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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. I'd say that whoever of Lebedevs and Milik finished highest in SEC should get one. Milik good in the few SGP:s he rode but Lebedebs were really great in SWC. As for MJJ, he have been descent in Poland but pretty poor in Sweden so I don't think he'll be a good choice, Holder haven't showed anything that makes him more deserving of a wild card then Vaculik but whoever finish 9th should get it.
  2. Emil is 27 years old and he have at least 10-15 more years of the career remaining. How old was Gollob when he won his WCH title?
  3. So Dudek is 14p behind Doyle, not a done deal but as long as Doyle doesn't gets injured in first heat I don't see Dudek catching up. Zagar likely secured top 8 position. 7p up on Vaculik.
  4. Who? Didn't look good for Fricke, especially when having is neck injury in mind.
  5. We have had guest riders for quite many years, since 2011 I think (don't remember exact year) but it worked more like you doubling up I think. A Swedish rider could sign with an Allsvenskan team and also sign with an Elitserien team as a guest riders. Each Elitserien team had two season permanent guest rider positions (riders could be changed in transfer window or because of injury). Allsvenskan team can also sign Elitserien riders as guest riders and this was mainly used for riders that have an Elitserien average of 0.500 since they don't occupy a squad slot. However, guestriders for Elitserien have been scrapped for next year and have been changed for Allsvenskan where there now is no limit on the amount of guestriders but the squad still can be max 8 riders and they guestriders still needs to be Elitserien riders.
  6. I forgot that he was already in but the question still remains though why anyone would think that Watt is suitable reserve,
  7. Priorities isn't always for the rider to decide for themselves. AFAIK there are international rules that says which kind of meetings that has priority. Scheduled meetings have priority over postponed meetings and national and international championship meetings have an even higher priority.
  8. About Hampel. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=sv&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/714619/powrot-syna-marnotrawnego-jaroslaw-hampel-wroci-do-klubu-ktory-z-hukiem-opuscil&usg=ALkJrhgi7_bynnNcI7YEzMRX--kteLRk5g https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/714619/powrot-syna-marnotrawnego-jaroslaw-hampel-wroci-do-klubu-ktory-z-hukiem-opuscil
  9. Bartosz Smektala have signed with Västervik. http://www.elitspeedway.com/nyheter/e/499/
  10. Berntzon to Dackarna. http://www.dagensvimmerby.se/sport/speedway/e/15432/dvs-avslojande-bekraftat-vispen-klar-for-dackarna/
  11. Pawel Przedpelski confirmed to Dackarna Anders Thomesen stays with Indianerna. Pawlicki stays with Lejonen.
  12. That is correct R n R regarding the time difference. 19.00 in Melbourne is 10.00 in the CEST time zone and 09.00 in the BST time zone. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20171028T080000&p1=152&p2=1387
  13. Frederik Jakobsen have signed with Lejonen. http://www.elitspeedway.com/nyheter/e/493/ Pawel Przedpelski is rumoured to sign for Dackarna.
  14. According to Vimmerby Tidning Freddie Lindgren will leave Dackarna and will be presented by his new club shortly. http://www.vimmerbytidning.se/sport/speedway/uppgifter--lindgren-lamnar-dackarna-20171005/
  15. Freddie Lindgren is rumoured to have signed for Smederna. https://www.svt.se/sport/motorsport/skadad-lindgren-stekhet-pa-marknaden/
  16. Smederna have signed reigning Swedish U21 champion Alexander Woeintin. According to Smederna Alexander says that he didn't get much racing for Vetlanda and that he wanted to come to Eskilstuna. http://eskilstunasmederna.se/svenska-juniormastaren-ansluter/
  17. Smederna have announced that they have signed a new rider but they say who just yet. Walasek and Karpov will not represent Smederna next season. Adrian Miedzinski will stay with Indianerna and Peter Ljung till stay with Västervik, which is the team he rode for in Allsvenskan.
  18. Yes they have http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Elitserien2017/Rankinglista/
  19. Bartosz Zmarzlik, Szymon Wozniak, Filip Hjelmland and Johan Jensen have signed for another year with Vetlanda. http://www.aktuellspeedway.se/sverige/elitserien/vetlanda-forlanger-med-kvartett/ My music video for the classic Smederna song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tuGlSDVMkk
  20. A video with the celebrations at main square. It starts with Smederna presentation parade + heat 15 from leg 1 of the final: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiZGyoMl4i4 Smederna SM-gold wallpaper https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0iRCjlrrTG1b0tOQWRJQktiUHc/view?usp=sharing
  21. Tommy would have become 65 years old today. https://www.facebook.com/eskilstunasmederna/videos/1503064299787053/
  22. He is correct in this case though (see Swedish news thread).
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