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    Tarnow (Poland)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. do u know sth about marcin rempala ??
  2. if it's to me, i wrote sportsboard.pl http://www.sportsboard.pl/Forum/ but i can't display it now :/
  3. is that the final result or after certain hts hmm i think probably only after 20 heats, but i'm not sure for 100%
  4. from sportsboard.pl 1. jagus 2. andersen 3. lindback 4. chrzanowski 5. iversen ??
  5. now Gollobs are in Unia Tarnow on 100% !!!! They will ride in tarnow Team with Tony Rickardsson and Janusz Kolodziej
  6. todd could ride for Unia Tarnow ~!!! and he had guaranted pleace in team, byt he decided to ride for polonia
  7. HI!! i'm from poland too!! i'm from tarnow (south of poland) and i'm fan of UNIA TARNOW !! ( http://www.unia.tarnow.pl ) stars of my team are peter karlsson and young JANUSZ KOLODZIEJ !!! - hi is going also for Reading Racers. in metter which league is better (the best ): in polish 1st league (it's like yours Premier League) are going ('stranieri'): Nicki Pedersen , Lee Richardson , Peter Karlsson , Jesper Jensen , Mikael Max , Andy Smith , Roman Poważnyj, Siergiej Darkin next polish lesson: speedway - zuzel (żużel ;p )
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