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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. I know is a very old thread but here is a video clip of Tommy. https://www.facebook.com/eskilstunasmederna/videos/1500807343346082/
  2. last heat. Zagar does a T Rixk move and use the kickboard to gwt some extra speed. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1500764466683703&id=225344277559068
  3. Guess who the Turniej o Puchar Prezydenta Częstochowy? You guessed right, it was Matej Zagar. Andreas Jonsson was 2nd, Leon Madsen 3rd and Peter Kildemand 4th after being excluded in the final (no surprise there either).
  4. Ot: anyone know what's going on in C-towa? They have been stuck on heat 18 for a long time but no updates.
  5. Nice move by Bergé. Yellow gate seems to be very advantageous so far.
  6. It seems that PZM appeal tribunal upheld the Ekstraliga Speedway's decision to relegate Rybik to Nice liga 1. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=sv&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/713500/trybunal-pzm-podtrzymal-decyzje-ekstraligi-zuzlowej-row-rybnik-spada-do-nice-1lz&usg=ALkJrhgxtp2BBTdJq_G6xcDt3MmEOiFpKA
  7. Jacob Thorssell stays with Rospiggarna http://www.norrteljetidning.se/motor/speedway/gladjebeskedet-i-rospiggarna-jacob-thorsell-klar-for-ny-sasong-besitter-enorm-talang
  8. Thanks Marky. Smederna wrote this on their Facebook page "Tommy Jansson är med oss" (Tommy Jansson is with us). https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1500092943417522&id=225344277559068
  9. Phil is right; we had celebrations today at noon at the main square called Fristadstorget. I was there and I filmed some (most of it). Unfortunately the lens was a bit dirty so the quality isn't the best. It isn't available right now but hopefully will be sometime during the weekend. The local news broadcasted from it: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/sormland/firar-pa-torget-vid-12-15 https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/sormland/se-bilderna-fran-firandet-1
  10. Max Fricke have signed a new 1 year contract with Rospíggarna and will also move his base to Hallstavik. http://www.aktuellspeedway.se/sverige/elitserien/rospiggarna-forlanger-med-fricke-som-flyttar-till-hallstavik/
  11. I agree. However the big sports broadcasting companies are more or less bleeding money and speedway is pretty far down the pecking order after football, icehockey and the Olympics. Then, there is not much money left for the speedway rights.
  12. Rider categorization for 2018 season. https://www.facebook.com/metalspeedwayleague/photos/a.116973731662517.17241.113869148639642/1964804613546077/?type=3&theater
  13. Fricke stays with Rospiggarna. https://twitter.com/Rindis57/status/913392909696806912
  14. I would like to point out that tv-coverage for next season is up in the air at the moment. AFAIK no new tv-contract have been signed and there is much uncertainty whether or not there will be a new tv-contract for 2018.
  15. A decision have been made and it's yes to Elitserien. http://mobil.vt.se/sport/speedway/beskedet-vastervik-tar-klivet-upp-om4831187.aspx
  16. You are most welcome Dave. About 2018, do you know something I don't. At the moment there are no known information about a new tv-agreement for Swedish Elitserien for 2018.
  17. You need to find a new wife. and Thank you so much everyone. I am not the one who believes in higher powers and such but I am certain that Alan (Brandonbee48) had something to do with his. Thank you Alan!
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