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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. Nobody can say Tai isn't putting 100% in based upon his efforts in his first three races tonight!
  2. Lakeside generally have struggled on the road this year, however of course, Wolves is a small track so one there riders can get round. That said I don't expect Wolves to have too many problems in dealing with them. Let's face it, if we are going to have any joy in the play-offs we will need to be winning such meetings comfortably. Hopefully Tai settles in with a decent return.
  3. If he has an issue Gemini he should take it to the moderators instead of hurling around stupid allegations clogging up the forum.
  4. Yawn. Your desperation knows no bounds. If you think I have broken forum rules, present the rule.
  5. So I haven't changed any of your posts. Glad we have cleared that up. No Forum rules broken. You said it was almost a carbon copy, I stated it was far from a carbon copy. That's not changing your post, that's disagreeing with your post. If you don't understand basics like that there is little hope in ever having any form of sensible conversation with you.. but then you don't want that do you? The forum rules you keep referring too are for when someone uses the 'Quote' facility and alters what was originally there. Now give it a rest.
  6. I haven't changed any of your posts so quit your pathetic lying and accusations. There is only one of us who have been banned for rule breaking. Only one of us who has had to change username out of sheer embarrassment. It's not me. Somebody who was actually at the Kings Lynn meeting has confirmed what I have said... NOBODY else on the entire thread is dragging that meeting into this debate except you, to as usual, try and portray Belle Vue as some sort of victim. Every single other Belle Vue fan on this thread has held their hands up and admitted that on this occasion Belle Vue messed up and haven't tried to deflect attention elsewhere.
  7. Nothing wrong with me, I'm not the fool on the thread. Carry on. Although of course your 'claimed' five identical features weren't identical. Was the track wet when Kings Lynn opened the gates? No. So that's your first two points gone. Did Kings Lynn have an opportunity to blade the track hours before? No.. so that's your third point gone. All you have is long delay and meeting called off.. The circumstances were entirely different.
  8. It wasn't a carbon copy in the slightest and every single other person on this thread understands that. Belle Vue had four hours to prepare the track and failed to do so. Kings Lynn had a track prepared ready to race and were hit with a heavy rainstorm just before tapes up, there is NO comparison.
  9. Cut out most of your utter guff. As usual you are the ONLY person on the thread still trying to defend and deflect blame. The situation was very, very different and far from a 'carbon copy' of the Kings Lynn meeting against Swindon in July. In that meeting the rain arrived right before the meeting was due to start, after the paying public were in the stadium. In this case the rain had gone by 16:00 and Belle Vue had ample time to blade the track and get it ready. To quote yourself, stop lying.
  10. It's a simple question, one you won't want to answer of course. You've accused me of lying when I suggested you were looking for someone other than the promotion to blame.. if I'm lying, you agree they are at fault. The reality is of course they were at fault, numerous posters have stated the track wasn't fit to race on and should have been bladed much earlier. You'll now proceed to play your childish game of trying to twist words of course.
  11. So you admit the Belle Vue promotion are at fault then?
  12. As usual Fred Flange is trying to find a way to blame others. It's the fault of the Belle Vue promotion who have presided over yet another cock-up.
  13. Robert72 was offensive and rightly was eventually banned, it is ludicrous to even try to defend him. I've supported Gavan on some topics in the past however of late he has completely lost the plot, particularly on this one where he is just spoiling for a fight. Gavan, it is a topic you have no interest in, so leave it alone, go post somewhere else!
  14. I know Was just being a tad sarcastic... you can throw in plenty more including Darts, Wrestling, Rugby Union.
  15. Quite simply, yes. As the likelihood is that you would find the data from 2007 in the same place... as funnily enough you could. Then again, I'm intelligent. You've made your point, everyone who doesn't agree with you or shows you to be wrong is a troll or a liar, it's getting repetitive now.
  16. The link was already there. All you had to do was click on it and select the year you wanted. It's not difficult, however it proved too demanding for yourself. So no, I haven't lied. The link was there all along, just you were unable to use a drop down menu. Give it a rest. Now, if we can go back onto the topic of the thread, "Who is going to win the EL" Much of that will depend upon the form Woffinden can show. If he brings some of his best equipment and backup team he will clearly make a big difference to the hopes of Wolves and certainly put them back in the mix. As others have said though, Wolves will need a step up from Howarth to be competitive. We won't be able to concede 10pts from the reserve positions. Poole are still favourites as they have riders from 1 through to 7 who can all score big pts on any given night which Wolves and Belle Vue can't really say (although Jacobs is much improved this year).
  17. Correct. The link was given as follows:- http://speedwayhistorik.svemo.se/ With the instruction to click on 'Historik'. Lo and behold that gives you the option of choosing any year from 2002-2010... including of course 2007. Very simple. Of course you prefer to rant and rave, accuse people of lying to cover up your own incompetence. Once again, your abusive phrase regarding bottoms and wiping seems appropriate.
  18. The predictable response. In any statistical analysis, if there is a figure that is abnormally different to the others it is generally ignored. There was NOT a consistent trend of increasing attendances before the playoffs, there was one year when they rose by any significant margin and that was 1999. All the other years the attendances stayed fairly consistent. Your argument has consistently been that in a playoff system fans don't attend the 'league' matches as much as they would under the old straight league system, choosing to skip meetings. Yet the evidence provided shows crowds on average consistently at least 2.5 times higher in the playoff era than the pre-playoff era. I have no doubt at all you will still try and twist it, that sums up the kind of person you are.
  19. You enjoy trolling and trying to twist things to your own agenda. Everyone else can clearly see and understands that since the play-offs were introduced Sweden has enjoyed far higher attendances. Only an ignorant troll would try and argue differently. Feel free to continue making yourself a laughing stock though! hahaha Precisely, which you explained earlier.. For some reason Fred finds that task difficult... I refer him once again to his earlier comments about such things.
  20. Of course it bears a resemblance to the UK system. Teams are competing in a league which you would call qualifying for a cup. You don't like it because the attendance figures totally destroy your argument. Where Sweden differs is they have increased the strength and quality of their top league whilst the UK has continually weakened. The naysayers tell us that wouldn't make any difference to crowd sizes though!
  21. She may not have been the most popular during her time presenting speedway but I am sure (or would hope) that everyone hopes she pulls through this. https://www.thesun.co.uk/2016/08/17/sky-sports-presenter-charlie-webster-fighting-for-her-life-in-rio-hospital-after-being-struck-down-with-rare-strain-of-malaria/?CMP=spklr-_-Editorial-_-FBPAGE-_-TheSun-thesun-_-20160817-_-News-_-547496574
  22. There are eight teams in the league, they race each other home and away. Top four go into the playoffs where it is two semis over two legs, followed by a two leg grand final. Now this information is extremely easy to find out, I could use a phrase you used earlier, but I'll leave such nonsense to yourself.
  23. TBF, from a Wolves point of view... who cares! It will sort itself out in good time. The important thing from our perspective is the real Tai shows up for Wolves and bangs in the pts between now and the end of season and fingers crossed, in the play-offs.
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