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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. hotrrible move and an even more horrible decision. THJ was clearly run down by the Russian kamikaze.
  2. 2003+2010+2011 that i can remember straight away, 2005-2006-2007 there were no gp at Gothenburg. Thats means 50% of the last 6 gps at Ullevi have been affected by rain. However even the years that haven't been ruined by rain have offered a poor track full of holes and ruts. anyway i just found an article saying that Ullevi signed a 5 year!!! deal in 2009 so i guess there will be a sh*tty gp at Ullevi for another two or three years. So i guess that GotEvent that organizes the event in Gothenburg have paid some really good money to Bellamy's pocket. http://svt.se/2.9302...edway_pa_ullevi
  3. results qualification meeting for Swedish U21 final: Smedstadion Eskilstuna Friday August 12th. top 8 is qualified for the final: 1.Mathias Thörnblom, FNC Gnistorna (3-3-2-3-3) 14p 2.Anton Rosen, Masarna (3-3-2-3-2) 13 3.Henrik Karlsson, Ikaros Smederna (3-3-3-3-0) 12p 4.Victor Palovaara, Valsarna (2-3-3-1-1) 10p 5.Christian Agö, Örnarna (3-2-1-2-2) 10p 6.Henric Lindqvist, Elit Vetlanda (1-1-3-2-2) 9p 7.Oliver Berntzon, Lejonen (0-2-2-1-3)+3 8p 8.Joel Larsson, Dackarna (2-2-1-0-3)+2 8p U21 final reserves 9.Daniel Henderson, Ikaros Smederna (1-0-3-2-2)+R 8p 10.Andre Hertzberg, Vargarna (M-1-1-2-3)+3 7p not qualified: 11.Ted Hagansbo, Örnarna (2-0-1-3-1)+2 7p 12.Freddy Godlund, Avantia Speedway (1-0-2-0-1) 4p 13.Niklas Eriksson, Indianerna (2-0-0-1-0) 3p 14.Rasmus Eklöf, Ikaros Smederna (1-1-FX-1-0) 3p 15.Andreas Westlund, Gasarna (0-2-0-0-0) 2p 16.Tim Gudmundsson, Avantia Speedway (FX-1-0-R-1) 2p 17.Oskar Karlsson, Västervik(1) 1p 18.Olof Nilsson, Örnarna (0) 0p results from: http://www.ikarossmederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2045 Although Daniel Henderson qualified as a reserve, he will be riding in the final since Alexander Edberg is one of the riders who are directly nominated to the final. However since Alex still is recovering from his injuries and won't be riding, Daniel Henderson will take his place in the final.
  4. something for you to read while you're waiting for the GP: http://www.dn.se/sport/fran-roslagens-famn-motvm-guld
  5. Honestly Alan, Smederna should be able to win without him. but very great and exciting to see Broberg riding like an established Allsvenskan reserverider.
  6. I've been saying this for several weeks now, its time to put Henderson and Karlsson aside for awhile (/and unfortunately also Gunnestad). They continue to score 0 or 1p /meeting while Rasmus Broberg and Rasmus Eklöf proves that they are to be counted with., Very nice riding from Rasmus Broberg tonight. Too bad about the fall in heat 2 otherwise he would have had 6p from 3 heats. Also if THJ new he wouldn't ride tonight, why accept the nomination? we could have called in Pulcynski or Ricky Kling. IMO if a rider wants to be in the team he or she have to earn the place. IMO, tonight Broberg definitely earned earned himslef a place in next weeks lineup. Just as Karlsson & Henderson showed that they should be loooked over for next weeks meeting. So bring in Pulcynski and R.Eklöf and keep Broberg. It can hardly be worse then tonight. and perhaps a wakeup call for Karlsson/Henderson to try harder and stay calmer (Henderson). my standard team: Magnus Zetterström 2,531 Linus Eklöf 1,558 Kenni Larsen 2,334 Emil Pulczynski 2,334 THJ 1,179 Rasmus Broberg 0,5 Rasmus Eklöf 0,5 10,936
  7. i'm officially walking out from this meeting. leaving smedstadion very disappointed and very very upset with the abysmal performance from Smederna.
  8. hope for a tac sub in heat i, then let gunnestad and broberg share karlsson and hendersons remaining heat. yep eklöf in for genderson in heat 8
  9. stupid move by Henderson. time for a break for him.
  10. alan the score is 14-10 to smederna as rasmus broberg fell but got up and finished as.nr3 which earned him 1p and smederna 4p. great riding by him until he fell.
  11. changes for Smederna apparently no THJ for Smederna. Henderson will be moved up to 4th and Rasmus Broberg.
  12. Sweden have withdrawn as well due to, logistical problems, insurance problems and time aspects. Its not a surprise since it has been hinted a few days ago that this would be likely to happen. I think one of the major factots behind the decision is that there is a schedule conflict with this event and the Allsvenskan finals which means that 4 of the 5 riders who rode on the team in the tea, U21 seminal would miss out on the finals. Three of them rides for the same team (Rospiggarna) which is favourites to win Allsvenskan's promotion series. So i think that Svemo don't want to ruin it for Rospiggarna if they make it to the final (which is likely),by sending half their team to Russia. http://www.svemo.se/...-JVMforSverige/
  13. of course there will be a stream. tonight's streams: Avantia-Gnistorna http://speedwayallsvenskan.se/2011-08-11-ava-gni.html Ikaros Smederna - Masarna http://speedwayallsvenskan.se/2011-08-11-sme-mas.html Rospiggarn - Örnarna http://speedwayallsvenskan.se/2011-08-11-ros-orn.html
  14. Krzysztof Kasprzak have been suspended by his Swedish team Vargarna, due the manipulated silencers. http://www.nt.se/sport/artikel.aspx?articleid=7040137
  15. Allsvenskan Omgång 14 Avantia vs FNC Gnistorna Avantia Tero Aarnio Szymon Wozniak André Hertzberg Viktor Bergström Daniil Ivanov Freddy Godlund Tim Gudmundsson FNC-Gnistorna Oliver Berntzon Robert Pettersson Mikkel B Jensen Mathias Thörnblom Mikael Max Christian Isomettä Marcus Åström Avantia will take on Gnsitorna at Kråkvilan i Norrköping. Avantia is going to finish in last place while Gnistorna have a chance to knick 5th place from Griparna. ALthough it has no other meaning then "honour". Ikaros Smederna vs, Masarna Ladies and Gentlemen here is the first of two temptations from the upcoming promotion series. At Smedstadion, Smederna will go up against the rivals from Avesta, 120km north of Eskilstuna. Both teams have already secured a place each in the play off but the question is at which position they will finnish. They only certain is that neither team can win the series. Smederna can finish 3rd at the best. Even if they can achieve the same amount of team points, Örnarna and Rospiggarna have a much better rider points quota. This a real classic meeting in Swedish Speedway. July 1st 2003 (8 years ago) 8353 people watched Smederna defeat Masarna with 51-46. Leigh Adams was the best scorer with incredible 19+2 and Tony Rickardsson was second best with 16p Best Smederna rider were David Howe with 11+2 from position 7, Billy Hamill managed 10p and Nicki (who made his second season out of 4 with Smederna scored 9p. 4 riders from that meeting will ride in this meeting. At the time, all 4 rode for Masarna. This time 3 of them still does. Only Zorro does not longer ride for Masarna. http://www.speedway....ort.asp?elit.FD The lineups then, were: Smederna Billy Hamill (2,3,F,2,3) 10 Robert Sawina (1+1,2+1,2+1,1+1,0) 6+4 Scott Nicholls (1,1,2,2+1,1) 8+1 Jesper B Jensen (3,S,0,0,3) Nicki Pedersen (2,3,2,1+1,1),9+1 Daniel Davidsson 1,1+1,2 4+1 David Howe 3,3,2+,2,1+1 11+2 Jesper Brolin - Masarna Tony Rickardsson (3,3,1,S,3,3,3) 16 Niklas Klingberg R/R Antonio Lindbäck (0,0,0,1) 1 Magnus Zetterström (2,1,1,1,1) 6 Leigh Adams (3,2+1,3,3,3,3,2+1 ) 19+2 Patrik Dybeck (0,0,1) 1 Niklas Aspgren (2,0,0) 2 Sebastian Aldén Thonight we will see these lineups: Ikaros Smederna Kenni Larsen Henrik Karlsson Magnus Zetterström Thomas H Jonasson Daniel Henderson Linus Eklöf Daniel Gunnestad Daniel Henderson Rasmus Broberg, Masarna Eric Andersson Pontus Aspgren Antonio Lindbäck Jacob Thorssell Sebastian Aldén Anton Rosén Andreas Westlund Both teams are putting up the best team they can and i think that Smedernas team is looking slightly stronger. However this is the same Masarna lineup who managed a draw (would've been a victory hadn't Antonio celebrated the victory a bit too early ) SO i reckon that this will be a very close and hopefully a good meeting (if the just can get some more dirt and grip on the track compared to the meeting vs. Gnistorna and the U19 meeting. The track was too slick for my taste on those occasions. Both Antonio and THJ rides in the GP on Saturday (and possible Zorro if Freddie Lindgren can't ride). As usual i think that for Smederna, Karlsson, Henderson and Gunnestad needs to score maybe 3-4 points each if Smederna is to be the victorious team. For Masarna, Antonio, Eric and Sebastian are the aces but the others are pretty good too. but i think in the end that Smederna will win with 47-43. Rospiggarna vs. Örnarna The second "promotion series meeting" temptaion is Rospiggarna vs. Örnarna. The 1st and 2nd placed team. However i think that Rospiggarna is to strong at home for Örnarna even if they obviously are a very good team with PK and JD. lineups: Rospiggarna Kim Nilsson Jari Mäkinen Simon Gustafsson Ludvig Lindgren Andreas Jonsson Linus Lydin Andreas Messing Örnarna Peter Karlsson Christian Agö Daniel Jeleniewski Robin Aspegren Jonas Davidsson Pontus Nilsson Anders Mellgren ...
  16. the latest weather forecasts says nice weather on Friday but rain or showers during Saturday.
  17. one meeting tonight. Avantia vs. Masarna @ Ica Maxi arena in Norrköping. Stream should be available from 19.00 Swedish time.
  18. Lejonen will use R/R for Chris Holder. There is also Claims that Dackarna will use R/R for Pavlic.
  19. i think many people decided to attend the festival festivities down town rather going to the speedway. Normally Smederna attracts 1000+ on their Allsvenskan (PL) meetings.
  20. sorry Anders, i had planned to do it but kinda got "stuck" with Winamp and i completely forgot about the lineups and wrote some other stuff instead. Just let me know if you don't have time and i'll try to get it done. Anyway i'll be cheering for Vargarna, THJ, Valsarna, Indianerna and Västervik. Live score links: Lejonen- Västervik http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/Speedway/CompetitionHeatSchema.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Serie=Elitserien&Resultfilter=APPROVED&Columns=FromDateShort,Name,HeatSchema,HeatResult&pagesize=20&CompetitionId=233 Valsarna - Dackarna http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/Speedway/CompetitionHeatSchema.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Serie=Elitserien&Resultfilter=APPROVED&Columns=FromDateShort,Name,HeatSchema,HeatResult&pagesize=20&CompetitionId=234 Hammarby-Indianerna http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/Speedway/CompetitionHeatSchema.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Serie=Elitserien&Resultfilter=APPROVED&Columns=FromDateShort,Name,HeatSchema,HeatResult&pagesize=20&CompetitionId=235 Elit Vetlanda - Vargarna http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/Speedway/CompetitionHeatSchema.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Serie=Elitserien&Resultfilter=APPROVED&Columns=FromDateShort,Name,HeatSchema,HeatResult&pagesize=20&CompetitionId=236 meetings should also be covered by www.speedwaylive.se which is Aktuell speedway's live score website.
  21. imo the biggest problem for British speedway is that you don't seem to have the possibility to arrange kids/youth speedway, My team Smederna (and most other Swedish teams) arrange various forms if youth speedway. In Smedernas case they arrange a Speedway school for kids/youth between 5 and 15, This means that a 19 y.o. Swedish rider can have been riding speedway for almost one and half decade or at least 8-10 years, I think this is why Sweden/Denmark/Poland/Australia keeps producing talents. While Britain that doesn't have this possibility it is starting to get more and more clear that there aren't really that many talents coming trough. One of the coolest things I've ever seen on a speedway track is when Jimmy Janssons eldest child on a small micro speedway bike exited the pit entrance on the back strait and drove up the starting line, stopped and then started to kick with the foot, just like the big boys do. :D Imo this is how you get the kids into speedway, you get them hooked while they are young.
  22. no regular buses or trains that goes all the way to Vimmberby, however there is one that goes from Hultsfred to the track; i have found a bus company that have a bus from Motala via Vimmerby, Although you probably have to book in advance, you could always contact them to see if there is room for you. Its about 220kr for the trip only, then there is another one busscompany that offers travels from Gamleby via Västervik and Vimmerby, However for them the tickets is already included, there is a taxi company in Hultsfred called Hultsfred Taxi AB Contactinformation, Hultsfred Taxi AB phonenumber: 0495-10222 and then one in Vimmerby; Vimmerby Taxi BC AB Västra Tullportsgatan 3 59837 Vimmerby Telefon: 0492-12020 Fax: 0492-12970 So a possible solution would be bus (bus option 1) from the track to Hultsfred and then a Taxi from Hultsfred to Vimmerby.
  23. the current 6weather forecasts for Målilla is quite sunny weather on Thursday and Friday, with partially cloudy on Saturday am and then most likely cloudy/overcast on Saturday afternoon and evening, weather forecast links; SMHI YR SVT (Swedish Equivalent to BBC) Grand Prix Itinerary: Friday August 12th 15.00-02.00 festivity area open hours. 15.00 Practice, free entrance for spectators. 15.00 - 17.00 Tickets sale at main entrance ca 22.00 Live performance by Tre Drag Saturday August 13 10.00-19.30 Race Office open hours. 14.00-02.00 festivity area open hours. 14.00 Tickets sale at main entrance 17.00 main entrance opens. 17.00 Autographing at the festivity area. 19.00 First start 2011 FIM Scandinavian Speedway Grand Prix ca 23.30 Lifvens live on stage.
  24. technically, Finland does not belong to Scandinavia, only Sweden and Norway does. I also think that its hard ,for those who pick the local wcs and reserves, to pick a rider drom Nor or Fin when Swe and Den have so many good riders. Joonas have been riding well this season but so has THJ. I wouldn't be surprised if he reached the semis . Norway only have Gunnestad and i dont think he'd be a suitable track reserve.
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