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Everything posted by krompa

  1. Have to agree that coverage was amateurish again. CMore or whoever is producer has to improve graphics as it is crucial part of the sport to know who is actually riding. Without that they will not sell rights to other countries anymore I'm afraid.
  2. What happened to Shamek? Why withdrawn after scoring paid 7 in 3 heats?
  3. He is not expected to be in Zielona Gra lineup anyway as far as I know.
  4. Judging by svenska spell lines, there will be no RR tonight. Trying to find confirmed Indianerna lineup, but struggling so far.
  5. Seems there is no RR for Lindback. Tuff match igår, men nu ställer vi om och siktar in oss på returen hemma imorgon, torsdag. Det såg väldigt mörkt ut i helgen, med risk för många förare borta. Efter ett riktigt hästjobb i kulisserna har vi fått ihop det och kan presentera ett riktigt bra lag! Antonio har fått okej att göra sitt Coronatest i Sverige och kan alltså åka till Polen för GP på fredag morgon, Bellego har fått plats på samma flyg och kan därmed också vara med i semin. Bergé utgår och istället kommer Tarasenko för första gången i år in i laget. Tarasenko har äntligen lyckats få starttillstånd och det ska bli spännande att se vad han kan göra! Philip har jobbat hårt med rehab efter sin skada och går in som nummer sju. Preliminära laguppställningar: MASARNA 1. Antonio Lindbäck 2. Vadim Tarasenko 3. Kim Nilsson 4. Przemyslaw Pawlicki 5. Nicki Pedersen 6. David Bellego 7. Philip Hellström Bängs LEJONEN 1. Nicolai Klindt 2. Rene Bach 3. Mathias Thörnblom 4. Kacper Woryna 5. Robert Lambert 6. Linus Eklöf 7. Maximilian Bogdanowicz
  6. Thanks R&R, so the same formula as last year.
  7. The same formula as last year? Total points from regular 20 heats + extra points in the final? Or maybe more like in Poland and UK winner of final heat is a champion?
  8. SF, week 40 - 29,30 September winner from QF 1 och 2, winner from QF 3 och 4 Anyone to confirm that semis are next Tuesday and Wednesday? Heard somewhere that it is Tuesday and Thursday (Sep 29 & Oct 1). Thanks in advance
  9. True. TV coverage is terrible. Used to be much better.
  10. What happened to Hans? Missed re run after crash.
  11. MBJ probably will not ride anymore tonight either. Replaced twice already.
  12. Good to see he is OK after crash. Any update on MBJ?
  13. Lyager taken to hospital after crash in Gniezno. RR to cover tomorrow I believe.
  14. Hopefully this final will be televised. Any info about it?
  15. You guys don't believe this bull s h I t about aggravated old injury, do you? Rules allow RR for injured or sick rider, not for logistic issues I believe. Thats why they said something like that. He was fit in Daugavpils. End of story.
  16. Lahti logistic problems after yesterdays meeting in Daugavpils. Heat 13 in Motala was a robbery for me. Tactical tape by Millberg, Henderson comes in and 2-4 instead of 4-2.
  17. What a rubbish rules. Millberg tape exclusion and replaced by much better Henderson. Only in speedway.
  18. https://www.svemo.se/Sporter/Speedway/tavling/preliminaralaguppstallningar/
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