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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Dk4 doesnt work (blocked) and Public Sport working poorly.
  2. actually DK4 worked during the Copenhagen Gp. if DK4 doesnt work i'll watch the Polish transmission until Svt24 catches up with the live actions. Swedish Television is kinda retarded since they are very stubborn at starting the transmission 30 min after it actually starts.
  3. I'm not sure how Rospiggarna's bus service works but i would guess that it doesnt require booking. I suggest you send an Email to Rospiggarna and ask. email adress: info @ rospiggarna.nu (remove spaces).
  4. The qualifications to the Indivudal Swedish championship are held at Smedstadion tonight. Live Updates in Smederna Guetbook Start list: 1. Linus Eklöf, Smederna 2. Sebastian Aldén, Dackarna 3. Niklas Klingberg, Örnarna 4. Simon Gustafsson, Indianerna 5. Antonio Lindbäck, Vargarna 6. Freddie Eriksson, Griparna 7. Erik Andersson, Vargarna 8. Billy Forsberg, Västervik 9. Thomas H Jonasson, Elit Vetlanda 10. Ricky Kling, Gnistorna 11. Stefan Dannö, Solkatterna 12. Magnus Zetterström, Indianerna 13. Daniel Davidsson, Valsarna 14. Robert Eriksson, Valsarna 15. Vakant, Winner Qualification heat 16. Vakant, 2nd Placed rider Qualification heat Qualification heat for main Qualification event: 17. Ludvig Lindgren, Örnarna 18. Linus Sundström, Piraterna 19. Kim Nilsson, Hammarby 20. Magnus Karlsson, Valsarna The Following riders are direct nomianted to the Individual Swedish Champs main Event. Andreas Jonsson, Dackarna Fredrik Lindgren, Dackarna Peter Karlsson, Dackarna Jonas Davidsson, Smederna Daniel Nermark, Solkatterna Peter Ljung, Elit Vetlanda David Ruud, Lejonen Mikael Max, Piraterna
  5. telvised meeting was Rospiggarna against Lejonen. Yes a good win for Smederna first ever away win against Hammarby. Didnt see the meeting live but what can you say? JAGODA!! and Misiek!!
  6. some claim that he had a meeting in Vladivotsok yesterday and hat he wouldn't manage to travel to tonights meeting in time.
  7. Jonas D (he is directly nominated by SVEMO to this semi) is riding there too. Freddie will not ride there since he withdtrew from Qualification Quarterfinal due to injury.
  8. d(lap number) =defekty (ef at lap X) w=wykluczony = excluded zz = R/R
  9. updates also available at http://www.livespeedway.pl/race_detail.php?id=286
  10. you can find link in: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/ind...showtopic=42352
  11. Hey how come Polish Ekstraliga had their 9th round tonight and not on Sunday? has it to do with Midsummer? anyway results: http://www.espeedway.pl/index.php?co=newsy&id=22786 Unibax Torun vs. Unia Leszno 44: 46 KS Unibax Toruń: 44 9. W. Jaguś (2,2,1*,1,0) 6+1 10. A. Miedziński (0,1*,2,3,1) 7+1 11. R. Sullivan (3,2,2,2,2) 11 12. H. Andersen (1,1*,1*,0) 3+2 13. R. Kościecha (3,2*,1,2*,1*) 9+3 14. R. Ksiezak (1) 1 15. Ch. Holder (3,0,3,0,1*) 7+1 Unia Leszno: 46 1. J. Hampel (3,3,2*,3,3) 14+1 2. A. Kajoch (1,0,0) 1 3. K. Kasprzak (0,0,0,1,3) 4 4. D. Baliński (2,1,3,3,3,0) 12 5. L. Adams (1*,3,3,2*,2*) 11+3 6. R. Kasprzak (0) 0 7. J. Pavlic (2,2,0,0,0) 4 http://www.espeedway.pl/index.php?co=newsy&id=22785 ZKŻ Kronopol - Złomrex Włókniarz 38 : 52 9. P. Protasiewicz (2,1*,1,2,0) 6+1 10. R. Dobrucki (1*,2,0,2,1) 6+1 11. N. K. Iversen (3,3,2,W,1,1) 10 12. J. Baniak NS 13. G. Walasek (2,1*,2,0,0) 5+1 14. G. Zengota (1,1*,2,1*,2) 7+2 15. N. Klindt (3,0,0,1*) 4+1 Złomrex Włókniarz Częstochowa: 52 1. G. Hancock (3,2,1*,3,3,2*) 14+2 2. L. Richardson (0,2,0,0,3,3) 8 3. S. Ulamek (1*,3,2*,1,3,2*) 12+3 4. T. Gapinski R/R 5. N. Pedersen (3,3,3,3,W,3) 15 6. Mt. Szczepaniak (0,0,0,1) 1 7. L. Bridger (2,0) 2 http://www.livespeedway.pl/race_detail.php?id=280 Marma Rzeszów vs. Stal Caelum Gorzów 44 : 48 Marma Rzeszów 9 M. Zagar (3,3,1,1,1) 9 10 D. Watt 1 (2*,3,0,0) 6+1 11 K. Bjerre (2,2,3,1*,3) 11+1 12 D. Stachyra (0,1,1) 2 13 S. Nicholls (3,3,3,1,0) 10 14 D. Lampart (3,1,0,2) 6 15 M. Vaculik (W,0,0) 0 Stal Caelum Gorzów 1 T. Gollob (0,3,1*,4*,3,2) 13+2 2 J. Monberg (2,0,2,) 4 3 P. Karlsson (3,2,2,3,1*) 11+1 4 M. Ferjan (1,1*,0,3,3) 8+1 5 R. Holta (2,1,2,2*,2*) 9+2 6 A. Szewczykowski (2,0) 2 7 T. Jonasson (1,0,0,0) 1 http://www.espeedway.pl/index.php?co=newsy&id=22782 WTS Wrocław - Unia Tarnów 61:29 WTS Atlas Wrocław: 61 9. T. Jędrzejak (3,3,3,0,1) 10 10. K. Słaboń (1,2*,W,2*) 5+2 11. D. Jeleniewski (3,3,3,3,2*) 14+1 12. M. Węgrzyk (2*,2*,2*,2,3) 11+3 13. J. Crump (3,3,3,3,3) 15 14. M. Janowski (3,D,1,1,W) 5 15. F. Sitera (1) 1 Unia Tarnów: 29 1. M. Rempała (2,1,2,0,2,0) 7 2. K. Doolan (0,0,0) 0 3. J. Kołodziej (1,0,1*,1,2,2) 7+1 4. D. Iwanov (0,2,0) 2 5. P. Ljung (W,2,1,D,3,1) 7 6. T. Busch (W) - 7. Sz. Kiełbasa (2,2,0,1,1) 6
  12. Grogg??? A bit to early for that isnt't it? Anyway Bucek was quite exciting especially with is outside pass on slabon. IMO Misiek was more exciting then JD.
  13. Hey sorry if this is in the wrong subforum. Some of you might already know of this but for you who dont: If you want complete webside (including subpages, guestbooks and links...) use Googles translation service. Specify the website adress and what langauges you want it translated from and to and click translate. I have 2 examples below: Smederna Website and Masarna Website also try to click newspaper links and you will see that they will automatically translated aswell. http://translate.google.com/translate_t enjoy! /ghostwalker
  14. The telvised meeting was Västervik vs. Elit Vetlanda (score sheet link) Billy Forsberg scored 9 for Västervik.
  15. Well Silver Bee , its different to beat Crumps and Andersens one on one in league meetings. In the GP series the opposition is much much better. In the Gps there are tough opposition in all heats The Tracks in the GP series are quite different from the tracks you have in britain and you need allot of experience when it comes to riding technique and machinery set up, especially on the temporary tracks. Chris has been in the GP series less then 1½ season. I think most new GP rider shave problems in the beginning while "collecting" experience from everything that has to do with GP riding (atmosphere, mental pressure and etc). Look at especially Kasper who's new to the GP series this year and almost dont score any points at all. While averging on around 10p in Sweden and Poland.
  16. IMO the results was quite expected since the semifinal was held on british track.
  17. You got it all wrong. look at these two pictures its the moment before they crash: http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w162/so...ml_lindgren.jpg http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w162/so...l_lindgren2.jpg please specify where Freddie made any contact with Dryml? again the only thing i can see, is a certain bowling ball that puts his elbow up into the Freddie's neck before FReddie is pushed into the fence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7xDWftv-2U watch carefully what happens after 30 seconds. Freddie is already quite far out when Dryml with good speed rams his elbow into Freddie back/neck.
  18. so does "everyone" still think that Mads K should have been awarded the Wild Card?
  19. be aware of that ALL MEETINGS STARTS AT 18.00 CET due to the football Euro Champs.
  20. Its Jonas unknown twin Brother Kristoffer Davidsson
  21. IMO Jagus was good but not Excellent coz' he missed the start in his 2 first heats. Misiek very good too bad about his 0 in the last heat he deserved better. KK: also good did his job no more no less. Bucek: ok good speed but poor starts. KD quite good. Linus wonder if he forgot his good form in Pori? Klindt far behind but he will improve.
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