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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Målilla MK have decided to go ahead with next weeks Swedish Championship. http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=86&artikel=4899678 http://www.smhi.se/vadret/vadret-i-sverige/land/hourByHourTable.do?geonameid=2693049&starttime=2012-01-10%2023:00:00&endtime=2012-01-19%2022:59:00 SMHI forecasts says warms weather is to be expected though but that will likely change several times before next weekend.
  2. a short ice racing story: http://svtplay.se/v/2670008/isracing_pa_sm-schemat
  3. Indianerna have decided to go with team-kevlars this season. http://www.indianern...black-white.jpg
  4. Örnsköldsvik have cancelled this weekends elitserien and Swedish Championship qualification due to the warm weather. Östersund have been asked if they can host Sunday's Swedish Championship qualification a decision about that will be taken today. http://www.racemcsport.com/ornskoldsvik-staller-in-helgens-isracing
  5. And the event in Örnsköldsvik during the upcoming weekend is also i danger due to warm weather. The article says that its pretty much a crisis since entire Europe, more or less, lacks ice. "The idea was that Örnsköldsvik is supposed to have their first meeting the upcoming weekend. But nut even Ö-vik is safe from the warm winds, -It rained there yesterday says P-A Lindtrö, so i don't know. http://zport.se/2.43...nska-krisartat- Howver, weather forecasts for Ö-vik says colder weather from Thursday and a couple of days onward.
  6. Allsvenskan dates are now released: http://www.svemo.se/ImageVault/Images/id_5879/scope_0/ImageVaultHandler.aspx i'll post the dates in the Allsvenskan post on the first page.
  7. Swedish WC qualification nominations: St Johan; Per-Arne Lindström, Fredric Olsson. Sanok; Fredrik Johansson and Robert Henderson Lukhovitsy; Stefan Svensson and Per-Olof Serenius http://www.svemo.se/...VMKvalIsracing/
  8. I agree with HenryW aswell, but i also think Sidney has a point in that too many riders are guaranteed a place in the SGP. Basically top 8+ Harris and Lindgren seems to be a guaranteed a place. Imo i would reduce the permanent wildcards to one and also reduce the number of guaranteed places from 8 to 5 or 6. Then i would have the rest qualify.
  9. very warm here too. Looking at the forecasts, it seems that the warm weather will continue, so at the moment i doubt that there will be any iceracing at Gubbängen at January 10th.
  10. I dont think Greg will win it again in 2012 simply since since 1995 only two riders have managed to win two consecutive titles. T-Rick (1998-1999+2001+2002) and Nicki (2007+2008) but like most others i think we'll see the same top 8 next year as this year but not necessarily in the same order.
  11. Its not looking good weather wise in Sweden for Ice Racing. Very mild/warm weather is expected and forecasts says that it might get as warm as +8-10 Celsius at the beginning of next week.
  12. The individual Swedish Championship will be held in Vetlanda. U21 and USM (80cc) will be held on August 11th while the main final will be held on June 6th. http://www.svemo.se/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/SM-finalernaiSpeedway2012avgorsiVetlanda/ It also seems like tickets for league might be available for online order via Ticnet.se http://www.svemo.se/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/Hjalpmedbiljettforsaljningen/
  13. Vargarna's iceracing event is also postponed due to the weather. http://laget.se/vargarnaspeedway/3884-nyhetsarkiv-item-140553.html
  14. Most likely due to that his average would be too high in relation to the expected points from him. He would come in on a 1,84 average which is the same as 7,4p from 4 heats. Personally i don't think he would be able to maintain the required level to match his average and i would guess that the teams in Elitserien are of a similar opinion. Especially now when teams only can have 7 riders and the need for two Swedish riders/Lineup.
  15. I haven't seen an official statement from Svemo yet but since Valsarna published them on their website they should be legitimate. I've added them to the first page. Playoff dates will be about decided later when the British leagues have decide their fixtures.
  16. We are about 9.4 million People in Sweden and 5,5 million people in Denmark. In the UK there are about 62,2 million people so Swedish and Danish Gps have a higher attendance in relation to population then GB/Cardiff. So basically there is just as many people in the London metropolitan area as in Sweden and Denmark combined. Also Swedish Elitserien have an average attendance of 2900 people per meeting. http://www.aktuellsp...php?id=1&s=2011 Surely its easier to fill up a large stadium if you have a larger population.
  17. Smederna's Linus Eklöf will continue as a guestrider for Dackarna. http://ekuriren.se/sport/speedway/1.1282045-linus-hoppas-pa-guld-med-dackarna
  18. Hammarby have signed Piotr Swiderski despite that Hammarby's squad is already full. So they have to remove someone if they want to add Swiderski to the squad. http://bajenspeedway.se/Joomla_1.5.15-Stable-Full_Package/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=469:piotr-swiderski-atervaender-till-hammarby-speedway&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=18
  19. Well i would guess that the first Allsvenskan meeting isn't until April 26th so it will only be one April Thursday.
  20. Daniel Gunnestad and Rasmus Eklöf takes the two final slots in Smedernas squad.
  21. When Hammarby dropped Karpow to Örnarna on a loan they freed up a slot in the team which have been filled with Magnus "Zorro" Zetterström. Teams are to be registered at Svemo today (December 1st) at the latest. Guestrider contracts is to be registered at Svemo at the latest of December 15th. There will be a transfer windows just before the season start where teams can make changes to their team, however they will not be allowed to change guestriders.
  22. 1. There are teams that have slots to fill but of these, Vargarna have room under the average cap, but i not so sure that Vargarna will pick him up. I don't think they have enough capacity budget wise. 2. Well i would guess that teams considers his average a bit too high as well as i suspect that Ryan might ask for a bit too much pay wise. Ad to that one team less next year which means there are larger amount of available riders. Another factor is that Ryan perhaps is not interested? read some claims that he will focus on Poland and Russia.
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