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Everything posted by TheSmiler

  1. i genuinely believe we are being put in this situation to soften the blow when they bulldoze the stadium. The constant hokey cokey of whether we are riding next season, the fact no official statement was made by the Speedway promotion, and the genuine uneasiness all of us fans are feeling. I genuinely believe this is being done so the fans are like 'whatever just do it already'. I don't think we're gonna see another meeting at Brandon. It's all very well and good saying they're replacing the features, but all we have are words. I'm sick of the constant lies from all parties. Either put us out of our misery, or sort your petty arguments out once and for all. Cannot believe the reputation of Coventry Bees has sunk this low.
  2. honestly what is the friggin point anymore
  3. Fantastic news however I'm remaining sceptical until March. Feels like I'm on an emotional roller coaster here... Thank god they've sorted their sh*t out somewhat. Now let's see how much sandhu actually puts back in...
  4. Sadly that does seem the only option we have left but will the fans travel? :/
  5. The feelings in my heart right now are of sorrow and anger. Sorrow because my whole childhood is being erased in front of my eyes, and the great history of Coventry Bees being left on this final note. Anger because regardless of who is at fault as I believe there is more to this than is being shown by both sides. I have been very vocal about Mick Horton in the past but if this is true what is being reported then there aren't enough words I can say about how much of a class A t*t he really is. I'm completely heartbroken, I grew up with Coventry when we were in the glory years of 05-10 and to see it end the way it has is devastating. I can't imagine what you guys who have supported them for many more years than myself must be feeling. However I do not believe we will see another meeting at Coventry ever again. Convenient that Leicester hasn't signed one rider - for the riders' sakes get them signed up for f*ck sake. If (and I believe it will be) this really is the end of the Bees, then our next step is to fight for a new stadium. We are a strong fan base, we need to stick together.
  6. Nothing we weren't all expecting then. Completely heartbroken 💔
  7. Kylmakorpi wanted his flights paying to and from Andorra! As much as I'd love to see him I can see why we haven't got him!
  8. Just wait until Monday for the Stox statement and also Horton is back in U.K. on Wednesday so don't be expecting a statement until then at the earliest. Let's agree on one thing and that's that we hope it isn't as bad as it looks.
  9. There is photo evidence all over the Facebook group. Does not look good at all.
  10. Decent start. Lasse, Schlein and Bates next to be announced? Wouldn't touch Sarjeant or Woryna and would rather spent Garrity's points on another signing as I don't think he's worth that average unfortunately.
  11. What is the actual point in him 'saving' the club for next year when he's pulling stunts like this? If this is happening now, it doesn't show much hope for next year. Particularly if staff have had their keys taken away. Perhaps the BSPA best think about moving the ELRC (again...) 🙄
  12. What an absolute embarrassment of a club this has become.
  13. So pleased but surely we will be stuck in the same position next year. Very happy it's not quite the end though Giving credit to Mick for achieving this.
  14. Not really sure what to say anymore to be honest. We all know where the team stands. Nobody likes losing but even I can't keep 'moaning' anymore, it's just fallen into a state of 'oh well whatever'. Sadly that's the attitude Mick Horton has had all season long. Anyway, well done to the Aces. I really am rooting for you guys this season. Go get em boys.
  15. What a complete waste of time for everyone involved. I really do feel for the poor fans - if there is indeed any left :/
  16. "NO RIDERS COMING OUT. BET THERE IS SOME HEATED DISCUSSIONS IN THE PITS" Read more: http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/15871/kings-lynn-swindon-el-30pm#ixzz4Ez5GnBbo I can't actually believe this.
  17. http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/15871/kings-lynn-swindon-el-30pm I appreciate trying to get the meeting on and admire Chapman's efforts but what a shambles.2 hours and 3 heats??
  18. What a disgraceful way to treat your paying supporters.
  19. What is the point in signing Mads when we have no chance of the play offs anyway now? A change should have been made months ago. Complete and utter embarrassment yet again tonight. If this is our last season then what a cop out. We are literally a one man team with KK tonight. At least he's having a good season. Good to see, really hope he makes it into the GPs again. Class rider.
  20. Great meeting! Well done boys! Always great to get the win over those Pesky Pirates! Kasprzak, Bates and King were stunning. Amazing to see Bates improving every meeting. It's been amazing to see his progress. As he would say: "UP THE BEES!" Interesting when Pedersen was put out against stronger opposition he went AWOL, funny that. Well done Hans Andersen, amazing riding tonight mate.
  21. Is he seriously trying to pull that one? It pains me to say this as a Bees fan but Poole have done absolutely nothing wrong. Not their fault this is how the rules have let it get to. Coventry could have done exactly the same if they had got Garrity to do 4 damn meetings in reserve and signed a better rider than Woryna, but we've all seen how well Garrity's 'choice' has got the team haven't we? Not surprised we're nearly bottom with ambition like that. Say what you want about Poole but at least they want to win. Something sadly our promotion lack. I'll be there anyway although I'm not quite sure what I'm letting myself into. Bees 39-51 Poole
  22. Gutted but it's still not good enough really is it? You just can't be 16 points down at home after 5 heats. Kasprzak though was absolutely stunning. Special mention to Lewis Rose and Josh Bates who really have come on leaps and bounds. Such a shame the Bees are going out on a whimper . Thoroughly enjoyed that but with such a poor attendance you couldn't hear many people cheering..
  23. Sadly it just looks like Mick is just 'getting it over and done with'.
  24. It's quite obvious they're not even going to use Barker let alone make a change so what's the point in even speculating...utterly appalling management
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