I have noted the new heat format for the SGP in 2025 with the inclusion of the last chance qualifiers (LC1 & LC2). My question relates to the following, after 20 heats I realise the top two go straight through to the final, but of the remaining riders from 3 down to 10 go in which heats.
From here the two winners go into the final (Heat 23) to join the top two from the qualifying heats but which winner of (LC) qualifiers get the third and fourth pick of gate positions in the final.
Subsequently, how are the third and fourth place riders from these heats placed in the final standings? For example, which of the two third and two fourth placed finishers are placed higher in the final standings.
Can anyone explain or point me in the direction of the rules. The old format had a handy *.pdf you could download showing all the details.
Thanks in advance.