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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. i agree that Svemo usually changes allot from one season to another and why they have done that i don't know, perhaps they don't know themselves. however it was only meant to be 8 teams this season with the 8th being relegated directly and with 8 teams it would be a bit too many teams in the playoffs if they would keep the system with a 6 team playoff. So they decided to revert back to the system that was used in 2004-2006 with a 4 team playoff. I think that was made to keep the interest from the teams to give it all, all season. With 6 teams the top 3-4 maybe would have secured a play off with many meetings to go. I also think the frequent changes the past years is because the systems used haven't been really "100%" good and that both fans, teams and Svemo feels that they might want to have it in another way. The only thing i really wonder why the changed is why the changed from match-averages to heat-averages. I think 2011 will in many ways be a testing season, with the new averages system, new playoff and relegation, a new guesting system that replaces the partner teams. Personally i think the new guest system, quite nice to have some of the bigger Swedish names riding in Allsvenskan in 2011. I also hope that the webstreams from Allsvenskan will work better then Smedernas streams did 2010, @mateusz, sorry i had forgotten to put in the dates for the playoffs and relegation series, i've fixed it now.
  2. Bysarnas new track at Hejdeby, near Visby on Gotland, have been heavily delayed. The reason to the delay is that the past winter was longer then expected and that there fell more snow then expected. This means that the 80cc track, at the earliest, won't be finished until the 2012 season. In the meantime Bysarnas 80cc team will have their home meetings at the Veddesta track outside Stockholm.
  3. Avantia Speedway have signed Joe Haines and Danil Ivanov, http://www.nt.se/nyheter/artikel.aspx?articleid=6757761
  4. Niklas Klingberg have decided to quit. He says that lack of motivations is the cause. http://mvt.se/sport/speedway/1.1161911-klingberg-lagger-av
  5. this is the list i mentioned in my previous post. http://www.svemo.se/ImageVault/Images/id_4466/scope_0/ImageVaultHandler.aspx
  6. there is a list available already. however it only has the riders that rode in sweden last year and riders are sorted by what them they were registered with last season. but as far as i know there is no info similar to the one speedway.nu used to have, since Svemo have decided to handle it themselves this season.
  7. after a new crash (luckily without injuries) two riders started to fight each other. Stefan Svensson caused him and Per-Anders Lindström to fall, apparently PAL became a bit upset and when he had got up on his feet he attacked Svensson, who was still lying down, with punches until staff managed to stop him. http://www.aftonbladet.se/sportbladet/motor/article12822545.ab
  8. due to changes in the British Elitleague, Daniel King will not be available for Smederna
  9. @Dexer i dont know, time will tell how the issue will develop. Anyway Svemo made an announced today the new team manager for the Swedish national team. Elit Vetlanda's Bosse Wirebrand have been appointed new TM for Team Sweden, which means responsibilities when it comes to World Cup team and coaching. It also means that Bosse will be in charge of nominations for GP/EuroChamp qualifications. Bosse says that he will continue his work for Elit Vetlanda as usual and that his employer, Elitfönster (Vetlanda's main sponsor) and Elit Vetlanda have all approved to let Bosse take on the national Team. Bosse also says that he will try to give support to those that participates in the qualifications. He then says that its important that the riders gets the info in time and that it is important that Sweden defends its position in the speedway world (world cup). He ends with that he finds it exiting that the GP Challenge will be held at Vetlanda's track. (but honestly i am not that thrilled about it). "there are several Swedish riders that are really fast around Vetlanda's track. Svemo also announced that a new development group has been started. Masarnas team manager Mats Olsson together with Peter Jansson (tm for Vargarna) and Anders Kling (formerly Dackarna, now instructor at Hultsfred Speedway High Shool). The idea with this groups is to catch the young talents with the help of several training camps. An elite group will also be created during the year. Me, Peter and Anders have a long experience with U21 speedway and we have followed the development during the past 20 years. We believe in this and we are really on fire for our U21 riders, says Mats Olsson. 2011 is a very important years for Swedish U21 speedway, since many of the best U21 riders are doing their last years as U21's. There are potential in all of them to achieve something great duringthis season. Mats olsson says that he wont be surprised if we have some World Championship medals among these guys when the season have finished. Pierre Gustafsson will stay as tm for the 80cc national team. http://www.svemo.se/...nsiktenpaSVEMO/ /// personally i believe in this too. Bosse, i would think, is one of the major contributing factors to Vetlandas success the past 6-7 years or so and i think that the U21 trio will do good too. Hopefully this will be slightly more long term solution rather then just a "quick fix".
  10. unfortunately the stream seams to have the same kind of working level as last year very choppy one second and then 3x speed the next.
  11. direct link to broadcast; http://www.qrodo.com...87-06fc3619e04b also the time is CEST (gmt+2/BST+1)
  12. the question is though, since it apparently is such big secret, why did you post the info here in the first place? By doing that you've already partially broken the confidence. The question is also why he would tell you about it and why it would be such a big secret which tracks that have noise issues?
  13. but you can still say which tracks(s) that are having noise issues.
  14. so what is the source and which tracks(s) is it.
  15. Riders Ricky Kling and Pontus Aspgren will have a blog at Swedish Radio P4 Kalmar: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/gruppsida.aspx?programid=3245&grupp=12702 also @Tarabanko, when will the new Allsvenskan league website be launched?
  16. well new silencers wouldn't have made any difference, the city was only after the actual piece of land that the track was built on, (new expensive apartments have been built there now). The arena it self were in a very poor condition as well so instead of doing tempory fix of the old one , they built a brand new state of the art arena. Such an arena would have been impossible especially since it was the city who paid for it. The same city that rather spends 1.6 million GBP on a new artificial turf for the football stadiums were one of the cities div 2 teams are playing (div 2= 4th highest football division). Personally i think the decreasing audenience is a result of poor results. In 2003 Smederna had a very good season (2003 was the second season with the new arena) with an attendance average of almost 4300, with 8300 and 8800 as the two biggest spectator sizes. Smederna was the league that season and the expectations were high before the final against Kaparna. However the team was a big let down in the final and lost both final meetings. So obviously its very possible to attract spectators with the current location. Also in 2003 was the best attendances for many years. From that point the attendance became lower and lower for each year, 3700 om 2004, 3500, in 2005. As a result We couldn't afford to keep Nicki for 2006 and the attendance dropped another 900 to 2700. 2007 it was down to 2400, 2250 in 2008 and 2100 in 2009. Personally i think the results is more important to the spectator size then the track location. Other teams have had problems with declining attendance as well despite being closer to their home town. During the 2000 Smederna had allot of popular and well know profiles in the team like Peter Nahlin, Billy Hamill, Scott Nicholls, Robert Sawina & Nicki Pedersen. But for 2007 all of them had either quit or moved to other teams so its hardly surprising that some of the spectators stayed home. Although i am 99% sure that fans like Tarabanko and Zetters won't agree, esoecially since they are part of the "old guard, (while i'm a quite new fan). According to them everything was better in the "old days" compared to now.
  17. its what Ludvig Lindgren said that the Aston Villa football games are more loud then B-hams speedway meetings but yet no one is suggesting that the football fans have to be quieter, So it seems that its not actually the noise that is an issue but something else.Which means that when the no longer can complain at the noise (they will anyway) they will find something else to complain at. also Iris123 where did you read that we have a problem? The only track that i know of that have a noise problem is Gubbängen. And if you look at the track locations (see this thread and click on the track names) you can see that most tracks are outside the nearest settlement. I also think that allot of things can be done to reduce the noize outside arenas, without or before modifying the bikes. Like creating noise barriers to reduce the amount of noise emerging from a track.
  18. As mentioned before the Allsvenskan teams will a joint press & practice this year. Location: Eskilstuna Motorstadion Date: April 21st Time: Thursday 17.00 for press activity and 19.00 for the pairs meeting. Don't know yet if the event will be streamed, for those who of you who live too far way to attend the event, but stay tuned for more info. Luckily the spring seems to be around the corner and the snow have melted quite rapidly so hopefully it should not be a problem.
  19. i'd say that it will be a very tight championship thís year. If Emil is fit he will surely be top 5, if Kolodziej continues like he did in 2010 i'd say that he'll be a top 5 candidate as well, together with Crump, Gollob & Hampel. Those are the ones i believe will be top 5-6. Maybe also Nicki. Then we have a whole bucnh of riders fighting for the two remaning top 8 places, Bjerre, Holder, Harris, Holta, AJ, Greg, Freddie but probably not Anto9 and Laguta.
  20. Peter Rye have been appointed team manager of Hammarby. link.
  21. Lennart Andersson have been elected as the new chairman in Valsarna. Other news about Valsarna is that even if their finances look very bad for a majority of the season, Valsarna did managed a 60'000kr (~£6000) plus last season. Hopefully the finances will stay on black figures for Valsarna. Other new chairmen are Johan Thuresson in Piraterna and Jeanette Moback for Tigrarna. More news: the ovaltrack racing section of Svemo (that is the section fo (speedway, iceracing, longtrack and grasstrack) have been affected by several changes and defections. First the 4 people strong sections were slimmed down to an one person section were Leif Fredriksson were supposed to be the man to lead the section, with Kristian Stenström as a co-ordinator. However Kristian left his position in February and a few days ago Leif decided to leave his position as well. Pelle Westlng , who is secretary general of Svemo, says that the workload put on Leif became to much but there is a support system that can step in. However, at the moment, we dont use the tern leader of the section. Its on the volounteer side that we have problems. *1 Leifs duties will be managed by Bertil Bergström from Svemo's main board, he will be assisted by Pernilla Larsson at Svemo's secretariat and by Svemo sporting director Annika Pettersson. Tony Olsson will also assist them in an advisory role. In the article there are also questions about the National team's team manager and whether or not Peter Jansson (also TM for Vargarna) will stay as tm. He is not replaced at the moment but he might be replaced. We don't know yet, but clearly he have had too many roles, we just can't give him all the work just because he is a kind man. We need to start having full or part time employed national team, team managers. It is connected to a larger structure, we dont need just one tm like the National football team, Svemo have several different sports. full article in google english. * 1= Many of those who work in the various sections of Svemo, are doing it on a volunteer hobby basis and there for have regular jobs and etc. as well.
  22. Lejonen have lost their main sponsor Axelent who have decided to sponsor Nicki Pedersen only.
  23. Apparently a date has been decided, The championship weekend will be held during September 16th-17th (Friday & Saturday at G&B Arena in Målilla. the U21 final will be on Friday evening while the 80cc and the Grand Final will be on Saturday evening. http://www.nyheterna.net/sporten/speedway_sm_i_maalilla_igen
  24. yep that is correct. Ty won the 2010 edition of Vargarna Riders Championship. http://www.laget.se/vargarnaspeedway/3884-nyhetsarkiv-do-1-item-81219.html
  25. Ty Proctor have signed with Allsvenskan team Avantia Speedway. http://www.nt.se/sport/artikel.aspx?ArticleID=6637342
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