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Everything posted by BWitcher

  1. What deal is this? Harris had a deal to guest on Monday. Besides, King is far better than Harris at Belle Vue, Harris is better than King at Wolves. Seems perfectly sensible.
  2. Of course he has, nicely out for the season, just as planned. What did you think they would announce? Harris was booked for Monday, so clearly he's available for Wednesday. His choice where he rides
  3. As has been said many times before, THOUSANDS have and it no longer involves speedway.
  4. One of the most ridiculous posts I've ever seen! What difference does that make? Poole win. End of.
  5. I'm hearing that Wolves have applied to use Jason Doyle as a guest. They've put together a strong argument that his PL average should be converted to give him an EL average. It's called the 'Newman' effect. As a result, he'll be guesting for Thorsell.
  6. I think you're looking at the wrong column, it's the average from 19th September you need. He is third in the averages, so Shovlar is wrong too. It's pretty much killed of what slim chance Wolves had.
  7. Obviously Wolves didn't want to race with their most in form rider. Not sure... depends how quickly Wolves moved? If they contacted Bomber as soon as they called the meeting off and booked him, then Belle Vue called theirs off after it.. I would have thought Bomber's commitment was for tonight and that's it.
  8. No the sport wouldn't be more healthy, it would implode. As it did in 2010 when there WAS a team who broke no rules and beat Ford at his own game. Quite simply it wasn't allowed, Ford threw his toys out of the pram, got his mates to gang up on said team and set a chain of events in place that will likely lead to the closure of one of the sports biggest clubs.. Well done Ford.
  9. If you even have to 'question' the situation that has continued ongoing for nigh on 15 years now then there is little point even conversing with you. He was reported as being 'unwell' last week wasn't he?
  10. Because it's a little boys club. A stand was taken in 2010 and look what happened there. Continue to bury your head in the sand and make yourself look a complete fool. Venture onto social media for a more accurate picture.
  11. You really are very out of touch. The BSF represents an ever decreasing number of speedway fans. Venture onto social media and you will find a very, very large volume of supporters from all clubs bar Poole who are absolutely sick of the way Ford destroys the sport and would like nothing more to see them beat. Kevin Keegan speaks for the speedway fans across the country:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXpUdBlRZe8
  12. How about teams simply refusing to race in a play off match, leaving a sold out crowd hanging.... does that make up for it too?
  13. This post is at Starman levels. You must be one of the only speedway fans on the planet who doesn't realise it is very simple for a speedway rider to obtain the necessary certificate. It's been going on for years in the sport. You must be living in some naive little bubble.
  14. I wouldn't worry about Harris, given the unfortunate, sudden knee injury Bjarne picked up Ford will have a word with his mate Cook and before you know it Lakeside will release Harris to ride for Poole.
  15. Naive is being nice. If I wanted to get signed off from work tomorrow, I could do it. Easily. Not even carrying any injuries. Next Ford will be on the phone to his mate Cook and a deal will be agreed that will suddenly see Harris 'released' from guesting for Lakeside making him 'available' to guest for Poole.
  16. Are you really so naive to think that one of those isn't extremely easy to obtain? Almost every speedway rider is carrying some sort of injury anyway that they could get a certificate for.
  17. Of course it is something to laugh at. Every speedway fan in the country knew EXACTLY what was going to happen in that meeting. Interesting he 'reached the final'.. but then discovered a knee injury. Poole Speedway are absolute scum, no other word for them. Continually destroying the sport because they can't face losing fair and square. Edited to add: Actually, it isn't something to laugh at, it's something that genuine speedway fans should be in despair at, the lengths that one club will go, and the gutter they will drag the sport into.
  18. Well he did. So he wasn't out of action long term.
  19. It's also irrelevant whether Hans had a reaction today or not. His injury was not long term. By not deducting Lindbacks points the BSPA are showing once again what a corrupt body they are. He may still be suffering. Many riders do. The fact is though, he hasn't suffered a long term injury. If you'd have gone with a guest, Andersen had rode today, declared himself unfit and you had another guest then fair enough. You didn't. You chose to embellish the injury, claim it was long term, even when the evidence (Andersen himself) had already shown it wasn't. As such you replaced him in contravention to the rules. Lindback was ineligbile. There is absolutely no argument against it, it's clear cut.
  20. It's 100% clear. Andersen was not a long term injury and Poole have tried to claim that he was. They have deceived the BSPA. As such Lindback was ineligble. Ineligible riders points are deducted.
  21. Burntfaceman seems to be trying awfully hard, but each post he makes only adds to the argument that Lindback should have been on an eight. Besides, all of this is a moot point anyway as the rules have been flagrantly broken. A replacement was only allowed, as per the rules, for a 'long term injury'. Andersen is riding today. As such Poole have deceived the BSPA and signed a rider ineligible by the rules. The only solution is to deduct his pts from the original match and re-instate Hans Andersen into the side.
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