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Everything posted by gbr135

  1. Is there anywhere i can download a racecard for this meeting?
  2. Likewise tractorlady, myself, spooky, the great man and one other early bird from Stansted.
  3. Can anyone shed any light on who will be the Wild Card for this GP?
  4. I think you'll find the main railway station in Copenhagen is called 'Ballerup' this is the one direst from the airport.
  5. Yeah i noticed that too, but 2 things spring to mind, 1, is the racecard as normal in this weeks speedway star and 2 they must print, prepare and dispatch those programme's mighty quick then.
  6. Has anyone got a link for a racecard for the Danish gp please.
  7. Speedygeoff, Spooky (backstraight boys from Lakeside) will be there along with Rayleigh Rocket from the home straight and our better halves. Always enjoy the weekend in Prague, great place to visit.
  8. Can anyone shed some info on this please i.e. Areas to stay, hotels ect. What is the easiest airport to fly into? Is the track easily accesible?
  9. Is that the 07.00 flight Sandy? 'cos the 'backstraight boys' from Lakeside will also be on it. See ya there, no doubt we'll get to meet.
  10. Must correct you there Spooky mate. Our flights were in fact £519 for 6 of us not £580.
  11. Anyone intereated can now buy their tickets on line at the following link. http://www.ticketstream.cz/pls/czech/dls.d...CKET&language=2
  12. Here Here Noaksey, we witnessed it for ourselves last time we went to the Prague GP. When the thieves had realised we had clocked what they were up to they were off the train at the next stop and ran like hell. I know you said tram but people, just be warned it happens on the packed trains as well.
  13. Can anyone give me any idea when tickets for the GP in Prague are likely to go on sale?
  14. Hi Lis, as spooky says, thanks so very much to yourself and your son for helping us find our way back to Tivoli Gardens, i'm sure we would have made it anyway but you just made it so much easier, and for showing such great friendship to a bunch of strangers, typical of all the Danish people we met really, and again as Spooky says, thats speedway fans for you. Hope your son is still flying the St George flag we gave him. Anyway, take care and who knows we may meet again. Geoff
  15. You know i meant Copenhagen, dont you.
  16. Hi Rob a few of the backstraight boys from Lakeside are making the trip to Copenhages. How much would you say the price of an average meal is out there ? Also, if anyone else is going and you are at a loss for things to do, apparently there is a free rock concert in the Tivoli Gardens at 10pm on the Friday night. Might be worth a look.
  17. What is the best GP in Poland to go to and are both Bydgoszcz and Wroclaw tracks near city centre's, if not are they easily accesible ?
  18. Can anyone give me any info regarding meetings in Denmark after the GP ? I see from the speedway star there is a meeting at Slangerup on the Sunday, does anyone know if this is an afternoon or evening meeting, and is it far and easy to get to from Copenhagen?
  19. What happens to Scotty's rides ? do the reserves take them or is someone else drafted in ?
  20. We are going Thursday evening and returning Tuesday. Great little English style bar called The Charlston, just 150 yards from Krisikova station. Turn left out off station, at end of the road turn right and its about 100 yards on the right. Anyone near there just pop in and have a beer with us, its only about 40p a pint. Heaven.
  21. Does anyone know if there are any local meetings near the Prague area on Sunday or even just over the border in Poland ?
  22. Anyone any ideas where i can get 3 twin rooms in Cardiff for the GP ? I've tried all the usuall places but nothing doing.
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