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Everything posted by krompa

  1. R/R for Summers - everyone but Ulamek can get an extra ride R/R for Schlein - everyone can take one Am I correct here?
  2. Why was Steve Worrall still at reserve? With higher average than Ritchie?
  3. Any link to confirmed info then? Thanks in advance Stevebrum. As a British speedway fan from Poland I can only see positives: -no more mess in speedway schedule (Tuesday Sweden, Wednesday+ Thursday UK, Friday and Saturday world and euro qualifiers/finals/GP's, Sunday Poland). Other leagues like Russia, Germany and Denmark are small enough to fit them somwhere in without much impact on top 3 leagues. -proper Elite League table during regular season (only affected by rain-offs which happen in every league) -much easier planning for both riders and fans (just book few Wednesdays/Thursdays off in advance and you are sure to catch EL speedway action) -possibly better TV coverage on Sky with a chance to have something like weekly EL summary with highlights, interviews analysis (we have one in Poland every Sunday evening and is pretty popular) Will it attract more top boys? Surely some of them yes as schedule + time for travel will not be that busy anymore. Will it bring more money to British speedway? Possibly. All the mess you guys have over there right now just simply has to be stopped. I would add some kind of squad system (with shared no. 1 positions for example) and remove all guests and R/R rules to let fans finally feel that the team they are watching is the same all season long.
  4. Hi guys is it speculation only or something confirmed by BSPA/clubs? I mean whole idea of 2 fixed race nights in 2017. That would be great step forward.
  5. Was hoping for some positive changes like semi-squad system (with shared heat leaders role to bring some top boys back) but it will be bigger mess with FTR now moving to main body and main body riders dropping to reserve positions.
  6. Cookie what a star! I believe he will be in Ekstraliga next year. Guy is loving grippy tracks and knows how to gate. Rzeszow? Wroclaw (together with Tai)?
  7. Even if Kacper is not fit, R/R will cover his absence. Extra rides for Watt, Newman, Starke = 7-8 points.
  8. Any idea when result will be officially confirmed? Was there any post match protest?
  9. Zmarzlik saved Gorzow for BSI. Still IMO product is less attractive and rights holders need to do somerhing to attract best riders back (Emil).
  10. What happens if there is a draw on aggregate after 2 matches? Golden/sudden death heats in Sweden but in Poland team that finished regular season higher wins it. How is it like in GB?
  11. Correction to my post above. Seems that GSA Issue 23 is being used. Gomolski 5.14 then and PK doesn't fit. In fact only Musielak and Porsing achieved lower avarages (from top 5's of non playoff teams). Expect R/R then with extra rides for North and reserves.
  12. Who can guest for Gomolski? If R/R then who will be able to take extra rides? Kacper is riding in Ekstraliga bronze medal on Sunday. No way he will stay injury free. Just found out myself. Peter Karlsson. 5.51, same as Gomolski. Fits in perfectly. North and reserves if R/R. SUrely better option too. Dak will be ready for Monday but I bet he will get some kind of excuse for Wednesday to use Kennett again. All pretty predictable to be honest.
  13. Guest system is destroying this sport in uk. Poland and Sweden accepted RR but not guests. Which is right IMO.
  14. Watt, Gomolski and Newman all had perfect night. Will not improve scores at home. North is scoring zeroes everywhere, not expecting much improvement either. Holder and Starke potentially much better at home and Janowski able to add couple more pts. On the other hand can't imagine Harris, Howarth and Lindgren scoring less. Garrity (if fit) and Sarjeant both able to score pretty much the same. Hans less than 13 for sure. Poole one leg in the final but they have to finish the job and it will not be very easy.
  15. I know options are limited but I would prefer Richard Lawson.
  16. Abandoned after heat 14? Polish Eurosport just moved to some other stuff.
  17. One rider + reserve? So it is not for example Emil vs. Antonio? 2 pairs of riders? What if 3-3? Another pair? Edit: just found it myself. Pair of riders vs. pair of riders. If 3-3 then another 2 pairs, if another 3-3 remaining pairs (7th rider is reserve in case of tape exclusion/injury). If 9-9 after 3 heats then 4th is the last one and it is old style 1 on 1. Could be very exciting! I would call them sudden death championship heats.
  18. BSI should find big sponsors for Emil right now to attract him to be back. They NEED him (BSI), we NEED him to love GP series again!
  19. Few more question Ghost as it looks to be very close now with Indianerna 10 pts lead. What in case of a draw on aggregate? I remember you mentioned some kind of Race Off? 1 vs.1? And last thing. On Polish TV they said something about THJ. That his problems are mainly because of some kind of depression? Problems with girlfriend or something like that, commentators only mentioned it without full explanation. Did she dump him?
  20. On Polish TV there was some pretty incredible story about Josh Grajczonek. They said he was almost ready to quit sport and fly back to Australia after Lewis Kerr accident. Wasn't aware that Kerr's wife was pregnant and it all had such big impact on Josh. Luckily Lewis is getting better and Josh can still ride and enjoy it. What a hero he was yesterday. 9+1 from number 3. Excellent performance.
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