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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. the making of a speedwaytrack: http://www.svenskalag.se/galleries_show.asp?teamID=1227&TeamGalleryID=11121 Some pictures from the construction of Bysarna new tracks.
  2. ok i think i have had enough, see you around boys and girls.
  3. Vetlanda can win with a 5-1 Hammarby will take it back in heat 11.
  4. if hamamrby win this heat, the meeting is over for Vetlanda.
  5. Ii predict 4-2 for Hammarby in the upcoming heat.
  6. rubbish track, just wasted 60kr on a gating competition
  7. honestlt the opposition wasn't really that hard in the first reserve heat. anyway for those who haven't noticed yet, Tomasz Chrzanowski replaces Pavlic in Dackarna.
  8. I dont think Hammarby's track Gubbängen (name means old man's meadow ) is suitable for Janusz, too much of a gating track.
  9. Krzysztof Buczkowski will replace Artem Laguta since Artem seems to have VISA problems.
  10. nope no restrictions regarding averages and such.
  11. All meetings starts at 19.00 Swedish time which is 18.00/6pm UK time. live score available at: http://www.svemo.se/Grenar/Speedway/ printable heatschedule (multiple formats) available here: http://www.mediafire.../?duh8ybwat8awb Hammarby - Elit Vetlanda Hammarby Grzegorz Walasek (PL) Robert Kosiecha (PL) Magnus Zetterström (SE) Andrej Karpov (UA) Tomasz Gollob (PL) Rory Schlein (AU) Alexander Edberg (SE) Elit Vetlanda Janusz Kolodziej (PL) Thomas h Jonasson (SE) Jaroslaw Hampel (PL) Peter Karlsson (SE) Jason Crump (AU) Jacob Thorssell (SE) Christian Agö (SE) weather forecast: Partially cloudy and sunny. Lejonen - Dackarna Lejonen: Piotr Swiderski (PL) Dennis Andersson (SE) Chris Holder (AU) R/R Darcy Ward (AU) Mikael Max (SE) Sebastian Aldén (SE) David Ruud (SE) Dackarna Andreas Jonsson (SE) Rune Holta (PL) Tomasz Chrzanowski Artur Mroczka Fredrik Lindgren (SE) Anders Mellgren (SE) Ricky Kling (SE) R/R can be used for Pavlic but also possible to replace him with another rider as long as the min and max average caps are not violated. weather forecast: rain during the day but partially cloudy/sunny during the evening. Piraterna - Västervik Piraterna Maciej Janowski (PL) Rafal Dobrucki (PL) R/R Jonas Davidsson (SE) Przemyslaw Pawlicki (PL) Greg Hancock (US) Jesper b Monberg (DK) Linus Sundström (SE) Västervik Adam Shields (AU) Tomasz Jedrzejak (PL) Chris Harris (GB) Nikolai Klindt (DK) Peter Ljung (SE) Pontus Aspgren (SE) Sebastian Ulamek (PL) weather forecast; rain during morning/am, showers during afternoon and mostly cloudy during the evening. Valsarna - Indianerna Valsarna Scott Nicholls (GB) David Watt (AU) Grigory Laguta (RU) Artem Laguta (LV) Krzysztof Buczkowski Daniel Nermark (SE) Ludvig Lindgren (SE) Tomas Gapinski (PL) Indianerna Bjarne Pedersen (DK) Henrik Gustafsson (SE) Piotr Protasiewicz (PL) Joonas Kylmäkorpi (FI) Antonio Lindbäck (SE) Niels-kristian Iversen (DK) Simon Gustafsson (SE) weather forcast: rain during the night, from tomorrow morning overcast but no rain. ALSO ALL COMMENTS regarding the commentator should go in this thread: http://www.speedway-...showtopic=63134. so keep this thread clean from that kind of stuff.
  12. well he might ´ride for EVS for now but don't forgot that he inside his heart still is a Smederna rider so consider him on a "loan". or what do you say Alan? BTW excellent riding from Crump.
  13. today it is 35 years since Smedernas Tommy Jansson's fatal crash at Gubbängen. read more here: http://www.ikarossmederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=1958
  14. @june01, i've got some info for you. I ahve asked around about the stuff you asked about. Regarding Nermark, it seems he burnt himself in his last heat and therefore did not ride in ht 15 as far as Joonas and Jonas goes, i think the latter had engine problem not sure about the first one.
  15. no actually its the same for everyone, i would guess that they use some sort of buffering to make sure that the stream is running more smoothly.
  16. FNC-Gnistorna Bartosz Zmarzlik (PL) 6+1 Mattias Nilsson (SE) 1 Mikkel b Jensen (DK) 7 Christian Isomettä (SE) 2 Mikael Max (SE) 10 Robert Pettersson (SE) 8 Mathias Thörnblom (SE) 4+1 Ikaros Smederna Kenni Larsen (DK) 11 Henrik Karlsson (SE) 3+1 Magnus Zetterström (SE) 10+1 Linus Eklöf (SE) 7+2 Thomas h Jonasson (SE) 8 Daniel Henderson (SE) 5 Rasmus Broberg (SE) 2 heat 15 Mikkel B jensen and Mikael Max vs. Kenni Larsen and Zorro. this is the point where i really miss the old heat 15. Then we could have had Linus Eklöf and THJ vs Zmarzlik and Pettersson in heat 15 and in heat 16 Mikkel B jensen and Mikael Max vs. Kenni Larsen and Zorro
  17. you mean this church? http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Husie_kyrka
  18. don't worrry Islander the meetings are available afterwards so you can watch them again.
  19. nooo please comeback working stream damn badluck again. we had 4-2 but ef on henderson and its 2-4 :(
  20. to be honest with you i dont think that they are pine trees. Pine tress does not grow in the southwestern corner of Sweden. My guess is that they are birch trees especially when you look at the irregular shape of the trees. Anyway its deffo a leaf tree.
  21. so far gate 2 have been the best gate with 5 heat victories. Gate 3 and 4 have two each and gate 1 have one heat victory.
  22. Masarna-Avantia meeting is aborted, track is to soft.
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