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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. It will mainly be in Swedish but I would think they accept questions/comments in English too.
  2. Be sure to tune in to Smederna's live Facebook broadcast tonight at 20.45 Swedish time (19.45 UK time). https://www.facebook.com/eskilstunasmederna/videos/2590415364318817/?hc_ref=ARQmKhxYtC-LAXRj1tmEyJEJ0n4NIi6bsZiUBYfVBt-KKXrQdalJecpX8fYIVCgTGRA&__xts__[0]=68.ARDbOGBqCbWszcAYoSmcFVg5ncqOJYeIuIdWDsZeH90POght6zTqd21uzLnJBqYqJlmxs21gJl0kYBRtYQQRLO5I1-LCLG3vj_YM7SZtPq-eROJQuL9m8DGx4chcwkMAi4fT3w1VMS2oypMK-6Be2tN6IMv7gLC8RCGJy4GhCPKRj3cY5tA54g&__tn__=FC-R
  3. Joel Kling have signed with Lublin. http://se.aktuellspeedway.eu/2018/09/06/kling-klar-for-lublin/
  4. He said after the meeting that he didn't have full strength in his hand and since the meeting was already won it was better to rest then ride in a heat with no meaning. -------- Smederna have received allot of criticism for the traffic chaos that occurred when people left the arena after Thomsen's crash. This caused the access road to be blocked for the ambulance that was coming from the hospital which resulted in a long delay for the ambulance to arrive. It takes about 8-10 minutes for an ambulance to the arena from the hospital. Rest of the time was to get in from the main road to the arena.
  5. I will likely give it a miss then. Doesn't sound particular interesting compared to the real Speedway world cup.
  6. I am absolutely not sure but I think I heard Stephen Zetterwall mention a broken chain. I haven't seen any replays but IMO it look the bike just got stuck and threw Pepe off.
  7. Elitserien is closed for 2018-2020 seasons. No team will be demoted/promoted by default. If any team, like Lejonen or Masarna, wants out they have to actively request a transfer to Allsvenskan. In the same way an Allsvenskan team have to apply to be promoted.
  8. Thomsen could feel and move his arms and legs but couldn't remember anything from the meeting. Pepe suffered a quadriceps contusion
  9. Thomsen wa unconscious for a while. He ha regained consciousness but are disoriented. He will be taken to hospital. Dackarna chose to meet Västervik. Next week; Dackarna - Västervik and Smederna - Rospiggarna.
  10. L. Lindgren and Thomsen somehow hit each other after finishing and Thomsen is still down with ambulance on track.Smedernam had won the heat with 5-1 but Indianerna's riders stil raced each other. Really really stupid and bloody unnecessary.
  11. Smederna - Indianerna attendance approximately 6200
  12. 26-16 after 7 heats. Pepe won't ride more tonight. Great battle between Buczkowski and Woffinden where Woffinden was past Buczek but Buczek put the throttle beyond max and held on on the outside and reclaimed first for the remainder of the heat.
  13. Protasiewicz crashed heavily in heat 5. He was leading and halfway through the final bend his bike just stopped abruptly throwing Pepe off. The riders behind him luckily managed to avoid him. Pepe is currently receiving treatment in the pit medical room. Smederna have 19-11 (70-50) after 5 heats.
  14. Freddie is planned to ride which is why he was put at nr 1. It was talked about during Smederna's live broadcasts tow days ago that Freddie had given Smederna's team managers all clear after his Polish meeting the past Sunday. There have also been articles in the local newspaper about that Freddie is back in the team. Smederna may have a 12 p lead but that doesn't mean that we are in the semi final already. We still have 15 heat tonight and if you remember last year's play offs. Smederna had a big lead over Masarna but it was still close in the end.
  15. It was called Diamond league back then if they are the same. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?/search/&q=Diamond cup&type=forums_topic&nodes=9
  16. First post is updated with lineups. Weather forecasts look ok. No rain expected.
  17. Kildemand is confirmed for tomorrow. http://www.vt.se/sport/speedway/positiva-beskeden-infor-avgorandet-om5444199.aspx
  18. He reached semi final in " Night of the Fights " yesterday so I think he will be riding.
  19. Line-ups are official for Tuesday, http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Elitserien2018/ More info tomorrow.
  20. Danish junior Martin Steen Hansen crashed heavily during practice at Grindstead. He was taken to hospital in Odense where he is being kept in an artificial coma. His injuries are smaller bleedings in his brain and four fractures in his back. https://www.bt.dk/oevrig-sport/juniorspeedwaykoereren-martin-steen-hansen-lagt-i-kunstig-koma
  21. Lglad vs. Bjerre. https://www.instagram.com/p/BnGnzasl2h-/
  22. It could be a great meeting. Ljungheden has become a very good track since Morgan Andersson took over as team manager. heat 12 from Indianerna-Smederna.
  23. Kumla is normally a very good track but some reason it was only one rideable line yesterday.
  24. Some interesting and unexpected results tonight. Smederna manage a 12 p away win and Västervik gets away with a 45-45 result. Second leg next Tuesday. I haven't seen any of the meetings but it was supposedly an unusual one line only track in Sannahed, Kumla. For the VV derby, Kildemand got injured in the first heat but Västervik still managed 45-45. Allsvenskan play-offs; http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/SlutspeletiSpeedwayensAllsvenskan/
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