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Everything posted by Ozyace

  1. I hope so for my tipping's sake. How are ya going young Ledge, have you still got my plonk from Lyonsy's testy.?
  2. Dates and locations have yet to be confirmed as yet, should know by the end of the month.
  3. Just wondering if there where any other convicts out there who caught this on Fox last night and what they thought? The track itself looked awesome on TV and the racing was superb especially the B final I am seriously kicking myself for not going to this meeting now (or the whole series for that matter) Although i have enjoyed watching it on the box even though i knew the results, can't wait to get my hands on a DVD if at all available.
  4. No riders charity out here as far as i know, well at least not in WA, however i will make sure i raise my next pint to all the injured riders mate, they at least derserve that. I've been waiting for this years competition to start since after round 3 last year thats how woeful my tipping was, and to think ol fanta pants won the championship i should be ashamed of myself.
  5. G,day Steve, in regards to the 5 pound being paid up front, it may be a bit hard for me being here in Oz to arrange that before the series starts, however my Ma is going back to Scotland in August so can i get her to organise it then or can you wait till i see Bryn in November when i will pay him the entry fee. Either way i'm good for it. Or better still i can take it out of my own 'Johno's Beerneverrunout Fund'
  6. If early season form is anything to go by then Wrighty should come into calculations also.
  7. There's a full report and more in the latest Speedway Racing News, Rod Colquhoun wrote a real good article about staying here also. Be sure to check out the photo of the crowd and the yobbo sitting next to Johno on the back of his ute
  8. Have a good night Lunchy, keep your eye out for Ryan Sedgeman. Good luck to our girl from the West Carly Gitttus, you go girl.
  9. Johno won the meeting in one of the best races ever seen in Perth, Johno rode the boards the whole race and picked of Jason Doyle on the line.
  10. Unofficial practice was last night by all reports Mitch Shirra, was looking fast and smooth. I have just got of the phone from talking to PC, himself, son Chris and James Wright are spending a day over at Rottnest Island, it's 38c here today and there would be no better place in the world to be but there. Douugal i'll give Johno a hoy for ya, btw what good looks. There's no good looks on a baboons butt.
  11. Read the Crump thread in Elite League section Polly, i posted there.
  12. Before i begin excuse me for the spelling miztakes, just got back from a sexsational weekend The testy at the Goomealla (sp) was superb and really well organisised night. Jay's race jacket went fotr $5g Aus, and i can't remember after that apart from when some fella with red hair paid $1000.00 for Johno's race jacket when it was up for $600.00 there was LOL LOL LOL then I PMSL, and no it wasn't Travis Mac. Bloody great night at the testimonial, i'll try and report on the racing later but i think the Lunchman may have already done that. Btw Lunchy where the hell were you?? There's more on the Johno race jacket soon.
  13. Yeah but that's Smarty, he didn't know he had broken it until he had the x-rays.
  14. It happened at the WA state titles about 6 weeks ago, i expect he will be fully fit for the Ron Johnson Memorial in a couple of weeks.
  15. I would of thought me ol mate Moose would been riding also, Lunch.
  16. I didn't know Simon was riding until Lunchy mentioned it, i guess he will going over with Leeroy Redmond. Myself, Johno and Bunge are flying out Thursday morning and head up to Mildura from Adelaide Friday for the dinner. I'll be there drinking spirits on turn 1
  17. Add Jay himself into the mix and it is gonna be a hell of a meeting. See you there cobber. Are you going to the testimonial dinner or do you just do lunch?
  18. Cheers for that Bryn , i was waiting for those photo's to be up on his site. I'll show Johno when he comes over tonight.
  19. I'll blow the froff of one for ya Laurence, hang who is gonna serve me.
  20. Cheers for the link Anth, some of those photo's are awesome
  21. Yeah same, i enjoy reading the blog also Bryn. I feel like kicking myself for not sorting work out earlier, as i would have loved to have caught up with Randy again, as for yourself i will see you at Jay's Testy and the first buy is on you. Dougal - Bundy is a Rum, brewed in Bundeberg, Queensland, not to everyone's taste i might add but for myself it's necter of the gods. Also as Dougal said give a big 'Come on Shagga' to me mate.
  22. Roll call for Jay's testimonial please.
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