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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. I have not twisted your words, you stated them, they are 100% clear. The topic at hand is Tai Woffinden, you are the one who has brought up his tattoos and the holes in his ears as a way of attacking him. You are the one who has coined the phrase 'ears that dumbo would be proud of'. You are the one who has said if a parent respects such a person they are not a responsible parent. Don't even try and wriggle out of it by pathetically saying that your views are only aimed at me. Or are you honestly suggesting that if I was content with an offspring who did those things I would be 'irresponsible' but other parents are not? Don't be so foolish, you have made your feelings quite clear on the matter. I haven't had to resort to anything to 'win' this argument. Your words have done that yourself. The very fact you seem to be so offended at my suggestion you have insulted the Woffinden's and are resorting to the term 'lowlife' should make you pause for thought about the derogatory remarks you are making towards Tai and his appearance. The swearing? Silly thing to do really, not worth the hysteria that some are showing though, as a parent I would be proud of a 2nd place in a GP. I've already stated previously, tattoos etc are not my cup of tea personally, but then it's not my body. Would I be proud of an offspring who had set out to become the very best at their chosen profession and had done that, but happened to get some tattoos and some ear plugs along the way? Damn right I would be. Are you saying you wouldn't be? Failed to stop me in my tracks there, simply confirmed them. A person who is intolerant.. which is precisely what Hodgy is towards Woffindends looks. 'DILLIGAF' is something you've decided to insert into the discussion now, although from Tai's point of view it does hold a certain resonance towards some folk.
  2. Why didn't you ask when you were there, would have made sense.....
  3. You've demonstrated yet again what a bigot you are as well as insulted the parents, one sadly deceased of Tai Woffinden. I suggest you approach Sue Woffinden and inform her what an irresponsible parent she is. It's not so long ago that the same sort of comments were being made about parents of gay kids, indeed in some places they still are.. maybe you fall into that out dated category too. Anyway, let's discuss 'grown up and professional'. How has you covering up your tattoos helped you in these endeavours.. Woffinden has become a 'multi-millionaire' (if you believe Robert72) acting in this 'unprofessional' way. Have you had as much success? Being a parent you offer advice and guidance but ultimately if you have raised your children well they should be more than capable of making their own minds up and if their chosen path differs from that which you would prefer, as long as they are not breaking the law a decent parent would respect that. As for your other comments, you couldn't be more off the mark. The 'debates' I am usually involved in are when someone is making a false statement and won't accept it. There aren't 'two sides' in such cases. An opinion is different to something factual.. sadly many fail to understand that basic concept. Anyway, I hope you're done insulting those who aren't here to defend themselves.
  4. He also makes it sound like they get it all done at the same time...
  5. Contradict myself? You made a bigoted post and you were called out on it. It's nothing to do with being 'down with the kids', it's called being tolerant and respectful of how others choose to look.
  6. Wolves have already made a commitment to Rider Replacement, it would be unfair to let him down.
  7. Does it really matter? Poole were not allowed a facility for Adam Ellis, as per the rules. It's not a grey area, not something where it can be interpreted one way or another. It's very clear. The only reason this occurred is because Ford thought he could bully his way into it being accepted under the old 'best interests of the sport'. It's precisely this sort of thing that needs stamping out of the sport. Rules are rules and ALL teams should abide by them. The onus should be on the club to ensure they are tracking a legal team.
  8. Having given this more thought, Robert72 is correct. Tai's off track behaviour is appalling. Just recently he was tested at a GP and his alcohol reading was 0.00. He commented that ALL riders should be tested at EVERY GP. Shocking suggestion. It was far better in the old days when we had pissed up, drug taking riders who you could introduce your kids to in the bar after the meeting. They were superb role models. None of this fit, healthy living nonsense Woffinden spouts!
  9. Exactly. So that eliminates the 'dirty' Lakeside argument entirely. Well done Lakeside for saving Poole the embarrassment of tracking an illegal team. Again, you know nothing other than Ford 'conceded' 5 hours before. Conceding suggests he had already been informed it wasn't allowed and was fighting against that decision.
  10. Nobody has to prove anything, you do. Until you provide such proof your words mean nothing.
  11. How do you know the complaint was on the day of the match? Ford 'conceded' 5 hours before the start time after much debate prior. It was NOT a last minute thing. Poole should know the rules, it shouldn't be the responsibility of other teams or indeed officials to tell them. If Lakeside had wanted to have played dirty they could have said nothing at all, then appealed after the meeting and had the points Wright scored deducted.
  12. But with others it's going in one side and out the other.
  13. The bigotry continues to shine through. These kind of posts say nothing about Woffinden, only the person making them. I'm no fan of tattoos, holes in ears etc but I respect individuals right's to look how they please.
  14. I think people are doing Robert72 a disservice. He didn't just line up against multiple world champions.. he claims he BEAT them.
  15. Thanks for clarifying that McEnroe did not pay 'dearly' for his swearing and that contrary to Speedy69's claims, swearing doesn't do untold damage to either the sport or the competitor. So McEnroe paid a whopping total of $69,500 fines in his career..... against his net worth of $50 million. Yep, he paid dearly! http://www.therichest.com/celebnetworth/athletes/tennis/john-mcenroe-net-worth/
  16. Yeah of course he will. Do you remember that rider Tai Woffinden, wasn't he a multiple world champion... I think he might have been but what I do know is he swore a couple of times!! Folk seem capable of remembering Kenny Carters on track exploits so I don't think they'll have a problem with Tai. No more than there are now.
  17. Sportsmanship is playing by the rules. Not that it is even relevant in this situation as your very own local newspaper, which of course will be biased towards Poole, states Ford conceded his 'battle' a good 5 hours before the start of the meeting after much debate prior.. so the 'last minute' argument is pure nonsense.
  18. You do understand that the discussion was taking place for some time, the reasons why Poole weren't given a facility had already been discussed and documented long before I, or Shaun answered your ridiculous meaningless question? Once again you're bringing shame to your club. Give it a rest.
  19. I answered the question. Not there is any point as you don't read. You don't understand basic English. Toddle off and visit Jerran Hart in prison.
  20. The only 'keyboard warriors' are you and Starman for some reason bleating about your team being prevented from breaking rules. The thread would be pretty much done and dusted by now. When teams break rules it is always highlighted, regardless of the team involved. The difference is, most other teams don't have people like Starman and now it appears yourself defending it so it doesn't drag on for an eternity.
  21. What is sad is anyone complaining that their team was caught attempting to break rules. I thought only Starman would be so foolish to do that.. Most other Poole fans have accepted the right decision was made and moved on.. these threads only drag on when folk try and defend the indefensible!
  22. You're getting worse, clogging up the forum with your inane ramblings.
  23. What are you waiting for? You tried to track a guest rider for Adam Ellis, for whom you were not entitled to a facility. It's not even in question and none of your other Poole fans are questioning it either. There is no big deal, the right decision was made, Poole won the meeting. Get over it.
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