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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Andy Murray has sworn many times, in interviews as well. It's pretty well documented if you bother to look before just assuming that Woffinden is the only person in the world to swear.
  2. Exactly.. Folk were at Cardiff to have a good time. Tai told em to make some effin noise.. Guess what they did? Did they boo? No They made some effin noise! More of it!
  3. Drivers have sworn on the podium at F1 events on numerous occasions. There wasn't a big uproar, just a few pedantic so and so's having a whinge.
  4. This thread is absolutely hilarious and I must say extremely satisfying It was a very, very bad day for Robert72 and his merry band of bitter, bigoted, jealous Tai bashers. They were desperate for their arguments of how unpopular he is with British fans to be proven at Cardiff, but alas, the reception for him lifted the roof of the stadium as GB fans went wild greeting their hero. They began to get excited as Tai struggled to gain pts in the early stages of the meeting, dreaming of their posts about his poor performance, but alas their hopes were dashed as he pulled out some excellent rides to make it all the way to the final. Their joy at him not winning was tempered by the exciting way in which he came through for second place and the tears were beginning to well. But wait.. oh no, he's said a naughty word! That's it, that's our chance! Attack, attack, attack! Every post, every passing page is just pure comedy. Go make friends with some French folk and you can bitch away to your hearts content! For those saying nobody in the stadium heard... of course they did.. and they responded in style by "Making some f***** noise!".
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buG3UP-1wIc Formula 1 drivers swearing on the podium.. multiple times. I've heard Andy Murray swear multiple times during Wimbledon after playing a bad shot. Here's an article about Murray and his problems. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3418931/Just-Andy-Murray-shouting-tennis-star-constantly-unleashes-court-outbursts-player-s-box.html Footballers swear all match long. And here's a clip of Rooney swearing in the the camera.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIDT1eaMkjM What is it that we're not grasping?
  6. Except there has been passing in every single race so far.
  7. Zmarzlik fortunate to still be in this race. He could have gone the first time, although all four back was fair enough.. Second time, totally his fault, he just veered left into Kildemand.
  8. Bless, back to your duplicate account again, so proud of that aren't you. Does it make you feel big and bad blatantly abusing forum rules?
  9. I'm giving him a chance as he claims he's going to speak to Tai tomorrow......
  10. Wait a minute, just the other day you were telling us speedway is a bigger sport than boxing, athletics and tennis!... Now you're saying its unknown. You really do just make it up as you go along don't you! This is the amusing part, you're totally oblivious to the fact you are the one being trolled. Folk on this thread are laughing at you and we only continue to post to see what hilarious twaddle you will come out with next. The fact that you actually think you're being clever just makes it all the more funny.
  11. Most speedway fans consider the first two turns as part of the 'start, but I see your point. You are correct with regards to Worrall, but that isn't what Drop a Cog is claiming. He is claiming that Worrall passed PK again on lap two after PK had passed him on the inside at the start of that lap.
  12. It doesn't show he was in front. It shows he AT BEST drew level which was basically what I said. You're the one claiming falsely that Worrall went round PK on lap two and if that's the best evidence you can provide, best to give up now.
  13. Another thread with decent discussion and you have to ruin it with your trolling. It's really time you grew up. Karlsson passed Worrall into turn 1 lap 2 as Worrall went too wide and PK simply rode round the inside. FACT Worrall drew alongside Karlsson down the back straight and approaching turn 3, he never went round him.. FACT. PK moved ahead into the turn and it stayed that way the rest of the race.. FACT. Take your fantasies elsewhere.
  14. You can make things up as much as you wish, won't change the reality though. Let's see this 'screenshot' then, as it's not the one you've posted.
  15. Bless, you said Worrall 'went round' PK on the back straight. I said he drew level at best before PK moved ahead into the corner. Thanks for posting the evidence proving me correct.
  16. Agreed, Let's propose that nobody replies to the coward any further. He can talk to himself
  17. He won't. Easiest way to deal with him now is whatever he posts, just simply reply... Coward.
  18. It's been answered, many times. However, if you really want to know, ask him yourself. But you won't, we already know that. Coward.
  19. So you just showed your complete lack of knowledge then... tell us, which league could Tai have started in aged 15?
  20. Yes, hence it's easy to call you out when you over embellish things as you like to do DAC.
  21. Lindgren gated, went round the outside had the momentum and cleared off. That's not a pass, just a result of the run around the first turn. PK passed Worrall on the inside, Worrall did not go back round him at any point, he almost drew alongside him on lap two, that was it. PK stayed in 2nd place comfortably. The only reason PK passed Worrall was because he kindly moved off the line. Had he not done so, he wouldn't have been passed. Heat 2 was a procession, there was one bend (turns 3 and 4) where things briefly got close as the much faster Jacobs saw off Howarth who was on the inside line. That was the end of that. The meeting was entertaining, but don't big it up into something it wasn't.
  22. Yet the passes in Heat 1 were also quite simply due to riders drifting off the line. PK didn't need to do anything special in that race, just rode the inside and Worrall moved over nicely for him. Both were decent though and we'd all be happy if we saw such racing on a regular basis.
  23. That race far from highlights the virtues of the track, quite the opposite in fact as the quicker rider was unable to pass, with Cook having to do nothing but ride the same line, inside, throughout.
  24. Once again your credibility is shot to pieces. "I'll tell Tai to his face".... only to put tail between legs and run at the opportunity to do so. Then constantly bleating about raising money for the Ben Fund, only to put tail between legs and run at an opportunity to do so. Coward. After the GP you can let us all know if indeed Robert72 did speak with Tai... We all know what the answer will be of course.
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