Monday will be very tricky, I see Aces winning at Monmore.
  11. Only because he thinks he qualifies and wants entrance on the cheap
  12. There is no 'not necessarily'. When a rider is disliked by MOST it is very obvious in the reaction of a crowd. You and Robert72 are already inventing your cover stories as you know full well, he is not disliked by most at all, just a vocal minority. You can have an opinion, but when you try and claim that 'most' others agree with it, when there is zero evidence to support the argument, then it will be questioned.
  13. There's about ten people who have posted against Tai on this thread.. over half of them have other agendas. Hardly qualifies as 'not popular'. If MOST uk fans don't like him, as claimed, he will be booed at Cardiff. If he isn't, then Robert72's claims are proved wrong.
  14. It doesn't matter in the slightest whether it weakened us or didn't weaken us. Sam Masters was present at the meeting and as such should have been riding. As for the argument, Masters has been one of our best riders all season, 4 rides for him is far stronger than 3 for Kenneth Hansen and one for Thorssell, so no, we weren't stronger 'on paper'.
  15. That's not all that irks me as it can be argued the other way, although I agree with you to be honest.. The fact that a team has willingly used a guest when a rider from their team is available to race is madness.
  16. No he didn't. Wolves willingly chose to track a team with a guest and R/R rather than one with their own rider in. The moment the Edinburgh match was called off, Wolves shouldn't even have been allowed a replacement for Masters as he was available to race.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyc3Yll2nxQ&app=desktop Tai again showing the class act he is.
  18. As I said earlier, just give all riders a free pass, with the exception of Robert72.
  19. Oh dear. A heavy defeat for Wolves in this one then.
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