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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. I must have imagined the nine years he raced here then.
  2. Why shouldn't they leave it till the last minute? They're not the ones in the wrong here. Nobody tried to screw you over, you screwed yourselves over.
  3. How much did McEnroe win and how much was he fined? Then we'll judge if he 'paid dearly'.
  4. Staggering really that people can't put petty biases aside and still have a dig at the totally innocent party. We're told Matt Ford knows the rulebook inside out, this time he either made a mistake or thought he'd get away with it. He didn't, nothing to do with Lakeside, Wright was an illegal guest. Poole still won, the home crowd went home happy... that's all there is too it.
  5. One of the most pathetic posts the forum has seen... and that's saying something.
  6. What are you wittering on about you imbecile? Poole tried to break the rules. Poole failed in breaking the rules. Poole tracked a team with only six riders, therefore will, if they haven't already, be fined. It's not rocket science.
  7. Ok, my bad, jumped on it a bit hard there. I misread it as you defending his actions. Apologies.
  8. He must have figured it's against Lakeside so he can get away with it, based upon past history! There should be a fine coming Poole's way for deliberately tracking a team of only six riders.
  9. Judging the appearance of a person is the act of a bigot in this day and age. I would encourage my kids to set their goals and work as hard as they can to achieve them. For that, there is no finer role model than Tai. The way a person looks, dresses is an individual choice. If they are happy then why should others judge?
  10. Paid dearly? Explain.... is he destitute? On the streets?
  11. You're right, swearing signals the end of any sport. I remember when I was a lad watching a tennis championship that was quite popular back then, until a foul mouth by the name of McEnroe came along. That was it, the media shunned the sport, tv companies turned away. As for McEnroe, not a chance of being employed in any public role going forwards. Shame really, I enjoyed that tournament, was it called Wimbledon?
  12. It says it all when that is all you can come up with!
  13. Always nice to see bigots airing their views.
  14. Kenny Carter was a murderer who denied two young children and their mother of their lives. What he did on a speedway bike is irrelevant.
  15. The only Robert Jackson that appears on the excellent speedway database is this one.. Rob Jackson Born: 28.10.1944, Bradford, England British Clubs: Crewe (1969, 1970) Berwick (1970) Bradford (1970) Year..Club..Meetings..Rides..Points..Bonus..Average..Maxima 1969..Crewe..2..4..2..0..2.00 1970..Crewe..8..23..24..5..5.04 1970..Berwick..1..4..6..0..6.00 1970..Bradford..1..2..1..0..2.00 Read more: http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/thread/1486/rob-jackson#ixzz4EINb12Ff
  16. Not grasping when you're being mocked are you. The Olympic tennis tournament is an INDIVIDUAL competition, your unbelievable attempts to refute that are laughable... That is why players from the same country can play AGAINST each other...
  17. Hobnob Smith has hit the nail on the head on the other thread. Must have been robert72, he's told us numerous times how easily he can access all areas. Perhaps he was just too dumb and tampered with the wrong bikes
  18. Chris Louis has something to hide The old Ipswich/Kings Lynn rivalry!
  19. What is a swear word? It's nothing, just a sound uttered by humans. Society has told you "Oooh that particular sound is bad" and like a gullible sheep you follow along. The word Tai used is used in everyday language by millions of people across English speaking nations. People are only 'offended' because they are told to be offended. Of far more importance is the context of words, if they are used in a fashion as to abuse people, then yes, people have the right to be 'offended'. In this context, there was no offence, nobody was abused, the reaction was one of joy. Folk need to grow up and stop pandering along with what certain sections of society tells them they can and cannot do.
  20. You had your chance at Cardiff and 40,000 put you in your place.
  21. What does he have to say sorry far? They all went wild (in a good way). I understand it was a very tough day for you. You remind me of the candidates who used to stand for the Monster Raving Loony Party... only you are far more of a raving loony as you actually thought you had plenty of support only to get to election day (Cardiff) and when the results come in you've got about 5 votes to the others 40,000.
  22. Correct, and an emotionally charged arena and generating a rapturous reaction from the crowd is as good a place as any. You see, swearing is simply words, it's what you are doing with the words that's important. Unfortunately too many folk are so brainwashed they are unable to distinguish and if they hear certain words, 'society' tells them oooh it must be bad. It's just a sound emanating from the mouth of a human. Nothing more, nothing less. Nobody was abused, nobody was harmed and a good time was had by all.... bar Robert72 and his band of merry men who were crying into their beers. He's bottled out of every question ever put to him, bottled out of the opportunity to speak to Tai himself after building himself up as the big 'I am' who would do so. Bottled out of ever providing anything to back up his claims of being a rider. The guy/girl is quite simply a fraud.
  23. No, he didn't state that he would. However, you stated multiple times you'd be speaking to Tai, so did you speak to him? We already know the answer of course.
  24. Surely you would know this as you told the forum over and over and over you would be speaking to Tai on Saturday. Looks like you bottled it. Why am I not surprised.
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